With the rash of shootings that have occurred in Washington state recently including the murder of several police officers you knew the liberal government there wouldn't take long to push their agenda. In what can only be described as knee jerk liberalism three Washington legislators are proposing a bill to ban the sale of military STYLE assault weapons, not only would this bill ban the sale of these weapons but would force current owners to undergo background checks, which creates a type of gun registration. It is obvious to me that these lawmakers have only a vague knowledge of the current laws in this country as the last I checked it was already a crime for felons to posses firearms so anyone who volunteers for the background check is not going to be a felon. Why is it so hard to understand that criminals are going to ignore any gun law you pass and the only people being punished by this law are the law abiding citizens of the state. it comes as no surprise that the people proposing this bill are all members of the commucrat party, and given that the governor of Washington is her anointed highness Christine Gregoire is a dyed in the wool commucrat herself, I can see her soaking her panties to sign this into law. For a long time I have known that the government of Washington has wanted to outlaw guns completely the only thing stopping them was this small thing known as the second amendment, which most liberals would love to repeal so that they can push their agenda of an unarmed society on everyone. Even the name of this bill is complete BULLSHIT, the title of the bill is the Aaron Sullivan Public Safety and Police Protection Bill. Now I ask you how in the world is banning military STYLE assault weapons going to make anyone safer from crime? Criminals don't care about buying legal guns simply because they can't get them by legal means. With the inception of the instant background check system all it takes is one phone call to find out if someone can legally purchase a firearm or not. The perpetrators of all of these crimes have been felons usually with multiple convictions in the case of the four Lakewood police officers that were gunned down the shitbag that pulled the trigger was a three striker out on bail after being charged with rape. Here is a truly sad bit of info on that piece of crap, he was serving a life sentence in Arkansas until then Governor Mike Huckabee that commuted his sentence and let this waste of skin out of prison. Instead of banning guns why don't we create tougher punishments for the criminals who use guns in their crimes? And by the way who in the fuck thought it was a good idea to grant a man charged with his third felony in a three strike state bail on a rape charge? This guy had absolutely nothing to lose had he lived to see trial if convicted he goes to prison for life again. I say we bring the judge up on charges of reckless endangerment, it was his decision to grant this guy bail and give him a chance to go out and murder four cops.
The law being proposed seeks to ban the sale of guns based on cosmetics and magazine capacity. Does this sound familiar to anyone? If you remember the Clinton administration enacted a ban exactly like this one in 1994 it did exactly nothing to diminish crime and the only people that were helped by this law were the people selling pre ban weapons as the prices skyrocketed, the only thing that has been proven to deter crime is more guns. If you look at the crime rates for cities with loose gun restrictions the violent crime rates for Washington D.C. which has a complete handgun ban in effect and then compare that with San Antonio Texas which allows its citizens to own firearms. the numbers don't lie people more guns means less crime. Criminals are inherently cowardly they would rather victimize someone who is unable to defend themseelves than take the chance of getting shot. The area I grew up in had virtually no violent crime home invasions were non existent, and the rate of armed robberies were calculated by the decade not the year. Why is that you ask. because everyone owned guns and knew how to use them, the chance of getting shot for breaking into someone's house were very high.
One of the authors of this bill Representative Ross Hunter, D-Medina was quoted in the Seattle times saying "We don't allow people to own tanks or bazookas or machine guns, and very few people think that that's an unreasonable restriction." WTF how in the hell can you compare the ownership of a semi automatic rifle with a bazooka? That's a real stretch there boss, more evidence that most liberal democrats are mentally challenged. The quote from Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welles, D-Seattle is as atrocious in its stupidity, "did the framers of our Constitution ever envision something like a semi-automatic weapon?" using that reasoning I can come up with a pretty convincing argument to abolish the First amendment when dealing with radio, television, and the internet. The fact that the three morons proposing this law are all from pugetopolis doesn't surprise me at all they believe that the state revolves around Seattle and anyone who lives outside of that area are backwoods inbreds with the IQ of a cracker. What they don't seem to understand is Seattle is not the center of the know universe and most people don't give a shit about that fucking city. If the people of Seattle don't want to protect themselves that's fine with me just stop pushing your bullshit liberal agenda on the rest of the state.
These arrogant fucks think that by passing more laws that punish the law abiding gun owners they will somehow miraculously prevent crime, ok and when that doesn't work ask Santa Clause you stupid fucks. All you are doing is creating an environment for the criminals to thrive. Most gun crimes are committed by criminals with stolen handguns, criminals in illegal possession of illegally obtained handguns are committing crimes. surely you must be kidding. The guy that killed the Lakewood cops used a stolen people are so out of touch with reality to think this bill will do one damn bit of good do us all a favor and kill yourselves and your children before they can further dilute the gene pool. I realize that the commucrats want to lead us into their utopian dream world but unfortunately I haven't been duped into drinking the magic Kool Aid yet and can still see clearly that this world will never be free of crime. If you truly want to lower the crime rate make it easier for people to obtain firearms not harder, its simple really criminals like every other predator attack the weakest members of the species not the ones most able to defend themselves for fucks sake watch the damned discovery channel once in a while. Its easy for these morons to sit on their high horse and dictate to the rest of us that we shouldn't own guns when they themselves are surrounded by armed bodyguards at all times. Fine you want to ban my guns than first you fire your bodyguards, disband the presidential SS details and take away the armored cars make the government officials drive themselves around in a normal non bulletproof car for a while. Lets see how these people feel about gun ownership after they have gone through a carjacking or armed robbery. Things would be a lot different if they had to defend themselves like us lowly common folk, instead of depending on the armed guards all the time. Leave the gun owners alone for fucks sake, how about you try punishing the criminals for a change. But what the HELL do I know I am just the Angry Hillbilly.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
When the revolution comes will you be a sheep or a patriot?
We have now survived our first year with Barack "the great savior" Obama as the communist in chief of our once great nation and in that year he has accomplished several things that were once thought impossible. Lets start with his greatest accomplishment so far the sky high debt that we now have thanks to his bail outs to the corporations and banks that drove our economy into the toilet in the first place. This is a great time to be the ceo of a large corporation, you can drive your company into the ground screw your shareholders out of millions, ship American jobs overseas and when you are about to go completely financially bankrupt you can ask the government for money and get enough to pay yourself a nice fat bonus at taxpayer expense. The reason I say financially bankrupt is because these bastards have been morally bankrupt for years. The government has bought up the banks, two thirds of the American auto industry and now are on the verge of taking over the health insurance industry. Now I have been paying taxes for years and I watch as the money I hand over to the IRS is squandered with nothing to show for it. does anyone really expect the governments health care plan to be anything but an unmitigated disaster? We already have government healthcare remember Medicare, and medicade? How are those programs doing?
To his credit El Jefe did receive a Nobel peace prize this year, for his ideals of diplomacy before warfare. Yet I haven't seen him do a damn thing to promote peace other than go around the world kissing the ass of every head of state he can, apologizing for the United States doing what needed to be done, which is to fight for and protect the rights of every citizen in the US, Afghanistan, and Iraq. During the run up to his anointing as the new messiah he promised to bring our brave fighting men, and women home from the Middle East the only thing he has done since being given the honor of a peace prize is send more troops to Afghanistan. How does this promote peace exactly? Wait I get it peace through superior firepower I can understand that yet as we send more troops to defend the rights of the citizens of those countries the rights of the Citizens of the US are being stomped on more and more. As the Commucrat party gains more and more power in the government you will start to see your rights slowly eroded till they can achieve their ultimate goal complete totalitarian control of the nation. No more elections, no more freedom of speech, religion, press, your right to due process will be a fond memory. And the sheeple will stand buy and let it happen because they wanted change and drank deeply of the brain washing kool aid that Barrack and the commucrats were serving. It truly saddens me that those who will have to stand up for the rights of all will be labeled terrorists, outlaws, and traitors, when they should be called patriots. The optimist in me sees this nightmare ending peacefully when the next presidential election comes around, however the pessimist in me sees a far darker future where the people that own weapons must take them up to defend the constitution from our own government.
What will you do when the revolution comes? Will you sit idly by and watch your rights and freedoms taken away? Will you quietly accept the total control of your life by members of a government that you did not fairly elect? Or will you stand up and fight for truth, justice, and freedom. This country wouldn't even exist if brave men hadn't rebelled against an unjust tyrannical ruler. Will you let their sacrifice be in vain? To all the members of our armed forces thank you for what you do everyday, your service protects my freedom to express my views. For all those who have fallen in service to this great nation Thank You for your sacrifice. And to everyone who would sit by and watch our freedoms taken away FUCK YOU get off your ass and stand up for your rights, defend the freedoms we all enjoy, But what the HELL do I know I am just an Angry Hillbilly.
To his credit El Jefe did receive a Nobel peace prize this year, for his ideals of diplomacy before warfare. Yet I haven't seen him do a damn thing to promote peace other than go around the world kissing the ass of every head of state he can, apologizing for the United States doing what needed to be done, which is to fight for and protect the rights of every citizen in the US, Afghanistan, and Iraq. During the run up to his anointing as the new messiah he promised to bring our brave fighting men, and women home from the Middle East the only thing he has done since being given the honor of a peace prize is send more troops to Afghanistan. How does this promote peace exactly? Wait I get it peace through superior firepower I can understand that yet as we send more troops to defend the rights of the citizens of those countries the rights of the Citizens of the US are being stomped on more and more. As the Commucrat party gains more and more power in the government you will start to see your rights slowly eroded till they can achieve their ultimate goal complete totalitarian control of the nation. No more elections, no more freedom of speech, religion, press, your right to due process will be a fond memory. And the sheeple will stand buy and let it happen because they wanted change and drank deeply of the brain washing kool aid that Barrack and the commucrats were serving. It truly saddens me that those who will have to stand up for the rights of all will be labeled terrorists, outlaws, and traitors, when they should be called patriots. The optimist in me sees this nightmare ending peacefully when the next presidential election comes around, however the pessimist in me sees a far darker future where the people that own weapons must take them up to defend the constitution from our own government.
What will you do when the revolution comes? Will you sit idly by and watch your rights and freedoms taken away? Will you quietly accept the total control of your life by members of a government that you did not fairly elect? Or will you stand up and fight for truth, justice, and freedom. This country wouldn't even exist if brave men hadn't rebelled against an unjust tyrannical ruler. Will you let their sacrifice be in vain? To all the members of our armed forces thank you for what you do everyday, your service protects my freedom to express my views. For all those who have fallen in service to this great nation Thank You for your sacrifice. And to everyone who would sit by and watch our freedoms taken away FUCK YOU get off your ass and stand up for your rights, defend the freedoms we all enjoy, But what the HELL do I know I am just an Angry Hillbilly.
Why are the inmates more important than the victims?
In another testament of liberalism run amok the 9th circuit court of appeals has decided that the criminal shitbags currently incarcerated in Washington prisons are still allowed to vote. What I don’t understand is how Washington's criminals are different than any other state. I was under the impression that felons were no longer allowed to vote unless or until they petitioned the courts to have their right to vote restored. According to the appeals court felons in Washington don’t have to jump through that particular set of hoops. Shocking how that now that Barrack the great savior has taken over the big chair the liberal bullshit just keeps coming, everyday more and more liberal groups are getting their agendas pushed forward no matter how screwed up their plan is. Somehow I cant believe that the ACLU isn't behind this, there is no other group in the world that does more to protect criminals from punishment than the ACLU. Most normal thinking humans believe in victims rights not the ACLU for them its all about the criminals, I cant stand how these people will do their damned best to help rapists, murderers, child molesters, and other criminal fucks. In what insane twisted world should convicted felons have any say in how the laws that govern this society are decided, they gave up that particular right the moment they decided that the laws no longer applied to them. Its bad enough that most prisons have become little more than hotels with guards instead of bellhops, but to then tell the families of the victims that the person who raped their child will be clothed, fed, and kept comfortable at their expense still has the right to vote is unbelievable. There was a time when the thought of going to prison was a deterrent to crime, now you have people getting arrested just so they can have three meals a day and a bed to sleep in.
Maybe we should stop and think about our actions before we make these kind of rash decisions, prison should be a punishment not a reward. Bring back the chain gangs, the idea of life in prison at hard labor, take away the comforts, make prison a place you don’t want to be again. For fucks sake its time to stop putting the felons before the rest of us. I have never committed a felony and I get to live a life of freedom where I have the right to vote opportunities to work anywhere and the right to keep and bear arms. These people gave all that up when they broke the law, When you get arrested for a felony u have done something fairly awful to another human being. Ask any person that has been a victim of a felony and the pain of the crime lasts far longer than the crime itself. It makes me sick that anyone would want to help the criminals over the victims. It is absolutely sickening to see all these civil rights groups fighting to make prisoners lives more comfortable. Why in the fuck should we make these bastards comfortable? Instead of giving them more comfortable beds and workout rooms we should be giving them large rocks and hammers with which to turn the big rocks into little rocks and from there into gravel that can be used to pave roads, build schools, or in some other way better society. I am all for rehabbing felons to make them productive members of the community but when you have a repeat offender all the rehab in the world isn't going to do a damned bit of good. It is long past time to stop coddling these people and start thinking about the rights of the victims. The felons gave up their rights as soon as they decided that the laws no longer applied to them. We need to stop giving them longer sentences and start giving them longer necks. But what the HELL do I know I am just an Angry Hillbilly.
Maybe we should stop and think about our actions before we make these kind of rash decisions, prison should be a punishment not a reward. Bring back the chain gangs, the idea of life in prison at hard labor, take away the comforts, make prison a place you don’t want to be again. For fucks sake its time to stop putting the felons before the rest of us. I have never committed a felony and I get to live a life of freedom where I have the right to vote opportunities to work anywhere and the right to keep and bear arms. These people gave all that up when they broke the law, When you get arrested for a felony u have done something fairly awful to another human being. Ask any person that has been a victim of a felony and the pain of the crime lasts far longer than the crime itself. It makes me sick that anyone would want to help the criminals over the victims. It is absolutely sickening to see all these civil rights groups fighting to make prisoners lives more comfortable. Why in the fuck should we make these bastards comfortable? Instead of giving them more comfortable beds and workout rooms we should be giving them large rocks and hammers with which to turn the big rocks into little rocks and from there into gravel that can be used to pave roads, build schools, or in some other way better society. I am all for rehabbing felons to make them productive members of the community but when you have a repeat offender all the rehab in the world isn't going to do a damned bit of good. It is long past time to stop coddling these people and start thinking about the rights of the victims. The felons gave up their rights as soon as they decided that the laws no longer applied to them. We need to stop giving them longer sentences and start giving them longer necks. But what the HELL do I know I am just an Angry Hillbilly.
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