Sunday, April 1, 2012

Media bias is taking us back to the 60s

Unless you have been living under a rock somewhere for the past month you have invariably heard about the Travon Martin case in Florida. For you cave dwellers I will recount the story, On February 26th Travon Martin went to the store and bought candy and iced tea on his way home to he was walking through a gated community that had seen a rash of burglaries. George Zimmerman was out that night doing a neighborhood crime watch, Mr. Zimmer spotted a suspicious individual, and he called the police and started following the unknown person. The police dispatcher had told Mr. Zimmer “we don’t need you to do that” but Mr. Zimmer followed anyway. Later that evening there was a confrontation between Travon and George long story short Travon is shot and George is alive. Now here is where the rant begins. I could give less than a crap about the details of this case, the police and District Attorney for the area in Florida are the ones in charge of that not the families or the news media. However if you look to any of the national news sources all you will find are what should be labeled opinion pieces no news reports. If you were to watch the video reports from any major news source all you will see Is what appears to be a 7 year old Trevon, not the 17 year old that he was. If you read the stories in order there is another disturbing shift that came about when someone pulled the race card. In the early stories Mr. Zimmerman was reported as a Hispanic male, later on after the “reverends” Jackson and Sharpton got involved and the ACLU descended from on high looking for a headline, George is now a “WHITE” hispanic. The mainstream media with the help of the ACLU, Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson, are doing their damn best to set the civil rights movement back 40 years. Want proof? Place a comment on any message board stating that judging the shooter without evidence is wrong; now see how long it takes you to be labeled a racist. In my experience it took less than two minutes. Granted I was using the name Hilbilly in my handle, which due to the misspelling of the word allowed the respondent to automatically deduct about 80 – 100 IQ points in his horribly misspelled reply. The post I put up was how about we wait for the DA to actually present enough evidence to arrest and convict Mr. Zimmerman before we build the gallows. Call me crazy but I thought that in this country you were innocent until proven guilty, hell even Ted Bundy got a fair trial. But then again I am an “ignorant racist piece of shit”. The nickname Hilbilly was given to me by a friend after a discussion of where we had both grown up, he came from a ghetto and I came from a small town in the sticks. I wear that tag as a mark for pride and friendship, I use it as my gamer name in most of the online games I play and it’s how several of my gamer friends know me. I have tried to follow this case by reading the “news” from legitimate news sources like CNN (now known as the Communist News Network) MSNBC (needs name change to BSNBC), and even USA Today (Liberal Utopia News), but I have a hard time calling the stories here news as they are so biased and hate filled towards Mr. Zimmerman that they along with the ACLU and the revs have pretty much guaranteed the Mr. Zimmerman could not and would not get a fair trial in this country. Want even more proof of media bias take a look at the cover of People Magazine, Headline reads An American Tragedy, and right there in the middle is a picture showing a 7 or 8 year old Travon smiling for the camera. The media would have you believe that George Zimmerman shot a little boy in cold blood. That same picture has been splashed across the TV screens of people around the world, yet rarely do we see an actual picture of what Travon looked like when he died. My favorite bias line that I have read in a “news” story has to be hands down, “Travon died for the crime of wearing a hoodie while BLACK” you read that right this was printed in a news story on Now you tell me how these assholes aren’t fanning this fire just to get more readers. This bullshit “journalism” is doing far more harm to the civil rights movement than any white supremacist group ever could. I bet there is a group of neo Nazis sitting back right now say wait let them fuck it up for themselves. If you want to see racism end stop claiming that every crime is race related. Tell the Reverends Shortdick and Jackass to shut the hell up and quit grabbing for the spotlight just to make themselves relevant again. I have news for you to morons you have never and will never be relevant as long as you continue to pervert a families tragedy to your own gains. If you want people to hear your message quit calling the ignorant racists just because they didn’t join the lynch mob with you. Listen do you here that sound? It’s the sound of Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King rolling over in their graves after these two have made a mockery of all they worked for. But what the Hell do I Know I am just and Angry Hillbilly. (Or as some would call me and ignorant racist piece of shit.)

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