As if you needed more proof that the members of PETA (pinheads for the ethical treatment of animals) are completely off their collective nut their latest complaint should suffice. They are upset with El. Jefe for SWATTING A FLY. Now this wasn’t some rare endangered species of fly just your ordinary run of the mill housefly that had been buzzing around him during an interview when the thing landed he smacked it and that was the end of one more filthy disease bearing insect. I applaud the president for taking such drastic action against what I am sure was a deserving foe, now why can’t he do something about the North Koreans? As for the members of PETA their response was to send the president a humane bug trap which will allow him to release the captured villains into the wild much as he is trying to do with the Gitmo detainees. The big question I have for the bunny huggers is this where does it stop? What next stop spraying to keep the rampant mosquito populations in check? Let the rats run free again to spread typhoid and bubonic plague. The world will never be rid of flies, rats, mosquitoes, or other vermin because they breed too quickly. The loss of one fly means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of the world. And in the spirit of full disclosure while I sit here writing this post I to killed an insect a gnat I believe care to admonish me pinheads? Pf course I don’t expect a response from them anytime soon as I am a nobody, it’s hard to get your message of eco terrorism out there when you attack unknown targets. Groups like PETA, Earth First, and the Sierra Club put on a shiny happy front when behind the scenes they are nothing more than terrorist organizations, these groups and others like them are responsible for the bombings of medical labs and spiking trees to cause destruction of saws and loss of life to the honest hard working Americans that cut them for a paycheck. I believe the oath the president takes when he is sworn in says something about defending the country from all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. How about we work on this Mr. President so far you haven’t done a damn thing about either one. What you have done is sunk our tax dollars into propping up giant corporations that drove themselves into the ground while handing out multi-million dollar bonus packages to the retards that run them. The economy is in the crapper I understand that but where is the economy going to go when we have Korean nukes falling from the sky and eco terrorists bombing labs at the same time. It wouldn’t be to far fetched an idea that maybe the eco terrorists would want to help guide the nukes for the North Koreans say to an animal testing lab in LA, or D.C. now there is a scary thought. To the members of PETA is say sit down and shut the fuck up let us live our lives the way we choose if you want to live a vegan lifestyle by all means go ahead but I am a carnivore leave me the hell alone. To the earth first morons before you spike the next tree think about the lives your actions will affect, when a saw running at high RPM hits the metal I explodes into a cloud of shrapnel that maims or kills anyone nearby what happens when some worker just trying to earn a living is killed. Do you think his family or his friends and co-workers are going to ever give a damn about your agenda? You are sending a message not the one you intended but a message none the less. That message is I don’t give a crap about human life as long as I get the result I want. I have an idea these groups want us to quit testing new drugs on animals fine let them volunteer to take the animals place and lets start replacing the Plexiglas shields in saw mills with these rejects of humanity and see how long the violence lasts. That is the solution to the Eco-terrorist problem as I see it. But what the Hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly.