If you live in Oregon and have an Oregon CHL the lunatics that populate the state senate have decided that your right to privacy is irrelevant. Portland Democrat Ginny Burdick says “It is a bad idea to keep secret who has loaded guns in our communities, schools and public buildings,” WTF? How in the name of Zeuses but whole does this make any fracking sense. The entire fucking point of having a CONCEALED handgun is to keep the criminal dirtbags from knowing you are armed. All these morons have accomplished is to tell everyone that you or I could possibly have weapons at home or on our person thereby making each and everyone of us potential targets. Lets say for the sake of argument that my name is published on a list of CHL holders and some random crank addict breaks into my home when I am gone looking for a gun because he or she saw my name on the CHL list, can I then sue the media outlet for printing my name and making my family a target? Or better yet lets take Ms. Burdick to court for reckless endangerment. On the other side of the argument this could also be a way to deter criminals from invading our homes would you break into someone’s house knowing there is a higher probability of them being armed? Lets make this as fair as possible list the names of everyone out there that has been convicted of DUI and is still a registered owner of a car they to are in possession of a deadly weapon. Of course if we tried that the ACLU would be up in arms about right to privacy saying that we cant expose them for making a mistake. Yet I have committed no crime and my right to privacy has now been stripped away for the “greater good” BULLSHIT. Just once I would like to see the liberal fucktards at the aclu stand up for my rights instead of the rights of pedophiles, murderers, rapists, and other criminal scum. Where is the reverend Jessie Jackson now? Well it seems that I am just a little to pale for him to give a shit about my rights. The time is long past for we the gun owners to stand up and be heard when the next elections come around we need to be vocal about getting the current crop of senators tossed out on their collective asses and elect a new group that will stand up for the rights of all not just the rights they want. If and when the liberals achieve their goal of total disarmament of the American people which right do you think they will attack next? You can kiss the right to free speech goodbye along with freedom of religion and freedom from persecution and your right to a fair trial. Should Billary get back into office in the next 10 years and total gun bans go into effect how long until she declares herself Empress for Life. Really who would be left to stop her? The time to act is now we need to change the government before the government changes us. But what the HELL do I know I am just an Angry Hilbilly.
I have been saying it for years. It is time for a new party. one that is based on common sense and what is best for our country.