In another testament of liberalism run amok the 9th circuit court of appeals has decided that the criminal shitbags currently incarcerated in Washington prisons are still allowed to vote. What I don’t understand is how Washington's criminals are different than any other state. I was under the impression that felons were no longer allowed to vote unless or until they petitioned the courts to have their right to vote restored. According to the appeals court felons in Washington don’t have to jump through that particular set of hoops. Shocking how that now that Barrack the great savior has taken over the big chair the liberal bullshit just keeps coming, everyday more and more liberal groups are getting their agendas pushed forward no matter how screwed up their plan is. Somehow I cant believe that the ACLU isn't behind this, there is no other group in the world that does more to protect criminals from punishment than the ACLU. Most normal thinking humans believe in victims rights not the ACLU for them its all about the criminals, I cant stand how these people will do their damned best to help rapists, murderers, child molesters, and other criminal fucks. In what insane twisted world should convicted felons have any say in how the laws that govern this society are decided, they gave up that particular right the moment they decided that the laws no longer applied to them. Its bad enough that most prisons have become little more than hotels with guards instead of bellhops, but to then tell the families of the victims that the person who raped their child will be clothed, fed, and kept comfortable at their expense still has the right to vote is unbelievable. There was a time when the thought of going to prison was a deterrent to crime, now you have people getting arrested just so they can have three meals a day and a bed to sleep in.
Maybe we should stop and think about our actions before we make these kind of rash decisions, prison should be a punishment not a reward. Bring back the chain gangs, the idea of life in prison at hard labor, take away the comforts, make prison a place you don’t want to be again. For fucks sake its time to stop putting the felons before the rest of us. I have never committed a felony and I get to live a life of freedom where I have the right to vote opportunities to work anywhere and the right to keep and bear arms. These people gave all that up when they broke the law, When you get arrested for a felony u have done something fairly awful to another human being. Ask any person that has been a victim of a felony and the pain of the crime lasts far longer than the crime itself. It makes me sick that anyone would want to help the criminals over the victims. It is absolutely sickening to see all these civil rights groups fighting to make prisoners lives more comfortable. Why in the fuck should we make these bastards comfortable? Instead of giving them more comfortable beds and workout rooms we should be giving them large rocks and hammers with which to turn the big rocks into little rocks and from there into gravel that can be used to pave roads, build schools, or in some other way better society. I am all for rehabbing felons to make them productive members of the community but when you have a repeat offender all the rehab in the world isn't going to do a damned bit of good. It is long past time to stop coddling these people and start thinking about the rights of the victims. The felons gave up their rights as soon as they decided that the laws no longer applied to them. We need to stop giving them longer sentences and start giving them longer necks. But what the HELL do I know I am just an Angry Hillbilly.
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