Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bulding a freeway to Hell.

News from the intelligence community states that the North Korean cargo ship bound for Myanmar is carrying small arms; this is a direct violation of the UN sanctions and should be the reason that the ship is stopped from reaching its destination. However top US officials have said that boarding the ship at see is highly unlikely. It’s so nice to see our leaders showing a strong front to the rest of the world (Note Sarcasm). The North Koreans have threatened retaliation if any of their ships are stopped, so what they are breaking international law when is the UN going to step up and enforce the laws they have laid down? Now is not the time for strongly worded letters and hand slapping, its time to show the world that ignoring the laws will no longer be tolerated. The weakness both the US and the UN have shown the world over the last several years is the reason dictatorships like Iran and North Korea have felt emboldened to flaunt the laws so flagrantly. Eight years of liberal touchy feely leadership during the nineties are the reason for the September 11th attacks and yet no one wants to listen to the warnings of the past. Our new president is going to carry on the same path that the Clintons started paving for him. They say the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, if that is true between Clinton and Obama that road is on its way to becoming an Eight lane interstate straight to the center of hell with Satan manning the toll booth. Everyone knows that the UN is the most useless collection of fucktards ever assembled and yet every time something like NK’s nuclear test or Iran’s corrupt election happens the world looks to them for leadership and what do we get? None, nothing but strong words and sanctions that do nothing to solve the problem same thing as every other incident in the last 40 plus years. North Korea also plans to launch another test missile around the 4th of July and the US, China, and Russia have all stated that if it crosses into their airspace it will be shot down, big damn deal they will just set up and launch another one in a month. How about a little pro active enforcement, a missile launch site is not a small target even the most inept fighter jockey could hit it with his eyes closed, if that’s to much use one of our predator UAV’s to launch a strike at it before it gets off the ground. All of the members of the UN were up in arms over the last test fire of North Korean missile technology and yet not one of the members has done a damn thing to stop any of them. So where is the deterrent to the crazy dictator I cant seem to see one but then again I don’t have my head planted firmly in my own ass. This is getting to be ridiculous should the world still be here at the next election we might want to elect a president with a spine one who will do what needs to be done to protect this country and to hell with the opinion of the Useless Nations. But what the Hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Eco-Terrorists as medical test subjects? Sounds like a great idea.

As if you needed more proof that the members of PETA (pinheads for the ethical treatment of animals) are completely off their collective nut their latest complaint should suffice. They are upset with El. Jefe for SWATTING A FLY. Now this wasn’t some rare endangered species of fly just your ordinary run of the mill housefly that had been buzzing around him during an interview when the thing landed he smacked it and that was the end of one more filthy disease bearing insect. I applaud the president for taking such drastic action against what I am sure was a deserving foe, now why can’t he do something about the North Koreans? As for the members of PETA their response was to send the president a humane bug trap which will allow him to release the captured villains into the wild much as he is trying to do with the Gitmo detainees. The big question I have for the bunny huggers is this where does it stop? What next stop spraying to keep the rampant mosquito populations in check? Let the rats run free again to spread typhoid and bubonic plague. The world will never be rid of flies, rats, mosquitoes, or other vermin because they breed too quickly. The loss of one fly means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of the world. And in the spirit of full disclosure while I sit here writing this post I to killed an insect a gnat I believe care to admonish me pinheads? Pf course I don’t expect a response from them anytime soon as I am a nobody, it’s hard to get your message of eco terrorism out there when you attack unknown targets. Groups like PETA, Earth First, and the Sierra Club put on a shiny happy front when behind the scenes they are nothing more than terrorist organizations, these groups and others like them are responsible for the bombings of medical labs and spiking trees to cause destruction of saws and loss of life to the honest hard working Americans that cut them for a paycheck. I believe the oath the president takes when he is sworn in says something about defending the country from all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. How about we work on this Mr. President so far you haven’t done a damn thing about either one. What you have done is sunk our tax dollars into propping up giant corporations that drove themselves into the ground while handing out multi-million dollar bonus packages to the retards that run them. The economy is in the crapper I understand that but where is the economy going to go when we have Korean nukes falling from the sky and eco terrorists bombing labs at the same time. It wouldn’t be to far fetched an idea that maybe the eco terrorists would want to help guide the nukes for the North Koreans say to an animal testing lab in LA, or D.C. now there is a scary thought. To the members of PETA is say sit down and shut the fuck up let us live our lives the way we choose if you want to live a vegan lifestyle by all means go ahead but I am a carnivore leave me the hell alone. To the earth first morons before you spike the next tree think about the lives your actions will affect, when a saw running at high RPM hits the metal I explodes into a cloud of shrapnel that maims or kills anyone nearby what happens when some worker just trying to earn a living is killed. Do you think his family or his friends and co-workers are going to ever give a damn about your agenda? You are sending a message not the one you intended but a message none the less. That message is I don’t give a crap about human life as long as I get the result I want. I have an idea these groups want us to quit testing new drugs on animals fine let them volunteer to take the animals place and lets start replacing the Plexiglas shields in saw mills with these rejects of humanity and see how long the violence lasts. That is the solution to the Eco-terrorist problem as I see it. But what the Hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly.

Man up or step the fuck down.

The leaders of North Korea are at it again stating that if their ship the Kang Nam, is boarded that will constitute an act of war. On Monday the NK government warned the US that they have nukes and will strike back if attacked. Does this sound like a threat to anyone but me? Why in the hell are we wasting time and resources in Iraq when we have a real threat to our country with proven nuclear capability? Our government has access to the best spy networks in the world from the Israeli Mossad to the British SAS to our very own CIA why don’t we put these resources to work and find the North Korean nuclear sights and flatten them before the little madman pushes the big red button and obliterates Hawaii. Reports from the intelligence community point to a new long range missile test on or around the fourth of July I lay even odds this is to test their ability to strike at the US the closest target is the Hawaiian Islands. I think it is time to stop with the harsh language and bullshit rhetoric and show this little piss ant what happens when you piss in the adult pool. The UN has proven themselves to be utterly useless in dealing with the problem big surprise there they will do what they always do wait for the US to deal with the problem then complain about how we went about doing the job that needed done. Need proof? Search the archives of any news agency and look up how we were regarded after dealing with the Taliban in both Afghanistan and Iraq. No I will grant you the reason we were given for the invasion of Iraq was total crap if the government had been honest and upfront about the true need for invasion maybe we would have faired a little better in the eyes of the UN but I truly doubt it. The UN loves to crap on the US for being a bunch of warmongering cowboys just to keep the world from seeing that they are a bunch of bitchy little bedwetting pansies that don’t actually solve anything and should probably be disbanded. What was the UN reaction to the completely illegal nuclear test performed by North Korea several months ago? A strongly worded letter and more sanctions that have had zero effect. Excuse me but wasn’t NK banned from obtaining nuclear material because they are a communist dictatorship? If that is the case how are more sanctions going to help anything they already don’t obey the laws you have put own so why not dish out some form of real punishment. The only people your sanctions truly affect are the poor and helpless. If you think for one minute that the leaders have felt any change in their lifestyle from these “sanctions” you my friend are delusional. So instead of punishing those that have no control over what is going on why not send a message to the leadership in the only form they understand which is a bullet to the head. It is long past time to lift the ban on assassinations and have these fuckers breathing rights revoked. You want to change the government of NK than start by putting down the rabid dog that runs the country and letting the next guy know that he can be taken out just as easily. The leaders of North Korea believe that they are dealing from a position of strength and that the American government is weak. Well eight years of Clinton’s limp wristed leadership followed by eight years of Bush looking the other way have led us to El Jefe kissing the ass of the world for forgiveness. I wonder why the North Koreans think we are weak. We all know that the useless nations will do nothing the never have before why start now and ruin a perfect record. It is time for our president to man up and say NO MORE. Unfortunately that probably won’t happen as the last guy who did that was reviled by the public and that is how he got the job and his primary focus is on keeping his job not doing it. If I lived in Hawaii right now I would either think about moving or start digging a bomb shelter as the shit is about to hit the fan. Mr. President now is the time for a leader not a follower so step up do the job you have been hired to do or step down and let a real man take over before you get us all killed. But what the Hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly.

You are to stupid to use a knife. ask the government.

Our government under the guise of keeping people safe has decided to try a sneak attack on our basic rights and freedoms only this time they are not going after the guns no this time it’s the knife. US Customs and Border Protection (CPB) has decided that it is time to revise their definition of just what a switchblade really is; under the new definition any assisted opening knife could be considered a switchblade. Ok fair enough but it doesn’t stop their like all things done by the government if its worth doing its worth completely screwing the public to get it done. Other things that would fall under the new guidelines are one handed opening knives and most forms of pocketknife in production today. What they are doing is taking a carbon copy of European laws and slapping them on us. Now that several European countries have out right bans on handguns knife crimes have been steadily on the rise so to prevent that from happening here they have decided to try and outlaw our knives and do it by sneaking a ban in through the bathroom window. I am used to having to defend my rights as a gun owner but this is really getting ridiculous, now they are saying that I am to stupid or to violent to use a simple tool. Human’s ability to create and use tools is what let us raise to the top of the food chain in the first place what next ban rope to keep people from hanging themselves? Everyday in this country more people are killed in car accidents than by knife wounds so where is the ban on cars? Every day more people die of alcohol related issues than by knives where is the ban on alcohol? Wait we tried that in the twenties and look where that got us. The idiocy that is the US government must stop, when will we the people learn that it is up to us to take our country back and stop these people from destroying what took the lives of so many brave soldiers to build? Whether you voted republican, democrat, or independent this ban affects us all. It is readily apparent to me that our glorious leader El Jefe lives in a dream state where he is the only rational mind among a sea of savages and it is up to him alone to bring us into the light. I have new for our delusional leader “YOU ARE NOT JESUS AND WE WONT DRINK THE KOOL AID.” So to all truly loyal American out there write your duly elected officials from the local state and national levels and show your disgust with the bullshit we are being fed it is time for all of us to stand united and take the government back, remember it is government BY THE PEOPLE, AND FOR THE PEOPLE. But what the HELL do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly.

Your right to privacy means absolutely DICK!

If you live in Oregon and have an Oregon CHL the lunatics that populate the state senate have decided that your right to privacy is irrelevant. Portland Democrat Ginny Burdick says “It is a bad idea to keep secret who has loaded guns in our communities, schools and public buildings,” WTF? How in the name of Zeuses but whole does this make any fracking sense. The entire fucking point of having a CONCEALED handgun is to keep the criminal dirtbags from knowing you are armed. All these morons have accomplished is to tell everyone that you or I could possibly have weapons at home or on our person thereby making each and everyone of us potential targets. Lets say for the sake of argument that my name is published on a list of CHL holders and some random crank addict breaks into my home when I am gone looking for a gun because he or she saw my name on the CHL list, can I then sue the media outlet for printing my name and making my family a target? Or better yet lets take Ms. Burdick to court for reckless endangerment. On the other side of the argument this could also be a way to deter criminals from invading our homes would you break into someone’s house knowing there is a higher probability of them being armed? Lets make this as fair as possible list the names of everyone out there that has been convicted of DUI and is still a registered owner of a car they to are in possession of a deadly weapon. Of course if we tried that the ACLU would be up in arms about right to privacy saying that we cant expose them for making a mistake. Yet I have committed no crime and my right to privacy has now been stripped away for the “greater good” BULLSHIT. Just once I would like to see the liberal fucktards at the aclu stand up for my rights instead of the rights of pedophiles, murderers, rapists, and other criminal scum. Where is the reverend Jessie Jackson now? Well it seems that I am just a little to pale for him to give a shit about my rights. The time is long past for we the gun owners to stand up and be heard when the next elections come around we need to be vocal about getting the current crop of senators tossed out on their collective asses and elect a new group that will stand up for the rights of all not just the rights they want. If and when the liberals achieve their goal of total disarmament of the American people which right do you think they will attack next? You can kiss the right to free speech goodbye along with freedom of religion and freedom from persecution and your right to a fair trial. Should Billary get back into office in the next 10 years and total gun bans go into effect how long until she declares herself Empress for Life. Really who would be left to stop her? The time to act is now we need to change the government before the government changes us. But what the HELL do I know I am just an Angry Hilbilly.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Keep the fucking change.

In his first six months in office El Jefe has done more damage to this country than Bush did in eight years; let’s take a look at what he has accomplished so far. With his economic recovery plan the national debt has grown by leaps and bounds, the government now runs the banks, the insurance industry, and two of the big three American auto manufacturers. Up next is the health care industry which he plainly stated during his campaign that he wanted to socialize. His slogan vote for change was true we are going to see a change alright from the USA to the USSA. Thank you to all the cool aid slurping fucktards that voted a spineless socialist into the most powerful position in the free world. Not only does he want to turn this country into a socialist regime but he also wants to kao tao to the rest of the world and shows them that we are a spineless country ripe for the taking. If you need evidence off this just look to his trip to Saudi Arabia where he bowed down to the king, WTF the American president bows to no one! Stand up straight and tall you spineless fuck, this country was built by men and women that didn’t back down to anyone ask the British if you need proof. The founding fathers stood up and said no more and you come along bend over and say give me 12” and hurt me to the entire world thanks for that. In a time when we should be proving to everyone that America leads the world here he is apologizing for what we have been doing such as ridding the world of religious zealots bent on mayhem and destruction, by showing this kind of weakness you embolden countries like Iran, and North Korea to continue defying international law with their nuclear weapons programs. What will it take for you to show some kind of backbone, which city are you willing to sacrifice to a Korean nuke. My personal nominations are Washington D.C. and Chicago. Maybe if they nuke D.C. we can start over and get a government with some balls o deal with these arrogant bastards, and Chicago just to make sure we can’t get another spineless pussbag in office. I wanted change to when election time came around I wanted a president that would lead this country with a strong hand not a limp wrist. But what the Hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly.