Monday, March 30, 2009

Let’s start with some disclosure on my part, I am a strong supporter of the second amendment. I believe that every law abiding citizen should own at least one firearm. The second amendment was written to protect we the people from government run wild, such as when Hitler started his genocidal war against the jews. If the german people hadn’t been disarmed prior to his reign of terror things might have gone differently for the Nazi party. Another reason I support gun ownership is the rise in crime across the country. Why wouldn’t you want to be able to defend yourself and your family? The police will never be able to get to you in time unless you live at a police station, it takes minutes to murder or rape a human being police response is usually long enough that by the time they arrive all they can do is start an investigation. The news is constantly filled with acts of senseless violence that could have been stopped by one armed citizen. Events like Columbine, Virginia Tech, Luby’s cafeteria, and countless postal shootings all could have been stopped if just one person had been armed. Think of the number of lives that could have been saved. What you won’t see on the news are stories of how an armed citizen stopped a crime more often than not without firing a shot. Since the news agencies are so blatantly biased towards the left and their appalling anti gun, anti freedom agenda they only report instances in which a gun was used to commit a crime. Its all well and good for the president and congress to say guns are not necessary for self defense when they are surrounded by armed bodyguards at all times, how many of you normal folk can afford a bulletproof suv to drive around in? How many of you can hire armed security to shadow you wherever you go? If the president is so comfortable let him drive a rental car around Washington D.C. or south central LA or Detroit with his family and see how safe he really feels. The claim made by the Mexican president recently that the drug cartels in Mexico are getting their guns from US gun stores is laughable in its inaccuracy. I need to find the gun store that is selling fully automatic weapons and hand grenades no questions asked. For those whose favorite argument is “you don’t need an AK-47 to hunt with” you’re right you don’t, but the weapon you all refer to has never been legal for general ownership in this country. Certain individuals can purchase fully automatic weapons legally, the general populace cannot. Fully automatic weapons have been illegal in this country for many years the ones you see used on the news are either illegally purchased or illegally altered to be full auto. Here is another thing to think about most of the crimes committed with firearms are committed by people with a prior felony conviction. Now the law states that felons cannot posses firearms, we the non-felons have to pass a background check to purchase weapons. The criminals have no problems with that as they don’t ever bother with little things like the law anyway. So how is taking guns away from the law abiding citizen going to stop crime? The only thing this will accomplish is to give the criminals easier targets to hit. Where I grew up there was almost no violent crime, why you might ask, because every house had one or more guns. The criminals knew that breaking into a house could get them killed and lots of people in that area had concealed carry permits meaning anyone in the convenience store or the bank could be armed. The simple fact is “Society is safer when the criminals don’t know who’s armed.” It’s a simple fact if you know there is a high probability of being killed or seriously wounded you avoid that location. Look up crime statistics for Washington DC and Chicago Il. They are pretty horrific, now look up the gun laws in those two cities they have the most restrictive laws in the country. In the case of Chicago our new president had a hand in that problem now he and his liberal brethren want to spread the wealth to the rest of the nation. Do we really want the crime rates in our cities to skyrocket to those levels? It’s insane to believe that more gun laws will make our streets safer or stop drug cartels from obtaining guns. If you truly want to know where the cartels are getting there weapons as the Mexican government to do an audit on their weapons stores. Living in liberal hell as I do has really opened my eyes to the stupidity of the populace, all those people who voted for change got one but I cant see it as change for the better. So far the only change I can see is a huge increase in the national debt to bail out the banks that killed our economy in the first place. Now the liberal braintrust that is driving this train wreck wants to put the screws to one of the few industries that is making money. If they truly wanted to do some good they would stop spending money on other countries problems. Why are we still in Iraq, bring the boys home and put them on the Mexican border to stop the weapons and drug smugglers. Pull out of Germany that country has learned its lesson we kicked the crap out of them twice, pull out of korea let them fight it out, this would save us boat loads of cash. Other ideas to help the economy without raising taxes, it would call for some new taxes to be created but here me out, legalize drugs and regulate and tax the crap out of them, then legalize prostitution and regulate and tax it to. Think about it doing these two things would lower crime rates and the cases of stds seen in this country. All I am trying to say is there are far bigger problems to deal with in this country than taking guns from law abiding citizens, in fact taking the guns out of civilian hands will do nothing but add to the problems we already have. But what the hell do I know I am just an angry hillbilly.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hunting Forum

Thanks to my brother i am now hooked on a hunting forum. If you are interested at all in hunting or just exploring the great outdoors and want to talk to friendly and interesting people check out, ever since i found the invite in my email i haven't been able to pry myself from the site. Also discovered a great podcast called the up north journal, it is produced by a father son team that also post on the talk hunting forums. check them out you will not regret it.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

New fire for old hobby

This year will mark my return to hunting. I havent gone out in search of furry wodland creatures for many years, i am excited and a bit nervous. My last foray into the wild was with my broher Jeff many years ago i went out tto play packmule for him during black powder season in Washington. Even though we didnt bag any game I had a great time with my brother. With any luck next season he and i can go out again.