Friday, July 17, 2009

Burn in Hell to the King of Pedo i mean POP

This morning I was perusing the news rack of my local grocery store for any new info coming out of the firearms community, when I looked down to where the music rags are kept I noticed a very disturbing trend. Every cover had Michael Jackson on it every single fucking one. How is the loss of 1 very disturbed pedophile a tragedy? This lunatic hasn’t been relevant in pop culture in the last twenty years and now that he is dead all the people that used to make jokes about him are nominating him for sainthood WHAT THE FUCK. Back in the day when MJ released thriller he was a very talented guy but soon after the insanity began, has everyone just forgotten about the multiple child molestation charges? Instead of worshiping this fuck up as a lost icon he should have been vilified as the pedophile he was. Let us ponder a question for a moment, if you saw a report on the news about a middle age middle class whit guy building a children’s paradise in his back yard your first thought would be pedophile correct? Then why is it when some rich motherfucker does it he is just eccentric? The problem with society is we idolize the wrong people, what the fuck have Brad Pitt, George Clooney, or Paris Hilton done to better this world? The answer is not a damn thing and yet they will get far more press than the firefighter that saves a little girl from a burning building. We need to stop worshiping these celebrities and start saying thank you to the fire, police, and military for protecting us. Now don’t get me wrong I loved the oceans movies and think that both George and Brad are fine actors but that’s all they do BFD. People have said that the death of Elvis was a tragedy, how? The man was on more drugs than most senior citizens how is it such a shock that he died of an overdose? The same goes for Heath Ledger, Chris Farley, and John Lennon, the real tragedy in Lennons death is the fact that the guy who shot him left Yoko Ono standing thanks pal. It is time for America to wake up and stop giving these people a free pass to walk over any law they want simply because they are rich and famous. But what the Hell do I know I am just and Angry Hillbilly.

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