Monday, April 4, 2011
Islam the Religion of Piece. a piece of you here a piece of you there
Violent protests have been going on throughout Afghanistan this week, the protestors are lashing out against America. What sparked these protests you ask, well let me tell you. A preacher in Florida. That's right one man started several riots on the other side of the world. The liberal media has labeled this man as a bigot, hatemonger, radical extremist, and a host of other ugly terms. What kind of horrid act of hate and bigotry did this man commit you ask? He exercised his right to freedom of expression as guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. This preacher burned a Koran, the holy book of the religion of peace Islam. And in retaliation for this heinous crime protestors all over the Middle East have begun violent riots. It has grown so far out of proportion that El Jefe has started to apologize to the Islamic people for letting this man exercise his basic god given rights that are granted to him through our US Constitution. Now why in the fuck is the president bowing down to these shitheads. This man was just protesting the treatment of Christians and The Bible in a more peaceful manner than the nations of Islam have done. Their form of protest usually involves killing Christians and burning Bibles but that’s ok because they are the religion of peace. Yet if you make a disparaging remark about Mohamed or Allah it could cost you your life. Is your religion that weak, your faith so fragile that the only way to deal with non believers is to maim or kill them and torch the houses of worship and burn their holy symbols? I pity you for that. Rioters in Afghanistan were filmed burning a cross and an effigy of President Obama and he still apologized and called the preacher’s actions abhorrent. What about the actions of the Islamic people that have tortured, maimed, killed, and beheaded U.S. citizens, U.S. Military forces, and even their own people, why are we not looking to them for apologies? I can answer that question as well. Our glorious leader is a spineless pussy, he refuses to stand up and defend this nation and its constitution. I have to wonder why he refuses to defend his own country. Could it be that the birthers our correct that he isn’t a true citizen of the U.S. If he spent half as much time defending this nation as he does kissing the ass of the Islamic world we wouldn’t have any need to send troops to Afghanistan or Libya, the problem would already be dealt with. In Afghanistan seven UN employees were murdered in retaliation for the burning of the Koran. And here I thought that Islam was the religion of peace. I don’t recall any Christian groups starting riots when Islamic terrorists have bombed churches or commenced the wholesale slaughter of Christians in the Middle East. Maybe we should stop pandering to these criminal fucks and treat them like the terrorist cult that they are and begin wiping them out before the hatred they breed spreads to our own country. I realize that won’t happen as long as super pussy is running the show but every man can dream right? I have a dream that one day I will not have to fear being murdered due to my beliefs. I have a dream, that one day this country will elect a leader strong enough to defend her from all enemies foreign and domestic. I have a dream that one day the hatred of the Islamic nation will be a memory. But what the Hell do I Know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.
Liberal Sheep Thrive on Double Standards.
After two years of living with the Obama administration, you think the liberal kool aid drinkers would have lightened up a little bit and realized what an enormous mistake electing this president truly was. If you think that you would be wrong. They will defend him just as fervently now as they did when he was running for office promising unicorns and rainbows the people with more than two functioning brain cells knew he couldn't deliver. I often post joke pictures up on the internet to amuse myself these pictures all have one thing in common they make ME laugh. Now if I read the bill of rights correctly I have the right to do this under the First Amendment, just like all you liberal kool aid drinking retards have the right to spew your hate speech against honest law abiding hard working gun owners. It was just recently that I posted a picture that was a little disparaging of his Holiness the Illustrious Potentate El Jefe, one of the liberal Obama lovers saw it and started trolling with snarky comments as is his right but when confronted with logic and reason he like all liberals first tried hiding behind the liberal media that does everything in there power to paint the failed presidency of El Jefe in a positive light then when that didn't work he just ran away. Now it is his right to express his opinion whenever he wants I have no issue with that, my issue is with the way these liberals go about it. This was a personal page that I am allowed to post things to they are only viewable by people I have allowed to see them so throwing your snarky comments on there are not going to get your message out, in face all you are really doing is pissing me off by launching your attacks on me in my personal space. Here is the real problem I have with the liberal obama crowd, had I posted a picture that demonized Bush they would have found it highly amusing and would have posted positive, and encouraging feedback. How in the fuck is this ok? So what your telling me and teaching the younger generation by example is speech is free as long as I agree with it? That mindset has been tried before Adolph Hitler loved that kind of thinking and look how that worked out for the Jews. If this is the kind of intolerant bigoted attitude you wish to instill in your children then by all means do so I however will teach my children to respect others opinions whether or not they agree with them. There are people out there that believe that all drugs should be legal and taxed, I don't agree with that but I believe they are entitled to their opinion. There are people that believe that all the worlds current problems can be blamed on George W. Bush again I disagree but they are entitled to their opinion. Why is it they are entitled to their opinion but if I don't believe the way they do I am a bigot, hatemonger, moron, racist, backwoods retard, but if they don't agree with my onion it is because they are obviously more enlightened that I am? I'll tell you why. Most of these uppity liberals are lazy elitist assholes that want nothing more then to have the hard working people like me pay more in taxes to sustain their useless lazy bullshit way of existence. Some of the most hardcore Obama fans I have ever met are lazy unemployed welfare cases that haven't worked a day in the last several years. These people were overjoyed when the great savior was anointed King as that meant those of us that actually had jobs and worked for a living would get to spend more of our hard earned money supporting them in the future. There was much rejoicing in the streets when El Jefe announced the government takeover of the health care system, a system that the government under Hillary Clinton destroyed. Now all people will be forced to have health insurance or face a fine. Now let me get this straight, I either give you money or I get some form of punishment? We have a word for that let me think.................Oh yeah EXTORTION. Our government has now become the Mafia. Many government officials have been believed to be on the payroll of the mob, now the government is the mob. So why is it when John Gotti tried this he got jail time but when His Eminence does it much rejoicing is heard? I get so tired of defending my opinion from people that are supposedly so learned and open minded. How about we try this if you don't like what I have to say or the way I say it stop listening just shut the FUCK up and WALK AWAY for fucks sake I have every right to express my opinion and if you don't like it well that is just to damn bad, you need to learn to suck it up princess because life isn't fair and not everyone in this world is going to coddle you and take care of you. But what the Hell do I know I am just and Angry Hillbilly.
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