Monday, December 31, 2012

Another step towards Tyranny.

Notorious gun grabber and anti-freedom Zealot Dianne Feinstein, one of the authors of the previous “assault weapons” ban is at it again. After the mass shootings in Colorado, Wisconsin, and Connecticut, she in all her infinite wisdom has decided that we the people cannot be trusted with SEMI-AUTOMATIC weapons while she is surrounded by security armed with FULLY AUTOMATIC weapons. Yes folks the government has decided that the subjects should not have access to military STYLE weapons because some clinically insane person may use them to kill people. The big push is to ban the AR-15 as it has been used in two of the last three mass shootings; I don’t count the Oregon mall shooting as a mass shooting as that whack job hit three people in a crowded mall with a thirty round mag. This time around the anti-freedom crowd are not only targeting military style weapons but any semi-automatic rifle capable of using a magazine of greater than 10 rounds, read that again, the crazy bitch has worded this pile of filth just vaguely enough to basically ban all semi-auto rifles not just the civilian version of military weapons. Also on the list of shit you shouldn’t be allowed to own are semi-automatic handguns capable of accepting a magazine of greater than 10 rounds, and magazines with a capacity over 10 rounds, they also are targeting shotguns this time around with the biggest target being the saiga in all its forms. The Saiga is a semi-automatic shotgun that is fed from a removable magazine, the standard size mag for this weapon is 5 rounds however there are magazines that range in capacity from 5 to 20 rounds and therefore it must be banned. Handguns with threaded barrels now make the list as you can put a suppressor on those, now I am no expert but really how many gun crimes have been committed with a suppressed weapon? Suppressors are already regulated by the ATF and each one procured by legal means is registered with the government when you purchase it, in fact you have to get special paperwork signed off by the ATF to even purchase one. Now as a gift to we the subjects of the USSA she has put in her bill all legally owned “assault weapons” will be grandfathered in after the ban goes into effect, however all owners of such weapons will have to register them with the ATF under the NFA laws, which will require a background check and fingerprints of the owner on file with the ATF, and upon your death the weapons will have to be forfeited to the government for destruction, no passing them on to your children when you go. So because some mentally ill people misused a tool I must now register the same tool with the federal government and all further sales of these legal tools will be banned? What part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED is so hard for these people to understand. The way I read this “bill” it is a huge infringement of my god given 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms. This bill is written in such a way as to ban all box fed semi-automatic weapons currently on the market, now I am sure that at first they won’t push it that far but when the next shooting occurs that’s when the full law gets hammered home, you and I will be left with revolvers, lever, and bolt action rifles, and pump action shotguns. That is of course till some nut goes into a gun free zone and kills a bunch of people cowboy style with them, then those too will be added to the list. This hypocritical bitch rides around in a bulletproof limo with guards armed with machine guns and she herself has a concealed handgun license and owns a handgun yet she has the balls to tell me that I cannot own a handgun to protect myself and my family. This is the worst attack on our rights as citizens since the patriot act was written, this one is actually worse than the patriot act as it is the first major step to disarming the populace. If you look at history every successful dictatorship has started with the disarming of the people, Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Russia, both started by taking arms from the people and look how that worked out. And the sheeple are applauding them for this act, the people so horrified that those children were killed are perfectly willing to hand over their rights to protect the children. Do you people actually believe that this ban will protect anyone but the criminals and the government? Do you know why the 2nd amendment is even there? The 2nd amendment is there to protect all the rest; it ensures that we the people have protection from tyranny. This ban is a huge exercise in tyrannical governing at its finest. I wonder how many people have looked into the story behind the Connecticut shooting and realized they were lied to. The shooter in that case used 2 pistols yet it was reported that he killed those kids with an AR-15 the rifle was in the truck of the car the whole time and the press lied to you, the government lied to you. He only reason for the lies is to push their agenda of gun bans and disarmament, you sheeple are just giving away your rights for NOTHING. This ban will accomplish the same thing the last one did, nothing. That’s right schools will be no safer if you ban guns and high capacity magazines, then they were before the bans. Here is a novel idea why don’t you leave the law abiding gun owners alone and deal with the real issues at work here. In typical knee jerk liberal fashion the first thing to come out after the shootings is ban the guns, not fix the mental health care system. This bill also plans to close the gun show loophole, which is nothing more than a scare tactic used by the gun grabbers to push their agenda down our throats. How would the American people react if a senator proposed a law that said all drivers must now pass a background check before buying a car and if you have had 1 DUII conviction you are not allowed to purchase a vehicle, let’s say they proposed this law to cut down on drunk driving fatalities, now remember folks driving is a PRIVLEGE not a right. Of course then people would just use the car show loophole to get cars and drive drunk so we would then have to close the car show loophole. You see folks once you start to give in on protecting your rights it is a quick trip to having no rights. Once the 2nd is gone how long will the rest last? If Dianne Feinstein really gave a shit about protecting anyone she would stop these senseless attacks on our rights, she would push to end the gun free zones that actually endanger our children and teachers, and she would push to fix the system that has failed and let these monsters kill. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

You can sell off your rights for safey, But leave mine the hell alone.

The gun control debate rages on, on one side you have the pro gun people claiming that any new laws are unacceptable, and on the other you have the anti-gun crowd claiming we need more laws to protect the children. I can agree with the anti crowd on the fact that we do need to protect the children but banning certain types of guns and high capacity magazines will do NOTHING to protect anyone. There are calls to close the gun show loophole, make it harder to acquire guns, make it harder to own guns, make trigger locks mandatory, and a host of other nonsense that will do absolutely nothing to help anyone. Any action taken will do nothing but punish the law abiding citizen for crimes they have never committed. We the gun owners have been tried, convicted, and hung out to dry and yet we have done no wrong. Recently at one of several protests in favor of more useless gun control I saw a person holding a sign claiming that the NRA had the blood of the slain children on its hands. How is it exactly that the group that pushes for proper and safe usage of firearms, that wants nothing more than to defend the 2nd amendment, (which the ACLU would love to see abolished.) how are we the members at all responsible for what criminals do with STOLEN guns? The shooter in Connecticut, killed his own mother and stole her legally obtained weapons to commit his heinous act. How in the hell is that my fault and why in the hell should I be punished for it? Every day in this country lives are lost due to drug overdose, drunk driving, medical mistakes, yet we do nothing. Where is your outrage towards registered car owners that they have killed again? Where is the outrage against the AMA that their members have the blood of innocents on their hands? Why are we not making it harder for people to buy those damn dangerous "assault SUVs"? I could go into a dealership tomorrow pay cash drive off and wait for a bunch of kids to be getting on a bus and just plow right through them and the next day there would be no outcry to limit cars. Cars have been used to great effect in killing people for years in the middle east look at all the car bombs used in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Israel. If you think that couldn't happen here I point you towards history and the Okalahoma City bombing, the World Trade Center was hit with a car bomb in the 90's. Hell for that matter I could hit those kids and if I was drunk I would probably get less than 5 years in prison for it, but use a gun and its life in prison. What is the difference the children would be just as dead. We the sheeple have learned absolutely nothing from history, drugs like cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, LSD, are all illegal and yet there is still a major drug problem in this country. The cartels that produce these drugs want them to stay illegal as it is a huge money maker for them as long as they are, if they were legal the cartels would have to invest in quality control knowing that if a bad batch got out they would lose customers but lets say you get a bad batch of coke who are you going to complain to? We make lots of things illegal and that has done nothing to stop it from happening, things like drunk driving, murder, robbery, possession of a weapon by a felon, all of these are illegal and yet look at the statistics. Just because you ban something does not magically make it go away, banning guns will do nothing but keep law abiding citizens from owning what was a legal product. Lets move on from the gun ban lets talk about some of the other idiotic ideas that have come up and I will then point out the flaws in the ideas. Trigger lock usage, this is another feel good idea that the imbeciles that know nothing about guns thinks will do great things. Make trigger locks mandatory and no one will steal a gun to use in a crime, really like a trigger lock is some magic device that will instantly deter a criminal. Locks only work on honest people, most trigger locks are plastic which is easily broken thereby rendering the trigger lock useless, cable action locks can be cut simply enough defeating them. The only people that will be deterred by locks are honest people and children, so if you have children in your house by all means use the trigger locks that are now supplied with ALL guns. Lets make the gun owner responsible when a criminal steals his gun and commits a crime with it. This idea pisses me off in so many ways I can hardly begin, here is the big one for me, HOW IS IT MY FAULT WHEN I AM A VICTIM. That's like claiming a woman in a short skirt had it coming after a rape. Do you blame a car owner when a criminal steals their car and kills 3 people running from the police? So according to these people I the victim of a crime am now responsible for what a CRIMINAL has done with his ill gotten gains. Let us then hold other homeowners responsible for drug overdoses when the person that stole their property sells it buys drugs and then ends up in the hospital for an overdose. Had those people not had all that stuff for him to steal he would not be in the hospital.. You see folks it becomes a slippery slope that once started is hard to stop. Claiming that banning the "assault weapon" will make everyone safer is a joke, fully automatic weapons have been illegal for decades and were deemed so after the gangs of the 20s used them to such great effect, and yet that has not stopped mass shootings from occurring, lets say the liberal sheep get their wish and "assault weapons" get banned the next shooter will just pick a different weapon and carry out hid horrible crime. Why don't we the people look into the true cause of these incidents? I can answer that, its because the truth once laid out will not play into the hands of the anti freedom Nazis. Its not the guns, its not access to guns, its not the portrayal of violence in media and video games, it is LACK OF MENTAL HEALTH CARE. No one wants to admit that we as a society have failed those with mental health issues, if you look at the last several mass shooting incidents with the exception of the Sikh temple shooter who was just an evil racist bastard, all of the shooters have had mental health issues, and there were warning sign that were either completely ignored, or since we cant have people committed anymore there was nothing the families could do. Read that last part again I'll wait. Did you see it? The shooters showed sign of violence but there was nothing anyone could do to help them, unless these people agreed to get help the families could do nothing until the person in question did something to warrant it. something like harming themselves, or maybe KILLING A BUNCH OF PEOPLE. And just who do we have to thanks for this state of affairs? The liberal sheep and the ACLU that's right that fun upstanding group that is out to protect as many criminals as possible has helped make it damn near impossible to get help for those the need it. I mean after all we wouldn't want to hurt their feelings now would we. they are also one of the reasons we can't get mental health records tied to background checks either. Lets say one of these shooters had been in a mental health facility and the doctors suggested they not be given access to a gun, well unless that stay was court ordered as part of a criminal process there is no way for ANY gun shop owner to know that, when you purchase a gun, your name and date of birth are called in to the NICS and a criminal background check is done, if you have never been convicted, of a felony or domestic violence misdemeanor, and are not currently awaiting trial for either of those things, boom clean check and out the door you go weather or not you have been or are under the care of a mental health professional. Now in the wake of all these shootings you would think that this would be fairly high on the priority list, well if common sense ruled the world it would be but since we have an anti-gun president in power that's not what is going on. Nope to make the country safe we will ban future sales of the evil weapon that cause all the problems. I find it extremely hypocritical of the government that wants to ban "assault weapons" when they ride around in bullet proof limousines and surround themselves with body guards armed with "ASSAULT WEAPONS" I have to call bullshit here, so it is perfectly ok for you to be surrounded by guys carrying these horrible evil weapons yet its not ok for me to own one. Yeah that makes total sense. Lets face it folks we have set our selves up for this kind of crime to continue happening, we send our children to schools where they will be in one concentrated location and then announce to everyone the there is no one here that is armed and represents a threat, we make it harder and harder for people to get the help they need for their mental issues, and then we act completely shocked when at "random" with plenty of warning they go off and kill people. The sheeple will continue to sell off their rights to feel safe I just wish they would leave mine the hell alone. If you don't want guns don't buy them that's your choice but when someone breaks into your home what is your first reaction, call someone with a gun, and the second pray they get there in time. Luckily I don't have to do that, someone breaks into my home the man with the gun is already there, and if you are in my home you will be just as protected as I am. There are no easy answers here folks but banning guns and giving away more of our rights should definitely be off the table. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Stop Blaming everyone else for the actions of these criminal fucks.

I’m back and I am pissed off, I have reached a level of anger seldom seen. Over the last few days I have been keeping track of the stories stemming from the Newtown shooting and the reactions of the public and politicians has just pegged my pissed off meter. Everyone wants to blame the criminal fucks mother for allowing him access to the weapons he used, like it is somehow her fault that this insane piece of shit took the weapons and used them for this heinous act. Someone please explain to me how in the fuck is it her fault that her criminal son stole the guns and shot a bunch of kids after killing her? How about instead of blaming gun owners, gun manufacturers, the guns themselves, we try placing the blame firmly where it belongs. On the worthless fuck that committed these atrocities. We can also lay out some blame on a society that cares more about someone’s feelings than their mental health. There was a time when you could get mentally unstable people the help they needed, now thanks to liberal movements and groups like the ACLU that is no longer possible. If someone with mental issues refuses to get help there is no way to get them the help they need until they commit some horrible act. Had the shooter not killed himself he would have been found not guilty by reason of insanity and committed to a mental institution for a number of years until some doctor pronounced him cured. What the fuck is wrong with this picture? Look at the last several mass shootings, 3 of the last four were committed by people with known mental health issues, and yet nothing was done to get any of them the help they needed. All I see is comments on how these guns should be taken off the market, these types of weapons have no place in a civil society, it’s the fault of the media with the glorification of violence. Are you fucking kidding me? I have played every violent video game there is I love to watch the violent action movies I listen to heavy metal music with its violent lyrics and yet I have no desire to go out and shoot up a school. This person was disturbed and no amount of coddling was going to change that, he needed help. If you are stupid enough to believe that any form of gun ban will do a damn bit of good I have some land on Mars that I will sell you for cheap. We now have companies pulling certain types of rifles off the shelves to show they care and don’t want to help proliferate the gun problem in this country. You hypocritical bastards, you all had no issues selling those guns to the public after the Aurora Colorado shooting; you kept right on selling guns after Columbine. Saying shit like the AR15 has no place in a civil society is asinine, just what gives you the mistaken idea that this society is civil? Let me point out the Chicago Illinois has he most stringent gun laws in the nation and it also has the highest murder rate in the nation. If I follow the idiotic logic of the gun ban morons taking assault weapons from the Law Abiding citizen will make everyone safer right? Take a look at our neighbors to the south, the citizens of Mexico are not allowed to own assault weapons and how safe is their country? Just because you ban something does not make it go away. Murder is illegal, shooting another person is illegal and yet this still occurs. We banned heroin, meth, cocaine, LSD, and a host of other drugs so using your logic there should be no drug problems in the US right? Here is an idea that these morons haven’t thought of yet. Why don’t we try ENFORCING the laws we have maybe it is time to create stiffer penalties for gun crimes. I say that if you are convicted of armed robbery you get a minimum 30 year sentence no parole no early release. Make the prisons a place where people don’t want to be again. Anymore our prisons are like vacation spots for criminals they get cable TV hot meals and a warm bed to sleep in. Take it all away; no more TV meals are MREs if they are good enough for the military they are certainly good enough for prison inmates. No more prison libraries you will spend your sentence at hard labor making big rocks into little rocks for 16 hours a day 7 days a week until your sentence is up. Murder should carry an instant life sentence with no parole. We need to start making people take responsibility for their own actions again. It is not my fault this piece of shit took a tool and used it for evil so why am I being punished? It is not the fault of the gun owning community that evil men use guns for evil deeds and yet we are the bad guys here. Out of all the people screaming for a ban on “assault weapons” I wonder if any one of them has ever even fired a gun. People are calling for more restriction on purchasing a firearm, well then we also need restriction on cars and fast food. These kill more people daily than guns. People want to make it harder to buy guns thinking this will keep them away from the criminals. NO IT WON’T YOU FUCKING RETARD. Criminals do not purchase guns from retailers, they steal them or they buy stolen guns from other criminals. So how is making it harder for me to purchase a gun going to one damn thing to deter crime? You want to make it harder for criminals to get guns? Start making prison a punishment again, make the risk of getting caught not worth the reward of doing the crime. Get a fucking clue people, using prisons as a way to rehabilitate criminals DOES NOT WORK. Stop blaming everyone else for the acts of the criminals start blaming the criminals. But what the fuck do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.

Monday, December 17, 2012

A Gun Free Zone is nothing more than a Target Rich Environment

With the recent mass shootings in Oregon and Connecticut the anti-freedom Nazis are out in force calling for bans on “assault weapons” and high capacity magazines, this in itself is not a shock anytime a shooting gets national attention the zealots come out of the woodwork to spew the idiocy. If they were to stop and look at the common factors in MOST of the mass shooting that have occurred in the last 25 years they would find one very disturbing very telling truth. In the last 25 years MOST not all of the mass shootings have occurred in “Gun Free Zones” let’s take a look at the four most recent shootings and maybe just maybe we can become a little smarter than the Anti-Freedom crowd. First up is the shooting at the theater in Aurora Colorado. A lone gunman walked into a crowded movie theater showing the Dark Night Rises and proceeded to open fire on the theater goers, with an AR15 rifle, in the end 12 people were dead and 58 wounded, the criminal fuck that perpetrated this heinous crime was arrested outside the theater and is awaiting trial in Colorado. The theater he chose to use for his crime was one of several within a 20 minute drive from his apartment what made this particular theater stand out from the rest? This was the one theater that had signs posted that said NO FIREARMS ALLOWD out of all the theaters he could have chosen he shot up the one where the law abiding citizens would be unarmed. Less than a month later in Oak Creek Wisconsin a lone lunatic walks into a Sikh temple and opens fire in a mass shooting that killed 6 innocent people and wounded 4 others, this time the shooter took the cowards way out and killed himself after being shot in the stomach by police. Again an armed man walked into a building where no one would be armed. December 2012 a man wearing a mask and carrying an AR15 rifle walked into the Clackamas mall and started firing at random killing 2 and wounding 1 before killing himself like the cowardly piece of shit that he was. The Clackamas mall is a posted Gun Free Zone. And just 3 days later in Newtown Connecticut, another lone gunman walked into an elementary school and opens fire killing 20 children 6 adults and then himself. The school was a Gun Free Zone. Have you noticed the pattern here, each incident happened in a posted Gun Free Zone, we should just post them as what they are, Unarmed Victim Shooting Gallery. Each location was a target rich environment with little to no threat of armed resistance. The law abiding citizen will obey sign that say guns are forbidden, the criminals don’t. We have created havens for criminals to commit atrocities with little fear of return fire to make ourselves FEEL safer, to make ourselves FEEL like we are doing something to make our world safer. Yet in doing this we have done nothing but paint bulls eyes on the schools and all the children in them. Criminals are predators, and in the animal kingdom predators go after the weak and helpless. When was the last mass shooting the occurred at a gun show? When was the last shooting at a gun club? Criminals will avoid places where there is a high probability of meeting armed resistance. Everywhere you look the politicians are gearing up to ban the sales of “assault weapons” and high capacity magazines, and all of them are using the same rhetoric to justify the rape they plan to commit on the 2nd amendment, the same rhetoric that has been used for the last 30 years and is just as tired and just as wrong as it was when it started. The claims that the second amendment was written in the 1700’s and therefore could not take into account the types of weapons available today is such utter bullshit as to be laughable. With this type of faulty logic we could also argue that the 1st amendment could not have taken into account things like cell phones and the internet and therefore it should be open to limitations as well. The claim that “assault weapons” have no uses in hunting and therefore are not fit for society is just as much bullshit as the 2nd amendment claim. The 2nd amendment is not about hunting and sport shooting. The 2nd amendment is there to give we the people a last resort to defend ourselves against tyranny; it is the 1 amendment that protects the rest. The Anti-freedom crowd that wants total government control wants nothing more than to strip the 2nd amendment from the constitution to make it easier to strip away the rest of your rights and leave you all at the mercy of the government. Why do we instantly jump to the ban why not look at these situations and find out what is the real cause? In all of the above cases we had people with mental health issues that were left unaddressed. If these people had gotten some help maybe just maybe this could have been avoided. If we as a society of cowering sheep hadn’t designated all of these places as unarmed victim shooting galleries maybe 1 armed citizen could have stepped up and stopped the carnage. The problem is not the guns or accessibility to guns. The problem is lack of guns. We don’t need more bans and more laws, we need more people to step up and say I WILL NOT BE A VICTIM. I WILL NOT BEG FOR MY LIFE ON MY KNEES. We create the gun free zones to give ourselves a sense of security, but that is garbage all we have done is endanger more people than ever before. We have created places where armed men can commit atrocities with little fear of resistance. Places where your children should be safe from harm will never be safe as long as we mark them as gun free zones. Every school should have a big sign out front that says the teachers and staff are trained in the use of force and are armed. This would go a very long way towards deterring the criminal mind from thinking that this would be a great way to leave his mark on society on his way to hell. I realize that this can’t happen as the anti-gun crowd and the mainstream media are working hand in hand to push the anti-gun agenda as hard as they can. The majority of the American people are too lazy to actually look deeper into the stories they just take whatever is fed to them by the communist news network, faux news, or whatever other talking head they see on the TV screen, the anti-freedom crowd makes some damn compelling arguments if you don’t actually think the whole thing through. When you take the time and look deeper you see the pattern that emerges, gun free zones are not safe areas. The gun free zone is a designated killing field where no one will be able to defend you from harm. I can’t understand how in today’s world with all the information we have available 24/7 anyone can actually believe that an assault weapons ban will do a damn thing to protect anyone. If you really want to see what gun control does to help a populace take a look at Mexico, some of the strictest gun laws in the world and a murder rate second to none. The drug cartels don’t obey the gun laws there and look at what is going on, the populace is so badly outgunned they live in fear every day, yet the cartels have no fears. Look at Chicago tightest gun laws in the US and highest violent crime rate in the nation. Oakland California, strict gun laws ridiculous murder rate. When you disarm the law abiding the lawless will prey on them. States that have the least restrictive gun laws also have the lowest crime rates, Texas, Wyoming, Utah, Oregon, this all points to a very simple fact society is safer when the criminals don’t know who’s armed. The evidence is there but most people choose to ignore it. When the truth does not fit your agenda you simply ignore it and spout off more lies to mask what should be completely obvious. More guns means less crime, more guns in the hands of responsible law abiding citizens will do more to lower crime rates and deter the types of events than any ban could ever hope to accomplish. When all you do is demonize guns and gun owners you are creating a world that becomes more and more dangerous for all. We would be better served to fix the mental health care system and find ways to get these people help and cure the disease instead of trying to treat a symptom that does not exist. Do you blame the hammer when you smash your thumb, do you blame the knife when you cut yourself, if some criminal piece of shit walks up and stabs you will you blame the knife makers or will you put the blame where it belongs on the criminal responsible. To everyone that claims if they hadn’t had access to a gun this never would have happened I call bullshit. Every one of these events was a calculated act, if they didn’t have a gun they would have used something else to get the job done, whether it be a bomb, a bat or a hatchet they would have committed these atrocities any way. It is time to look for real solutions and start placing blame where it belongs, to start placing the responsibility for the actions on the individual. Stop blaming the guns and start blaming the person that committed the act. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Over the last several months the US government has been buying up billions of rounds of ammunition for the use of agencies like homeland security, transportation safety administration, and even the social security administration. I have to wonder why the TSA and the SSA need hollow point ammunition. One of the things smuggled into the NDAA was the formation of a private military force loyal to the president and under his direct command no congressional oversight whatsoever, could all this be a way to arm his private force without acknowledging their existence? So far the government has purchased 1.2 Billion rounds of ammunition, tons of mil-spec riot control gear, body armor, and most recently 1500 pounds of high explosive ordered by the tsa for dog training. This smells like covert ops to me there is no way it is going to take 1500 pounds of explosive to train dogs. The powers behind the throne in this country are getting nervous as the November elections get closer, they know that their puppet in chief has lost favor with the American people and has a good shot at losing the election, this would of course delay the plans to take over the country and hand it over to the UN as the head of the one world government. As Election Day draws closer and closer watch the news for acts of desperation, acts such as announcing amnesty for all people in the country illegally, a federal gay marriage act, and more incidents of domestic terror involving mass shootings, and explosives. Funny how right when the president’s popularity is at an all time low 2 mass shootings occur one after the other giving him an issue to use to create more discord among the populace. While the liberal democrats and their sheep like followers scream for gun control and portray all gun owners as mass killers in waiting the gun owners now have to devote time and resources to defending their rights instead of working towards getting a new president elected. This is a smoke screen it is classic misdirection like all good illusionists the dems have distracted everyone from noticing the man behind the curtain, or in this case the secret police force that will be used to subjugate we the people while the elite set themselves up as our supreme leaders. This government spent billions bailing out the banks and the auto industry and yet they did not ask for the resignation of the heads of those companies that caused the issues. The health care law was passed with a wink and a nod to the insurance companies that are now going to rake in millions of dollars from the unlimited increases in premiums and the astronomical premiums they can demand from people with incurable diseases that they have to insure by law. If anyone that was cheering for the health care law actually read it they would not have been cheering its passage, they would see it for what it truly is, repayment for getting this fraud of a president elected. The rich elite wanted a puppet in the white house someone they could control and use to get what they wanted which is more power. They have it folks, only now he has a force to back up his agenda and is beginning to arm them for the inevitable take over. If you honestly believe that the DHS needs to stockpile 1.2 Billion rounds of ammunition for training purposes you are a fool, that much ammo equates to 4 rounds per person in the US, that’s right the DHS now has enough ammo to shoot every person In the country 4 times, not even the US military uses that much ammunition for training. So where is all of this ammo going let me direct your attention to the man behind the curtain. Attorney General Eric Holder will be in charge of the force created by the NDAA and since he is a civilian, and a stooge for our glorious leader he will have the protection to ignore any congressional oversight which he and his master have already done with operation fast and furious. When congress subpoenaed the records of fast and furious and asked Holder his connection to it the president stepped in and said that this program was started under an executive order which means it works outside of the checks and balance system. Holder and the President are effectively untouchable. Dark days are coming people win or lose this president and his masters are going to do whatever they can to destroy the freedoms we have in this country, watch for more executive orders that create new laws from thin air, more terror attacks from “right wing extremists” and for the government to assume more control over your lives. This republic was founded on individual freedoms, as those freedoms are destroyed this country dies a little at a time, how long until the grand overlords finish the job. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Shariah Law is coming to town.

I have to wonder what the fuck is going on with the Democratic party in this country, they are doing everything they can to alienate Christian believers in this country. From supporting gay marriage and abortion to this latest insult. For decades the catholic church has led a prayer service to open the Democratic National Convention, but this year His holiness the grand Imam Obama has told the church to piss off we will not be having any religious ceremony this year. What he should have said was we are going with my true faith this year. That's right folks this year there will be a 2 hour Islamic prayer session to launch the DNC, Mr. Obama is finally showing his true colors in public, I am sure that many people believed that our president was a Christian like he claimed when he was running for his first term, I didn't buy it here's why. The leader of the church he "attended" turns out was a racist loon and you want me to believe that after attending that church for 20 years you had no idea that the leader was a fucking nut? That paints you in a piss poor light Mr. President 20 years listening to this guy and you expect me to believe that you didn't know he was racist? Not buying it, you were never a member of the Christian faith you just claimed it to get elected your true faith has always been Islam. Lets take a look at the Imam that will be leading the prayer session, Grand Imam Siraj Wahhaj will lead the Juma. This man wants to bring Shriah law to this country, he has been quoted saying "It is my duty and our duty as Muslims to replace the US constitution with the Quran." this man has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood the group that now runs Egypt where Christians are murdered every day and their churches burned, and under shariah law that is permissible. This man wants to turn the USA into another Islamic country ruled by laws that would permit pedophilia, rape, stoning, and murder. Under shariah law it is OK for a man to wed and have sex with a girl as young as 9 that's right 9 years old and a wife expected to do whatever her husband says or she can be beaten sometimes to death. Under shariah law you have 2 choices convert or die that's it you are either a Muslim or you are dead, if a woman commits adultery she will be stoned to death. Is this really the kind of country we want to live in? What I really don't understand is how the commucrats have managed to hold on to the Latino vote at this point after all of the insults they have thrown at the Catholic church, forcing them to provide contraception to women, supporting abortion rights, and supporting gay marriage, all things the catholic church is against. This is where the conspiracy comes in, very soon a poll will come out showing the President losing favor with Latino voters and he will then unveil his master plan to get the votes back. By executive order which bypasses congress he will announce amnesty for all ILEGAL aliens on the US, this will make him a hero to the people. Those people stupid enough to believe that this man gives 2 shits about anyone but himself will rejoice and lift up his name in praise, and while you are all celebrating you will be to busy to notice the man behind the curtain that is about to destroy this nation. Right after the amnesty announcement there will be a string of "domestic terror' incidents targeting Latinos, Muslims, and other traditionally left wing democratic groups, perpetrated by "right wing extremists" usually former military with ties to white supremacist or Christian fundamentalist groups. This will spark more outrage towards the Christian faith, and the steeple will cry out for something to be done about these groups. Suddenly being a Christian will get you put on terror watch lists, as will being former military, when more of these events occur there will come the demands to outlaw the Christian religion in this country and the right to freedom of religion will disappear forever. The separation of church and state will vanish with it and for the coup de grace our holy leader will banish the government name himself caliph and turn our republic into an Islamic holy state where you convert or die. The writing is on the wall folks you have 1 opportunity to stop this without needless bloodshed that opportunity occurs in November, use the power of the ballot box to save this nation before we are forced to use the power of the Ammo box to take it back. But What the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.

Gun Control means hitting your FUCKING target.

I want to talk about gun control, no I don't mean the anti freedom movement to ban guns, or the elected overlords threats to the second amendment, I mean the ability to hit your fucking target, a concept that is apparently foreign to the New York Police Department. Last week a disgruntled former employee walked up and killed a former co worker with five shots to the head from a .45 caliber pistol, he blamed his former co worker for getting him fired, he did not randomly shoot other people, nor did he actually harm anyone else he killed his intended target and walked away. When confronted by two members of the NYPD, he drew his gun and pointed it at the officers, they did what any good officer would and shot the suspect, however in shooting the suspect they also managed to injure NINE INNOCENT CIVILIANS. So let me get this straight the police that are TRAINED to handle weapons, and have access to free shooting ranges with unlimited practice ammo, fire 16 shots kill 1 bad guy and wound 9 people. I feel safer already don't you? Folks this was a case of panic fire at its finest, the cops saw a gun pulled out their service pistols and proceeded to blaze away without taking the time to even glance at a sight picture. Some of the innocent people wounded were struck by shrapnel from the stray bullets hitting other solid objects, others were actually hit by "friendly fire" seems to me the NYPD really needs to institute some gun control on its officers. These morons carry a gun every day yet they perform this poorly in a real life situation, I am not saying they should all be Olympic level marksmen but for fucks sake an adult male at 30 feet or less is not a hard target to hit. It is long past time for all police departments to require monthly trips to the shooting ranges for all officers, these men are given a gun and then tested once a year maybe on its use. With few exceptions a person with no knowledge of shooting will be a poor shot, letting people with little to no experience with guns have the authority to use them in public as part of their job is ludicrous, I would expect law enforcement agencies to train their people regularly on at least basic marksmanship. If you or I as Joe citizen were to injure 9 people while defending ourselves from an armed assailant we would be run through the wringer and the anti gun nuts would be using this as just one more reason to ban citizen ownership of guns. I have read more than one anti gun propaganda poster that states no one but cops and the military should have guns, well folks the cops are pretty piss poor shots when it comes right down to it, I would rather have a thousand armed citizens that can hit what they aim at over these 2 morons that hit 9 people while shooting at a target 30 feet away. The NYPD is not the only force that has issues with marksmanship all police forces for the most part have this issue, the problem is the agencies do not spend enough time or money training the people and once they have passed the qualification test for the weapon they rarely have to re qualify, so a cop could go years without ever firing his weapon. Over time the skills needed to shoot a gun like any other learned skill will degrade without practice. A visit to the shooting range once a month to re-familiarize yourself with the basics of marksmanship would go a long way towards ending this problem, I shoot several times a year and have never shot that poorly unless I was out goofing off doing things like rapid fire with my weak hand, or attempting to shoot some extremely small target while standing, things that do not lend themselves to good marksmanship. Never have I shot so poorly that I would miss the target that many times with my strong hand, but I have never had to do it under stress either. There are training methods to deal with this as well, there is a product available to law enforcement know as simunitions these are fake bullets that function in real guns. The projectiles are a wax bullet filled with paint they are used for real world live fire exercises, maybe the NYPD should begin putting there officers through a training course using these rounds to break the panic fire spray and pray mentality and help prevent this scenario from occurring again in the future. Now I realize that by doing this and making the streets safer for all would go against the Mayors anti gun agenda I am sure that Mayor Blimpberg can spin this to be all the fault of the gunman that shot 1 person and not the fault of the police that shot 10. I am not asking for a whole hell of a lot here just a little oversight and justice to fall where it belongs. The bad guy did murder another human being but the cops in a panic sent 9 innocent people to the hospital, and 1 bad guy to the morgue, I applaud them for taking down the murderer but in this case the price was just to damn high. These cops should be put on probation until they have been re trained in the proper use of a firearm, and a new policy should be implemented that makes mandatory bi-monthly re-qualification for all officers a reality. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Why would anyone defend a traitor?

This week saw several protests in support of Bradley Manning, the former soldier that stole thousands of classified documents and sent them to Julian Assange who at the time was running the website wikileaks. What I don't understand is how anyone in their right mind can support this piece of shit, he knowingly gave out US military secrets during a time of war, there is no way of knowing how many soldiers were killed because of his actions. What he did is pure and simple TREASON, yet the mindless sheep are lauding him as a great hero for exposing the evil government. This person (I just cant call him a man nor will I ever refer to the rank he had as he is a disgrace to both men and the uniform.) took an oath to defend this country and serve with dignity and respect and then threw that all away by sending information to a civilian who then published it on the internet for all the world to see. A world that included our enemies, how much of this information did they use to target our forces with IED's or suicide attacks? It makes me sick to see people praising this thing as a hero. You want to see a hero folks turn on the news and watch for the soldiers still actively serving in that hell hole, our glorious dipshit in chief promised to pull the troops out and all he has done is moved forces from Iraq to Afghanistan, these men and women risk their lives every day so you don't have to. The protestors want Manning freed and are calling on the President to release him, they carry sign that read, "Stop Torturing Bradley Manning" this man should be tortured he turned his back on his country, his fellow soldiers, and his honor when he stole those documents. He faces 22 charges including theft of public records, wrongfully causing intelligence to be published on the internet, and the biggest charge is aiding the enemy, that last charge can carry the death sentence although the prosecution will not seek it. One comment I read on the news story says "He obviously thought he was doing the right thing for the right reasons." that's your defense of this asshole? I thinks shooting rapists in the forehead is the right thing to do and yet that would not get me out of a murder charge. Just because you think its right does not make it legal. This sub human slime gave military intelligence to the ENEMY, intelligence they could use to target military forces. That right there is a treasonous act, in the old days he would already have been swinging from a tree and there would have been no protests. The fact that his supporters are collecting money to pay for his lawyers is astounding to me, why would anyone donate money to this cause? If you people hate this government so much why don't you work to change it? If you all think the government is so corrupt use your vote, work to get the corruption out of Washington. The funny thing about this is that most of the people protesting the treatment of Manning are the same people that voted for the corrupt regime that is in power now. How is that change working out for you? Where is your hope now? You actually expected a politician with 0 experience to actually do anything to improve this country, you are either incredibly stupid, or incredibly gullible. Do not feel pity for Manning he made his bed, now he must lie in it. The only thing I feel towards this piece of shit is disgust, he put his brothers in harms way to stroke his own ego, you arrogant little prick you have sewn the wind now reap the whirlwind. Rot in Hell Manning you are a traitor and a scumbag. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Its only paranoia till your right.

Put on your tin foil hats folks its time for some conspiracy theories from the Hillbilly. Lets start with the rash of shootings that have come up lately, Colorado, Wisconsin, and Texas have all had multiple casualty shooting in recent weeks, convenient since the Commucrats were just starting to crow about the assault weapons ban and wanting to have it re enacted and made permanent. Seems like it was just perfect timing to have some whackos start shooting up crowds of people to light a fire under the citizens to have our elected overlords save us from the evil guns that are killing so many people. To me this looks less and less like a crime and more and more like a black ops plan to instill fear in the populace and generate sympathy for the removal of the second amendment, which in turn will go a long way to helping along the master plan but more on that later. Doesn't it seem just a bit odd that during a presidential campaign we have several shooting incidents that they are trying to label as domestic terror? We already know from his history in Illinois that our glorious leader is anti gun, and the majority of Commucrats in DC are anti gun, yet not a single one of them really wanted to broach the subject of gun control in a serious manner until within a one month span we have two mass shootings and less than a month after that several people are shot outside a wal mart in Texas. Once the news of the Colorado shooting came out I started predicating action on an assault weapons ban, and like clockwork here it is. Every anti gun and anti freedom Commucrat is screaming for bans on "assault weapons" and high capacity magazines. I can go even farther with this lets add in the Fast and Furious debacle where the DOJ starting with AG Eric Holder has been helping to supply the Mexican cartels with guns to further prove that American guns are the source of all the problems with the cartels. That master plan I eluded to here it is, your great savior and his moneyed puppet masters are pushing and pushing towards turning this country into a dictatorship running under socialist law, a country where you do not speak out against the government you do as you are told. You will live where they tell you, work when and where they tell you, and thank them for all that they have given you. And here is how they are going to accomplish this feat. Last month a rep from Texas put out and article that call for the suspension of the posse Comitatus act so that the military can help locate and dispose of IEDs on American soil. His theory is that the Mexican cartels are going to start bringing the wars to America and that improvised explosive devices are a threat to Texas and the rest of the country. Once they accomplish this they will be able to order the US military to occupy and hold American cities. But first we need to disarm the populace so that they cannot rise up and defend themselves from Tyranny. The obamacare act that has been deemed fully constitutional is not just a way to "fix" our broken health care system, it has been designed to break this country and destroy the economy spinning us into a depression that will make the 1930's look like easy street. During the downfall watch for IED's to start popping up around the country usually attributed to 1, mentally unstable former military personnel, 2, Mexican drug cartels, or 3, Right wing racist zealots. This will make our Texas rep look prophetic and speed up the suspension of the Posse Comitatus act, and allow our military to step in. When the big crash comes the panic will set in along with riots and upheaval, in the interest of public safety Marshall law will be declared and all weapons will be ceased to protect us from ourselves of course. Once this takes place Our Illustrious potentate will of course abolish the Constitution, free elections, and all of our rights as a free people, and proclaim himself Emperor or some other such grandiose title and we the people will be subdued by force of necessary. There are already internment camps built for just this reason, look up FEMA camps and tell me that those don't look like concentration camps for the disinters in society. You can call me paranoid all you want but when the shit hits the fan I will be saying I TOLD YOU SO from a safe house in an undisclosed location. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.

Todays Liberal = Yesterdays Communist.

The hypocrisy of people never ceases to amaze me, lets take a look at some things that are going on in the world today and have a laugh or two at the hypocrisy of some people. I have been reading news stories on CNN, Fox "news", MSNBC, and other "Mainstream Media" websites and the blantant bias is only overshadowed by the stupidity of the people that place comments on the stories. Example number one, there was a story on CNN about a boy who went with a group of children to swim at a public pool when the group arrived they were met with racial slurs and bigotry, this event happened in 2009 why is it news today? The parents of the children in the group sued the ownership of the pool for the behavior of the other people that were using the facility that day. Just last week the plaintiffs in the suit were awarded a settlement each person that took part in the lawsuit will be awarded anywhere from 10 to 15 thousand dollars. The pool closed down a few months after the incident and all assets were sold off to pay off debts, so the chances of anyone actually getting any money are slim and none. But that is not the issue I have with this story the issue for me is in the comments. One of the commenter kept repeatedly going on and on about rich WHITE racist republicans all acting just like these people and the despicable bigots that would treat children this way must all have been rich white republicans. Really, only rich white people are racists is that really what you are telling me? This person went on to claim that all republicans are "bumbling hillbillies" and all white people should be ashamed of themselves for the way they treat minorities. I have been called many things in my life and normally I adopt the attitude of ignore the ignorant, but this time I just cant seem to let it go so here we go with the rant portion of this topic. WTF you bigoted intolerant bitch, I am the Angry Hillbilly, and I am no racist I simply refuse to bow to political correctness run amok, I will call a spade a garden tool, and I will exercise my right to free speech. Your opinion is yours and you have every right to shout it from the roof tops if you want but please be prepared for someone like me to slap your ignorant ass down when you get up on your high horse. What happened to these children was despicable but that should not have been grounds for a lawsuit, I am sorry to say that this world has some very ugly people in it and the sooner we realize this and learn to have a little thicker skin the better off we will be. One of the best ways to show your displeasure at the treatment you receive at any establishment is to simply take your business elsewhere, and lodge a complaint with the BBB and don't forget to tell all your friends about the crappy service and attitudes at said establishment. The lawsuit happy entitlement generation we are raising is getting out of hand. Everywhere you look anymore you find more and more stories about people or groups of people that want something for nothing, from needless lawsuits to the occupy movement, all of these people seem to think that the world owes them something. These are the same people that got participation awards in school, and were never really taught that working hard is the way to accomplish your goals in life. Every story I read during the occupy craze had comments from the "99%" that railed against corporations making huge profits and while they had no job, car, house, whatever. People blaming the banks when their homes were foreclosed, their cars repossessed, excuse me if I have 0 sympathy and sound like a complete dick here but, YOU TOOK OUT A LOAN. When you take out a loan you sign a contract that states the you will pay it back with interest, if for some reason you do not understand the contract DON'T FUCKING SIGN IT. It really is that goddamn simple, no owes you a fucking thing, I have a house I pay my mortgage every month if I should stop doing so the bank will foreclose on my house and will take it away, that is the deal I agreed to when I signed the paperwork. Another story along this line revolved around an older woman whose house was in foreclosure and she was refusing to move out stating that the bank tricked her and that she had not have to pay any more for the house. Here is the rub folks, bank documents show she owed $50,000 and had not made a payment for 2 YEARS, that's right she signed a contract for an equity loan and then never made a payment. The commenters on this story were behind her 100% and thought that the bank was being horrible for trying to foreclose on this poor unfortunate woman after they had swindled her out of her home. Again I say if you can't understand the contract, DON'T FUCKING SIGN IT. The fact that the bank waited two years to do anything tells me that they tried to get their money but when that failed they took the only option left to them. The comments were all in the same vein claiming that the banks just love to take advantage of people and then screw them over to take their houses away to sell them again. That is complete bullshit, in today's market the banks really don't want to do that as they know that they are going to take a loss on every house they foreclose on, houses in this area are not selling for what they were 3 years ago. It astounds me that people believe that the government should provide them with food, shelter, clothing, and money, I truly wonder if these people understand what they are asking for. Lets move on to yet another batch of hypocrites our duly elected overlo.... er representatives in Washington D.C. in the days following the Aurora Colorado shooting some members of our federal government decided that this was the perfect excuse to bring up the subject of gun control yet again. These fear mongering douche bags are using this tragedy to further their own agendas while claiming to have the good of the people at heart. BULLSHIT. This is nothing more than the liberal (IE communist) Democrats finding yet one more excuse to try to once again gut the second amendment, using this tragedy as the basis for your anti freedom campaign is completely out of line, telling people that by giving up just a little bit of your freedom will make everyone safer is a crock of shit and they know it, but these people believe that you the citizen are far to stupid and gullible to get it. Trading freedom for safety makes one neither free nor safe, ask the Jews of Hitler's Germany, although that will require the services of a medium and a séance as most of them are DEAD. Senator Dianne Shitstain, wants to re enact the 1994 assault weapons ban only this time she and her anti freedom gun grabbing friends want to expand upon this travesty of legislation. They want to make any bans enacted permanent, and not only are they after assault weapons, but like last time high capacity pistol magazines, and now we need to include high capacity rifle magazines over .22 caliber. I wonder if anyone realizes that dear Diane in all of her gun hating glory happens to have a California Concealed Carry License, that's right folks its perfectly fine for her to carry a pistol but not for you. This arrogant bitch is surrounded by body guards armed with machine guns, and has a license to carry a pistol, yet she believes that by banning guns and high capacity mags she will deter crime. Hey stupid how about you fire the guards hand over your weapons and lose the bullet proof limo and take a drive through the ghettos of LA, then tell me how safe you feel. Why is it ok for our leaders to be surrounded by guns but we the people should not be allowed to have any? Hypocrisy in action folks, you can bet your sweet ass that any bans put in place would have 0 effect on crime, nor would our reps have to worry about them. I find it off how so many people will call themselves liberal yet want more and more government involvement in their lives. I was under the impression that liberal meant you were more free from constraints, and outside involvement. When exactly did liberal come to mean communist? The leadership of the Brady Center end Gun Violence are one and all allowed to carry concealed weapons. That's right folks the biggest ANTI gun group in the nation, and they can carry guns. These people don't want guns banned they want the right of the citizen to keep and bear arms removed. They want you to be unarmed subjects, forced to kneel at the alter of government and ask, "please sir can I have some more?" this leads me to another question that has been bothering me. What are the chances that the Aurora shooter and the nut case in Wisconsin that shot up the Sikh temple were actually patsies for the liberal anti freedom groups that want to destroy our constitution? Most politicians had decided to ignore the gun control issue altogether as it is just to hot an issue and if you find yourself on the wrong side you will fail to keep power. Yet now we have two high profile mass shootings back to back and all of a sudden the gun control debate is once again front and center, seems a little to convenient to me. I have to include our Glorious leader his eminence the illustrious potentate in any discussion on hypocrisy, as he is one of the biggest hypocrites of the bunch. This is a man that swore up and down that he wanted more transparency on government yet when it came time to vote on his health care bill he started gathering votes by making back door deals with representatives that were on the fence, he said in his campaign that he would repeal the patriot act and yet he continued it and made it stronger. He claimed that if the economy wasn't better and that if unemployment didn't fall to below %8 he would not run for reelection, yet he is out on the campaign trail now. The only thing he did do was to pull troops out of Iraq, but he forgot to mention the fine print out of Iraq and into Afghanistan, he has done nothing to end the wars started by his predecessor yet he gets a Nobel Peace Prize. If this man had any morals or conscience he would have refused the award, and told them when I have ended the wars then give me a medal. He wanted more transparency in government yet he uses executive orders to circumvent the house and congress to get his agenda pushed ahead, and cover up his collusion with the Mexican drug cartels. He rails against the policies of the Bush years yet continues to support them, and the sheeple follow right along like he is the pied fucking piper. These same followers will call you racist, ignorant, hateful, retarded, and worse if you disagree with the great savior, yet they can disagree with the republicans and say anything they want. These people claim the right of free speech while slamming you for exercising the same right, they call themselves liberals when all they want is more government interference in the lives of the people. Hypocrisy thy name is liberal. They believe that they are making a great stand on their principals when the call for the gun bans, yet will berate you if you stand by your principals and fight the bans. How is tromping on the rights of the American citizen being a liberal. This is the behavior of communist dictatorships, countries like China, North Korea, and the old U.S.S.R did this we the people of America have never done this, we believe in FREEDOM, FREEDOM for all not just the elite that believe they should be the roiling class and be surrounded by crowds of adoring fans. The hypocrisy that is our elected officials is astonishing, and the days of do as I say not as I do must end, if we are to survive as a nation we need to take this country back and start governing it by the will of the people, not the will of the power elite. But what the Hell do I know I am just an Angry Hillbilly

Monday, August 13, 2012

Will Freedom go out with a Roar or a whimper.

In less than one month we have had 2 mass shootings, the first in Aurora Colorado where a masked fruitcake shot up a theater full of people and the second in Oak Creek Wisconsin, now the Anti Freedom Nazis in the U.S. Government are adamant about revisiting that flawed and failed legislation known as the 1994 Brady Bill. They want to reinstate the ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazines as of course this will deter crime. Somehow the logic behind this escapes me, perhaps I have not yet been brainwashed enough to believe that by taking guns from LAW ABIDING citizens will magically convince the criminals to give up guns as well. I really need to find out what drugs these fucking morons are taking I would love to be that out of touch with reality for a little while. Let’s look at some places with extreme gun laws and how they are doing with crime shall we. Mexico has some extremely strict laws on what guns can be owned by the citizens no handguns over .32 caliber no weapon ever used in military service and no concealed carry ever. On paper this country should be very safe right? Yet the cartels have fully automatic rifles, grenades, rpgs, and other heavy weapons that we in the U.S. are not allowed to have and the country is riddled with crime. But the laws say no one can have those, and yet again the criminals IGNORE THE LAWS. Senator Dianne Feinstein has proclaimed her hatred of the American people, our freedom, and our Constitutional rights over and over again as she rails against the right of the people to keep and bear arms, yet she herself is on the list of people allowed to carry concealed in California, and is surrounded by guards armed with automatic weapons and high capacity magazines. Hey you hypocritical bitch how about you get rid of the armed guards the bulletproof limo and your personal gun then take a drive through Compton, East Los Angeles, or Oakland and tell me how safe you feel. When you can convince the bangers in your state to lay down arms maybe then I will begin to listen to you on how guns aren’t needed in civilized society. Michael Bloomberg the mayor of Yew Nork City is a founding member of mayors against guns and is outspoken in his hatred of the second amendment, take a look at the laws in New York it is almost impossible to acquire a handgun yet the crime statistics are through the roof. Glad to see the criminals listen to you Mr. Mayor, until you can get you city cleaned up how about you feel free to fuck right the hell off you fat bastard. Let’s not forget the Brady Center to End Violence, this group of mental midgets has been railing against your freedoms for years, the aforementioned Brady Bill was named for James Brady the former Press Secretary for President Regan who was shot during an attempted assassination of the President. Now Jim was shot with a .22 revolver, yet these people led the way in banning “assault weapons” not a single gun on the list was a true assault weapon, and the bill did jack shit to lower crime. The only thing these pinheads did accomplish was to make it harder for you and I the law abiding citizen to protect ourselves from the criminals that still roam the streets. The argument that guns are not needed in a civilized society is a farce, who in the fuck thinks we live in a civilized society, take a look at what is going on in this country and tell me where is this civilization? President Obama stated in his first campaign that he wanted to renew the assault weapons ban, the only thing that stopped him was the fact that he was too busy working out back room deals to get his horribly flawed health care law forced upon us to take the time to worry about gun control. If this man gets a second term I am sure that gun control will be high on the list of priorities, especially in light of the several mass shootings that have occurred in the last four years. Please don’t inundate me with the same tired tripe that he has done nothing to take away guns, I did not say he did yet, but let’s face it he comes from Illinois, Chicago to be specific, that city has had a complete ban on handguns for years and yet there are still shootings, more proof that criminals IGNORE THE LAWS. This jackass and his puppet masters truly do want a complete ban on weapons in this country as that will give them the ability to complete fuck the American people over. The entire point of the right to bear arms is to prevent tyranny, yet when you remove that right tyranny is what you will have. Let’s say the anti freedom crowd gets their wish and all guns are banned and confiscated from the law abiding citizens, what you will have left are unarmed victims for criminals and unarmed subjects for the Government to rule. The second amendment was written to protect all the others. How long do you think your right to free speech would last if there were no guns or your right to freedom of religion, right to trial, these would all disappear and soon after we would no longer have a duly elected government we would have a dictatorship? The only question at that point is what the ruler would call himself, Emperor, King, Grand Pubah, or more likely Mullah. It amazes me that the sheep in this country are so blind as to believe that by banning guns crime will magically go away, correct me if I am wrong but aren’t narcotics illegal? So if we have banned the sale of cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, marijuana, and ecstasy to name a few there should be no drug problem right? There are no drugs in the U.S. because they are against the law, BULLSHIT. Just because you ban something does not make it go away as the failed war on drugs should so obviously tell you. It is also against the law to kill people, so no one ever gets murdered right? How about instead of blaming an inanimate object, we blame the fucking criminal douche bags that actually commit the crimes? I realize that by introducing logic I put the brakes on the plans of the puppet masters to turn our great nation into a dictatorship under one supreme ruler whose word is law, but this country was founded with freedom for all in mind not freedom for the elite and servitude for the masses. People it is time to stand up and tell the anti freedom crowd to piss right the fuck off, we will not be victims, we will not go quietly into the night, we will not be made slaves to the power hungry elite. It is time to tell them that we will stand up for our rights, our freedoms, and our lives. It is time to send the anti gun senators, representatives, and even the president a message. When you vote cast your ballot for someone who will stand up for your rights not for someone that wants to take them away. Do not let this country become another Mexico, Columbia, or Syria. Do not let the anti freedom crowd take away your freedoms, stand your ground and say no more. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The eternal fight for equality rolls on.

In my last post I touched on the subject of gay marriage and gave some thoughts on the opposition to it. I feel the need to expand upon this as the more I think about this subject the more pissed off I get. For decades we have heard about the civil rights movement and equal rights for all people no matter their skin color, yet government approved discrimination is alive and well but since it’s just the queers who cares. Look at that last statement and stop to think on it for a second, go ahead I’ll wait....... Good now after just a moment thought do you not see how asinine that statement is? During the early part of the 20th century this was the thought behind segregation, they are just niggers who cares, yet today we tout equal rights for all except for the homos, how again is this equal rights? To call something equal means that it applies to all not just to some. The fact that we still deny gays equal rights is a slap in the face to the civil rights leaders that are looked up to today, from a woman on a bus to a man with a dream. Every time the issue of gay marriage comes up you get the various religious leaders coming out and speaking against it as a sin, and how God says that being gay is evil. Hey that’s your opinion and you are entitled to it, you even have the right to say whatever you want on the subject, you have the right to gather and protest against gay marriage, this is a free country and those rights are guaranteed to you by the Constitution. However claiming that gay marriage should not be allowed because your book says so is wrong. Denying a group of people equal rights based on your personal beliefs is wrong. I don't know if anyone has ever told any church but not everyone believes the way you do, that goes for all religions, whether it be Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Jedi, Sikh, Satanist, Wicca, scientologist, or any others that I have missed. Just because you believe that gays shouldn’t marry does not make it a great basis for a law. Basing law on your morality is a very very bad idea, look to the countries that live under sharia law. Women can and are stoned for adultery, men can and do marry and have sex with teen girls, and if the girl refuses she can be beaten, this is law of morality. Is this what you want in a FREE country? The whole point of the United States was to break away from a country that tried to regulate morality and oppress those that did not conform to those morals. Why do you think the first ten amendments of the constitution are called the Bill of RIGHTS? The argument that gay marriage somehow threatens the sanctity of traditional marriage is a crock of shit thought up by a bunch of homophobic old bastards to give the churches a great talking point for the TV cameras. How in the hell does the marriage of two people you have never met have anything to do with your marriage? According to your bible only one Christian man and one Christian woman can get married yet you have no problem with Muslims, Jews, atheists getting married as long as it’s a man and a woman. Picking and choosing your morals is bullshit it’s either all or nothing you hypocrite. And while we are on the subject of hypocrisy, how man of you oh so pious good church going men rail against gays yet watch girl on girl porn on the sly? So I guess being gay is ok as long as both women are hot? I have discovered over time that most people that are homophobic are so because they are in denial they have a small dark side that wonders whit its like, or sometimes they are so far in the closet they could give you an accurate weather report from Narnia. Instead of telling people that it is wrong for them to love a person of the same gender how about you try reading the bible you are using to browbeat people with. Jesus taught love and tolerance, not bigotry and hatred. When he was being crucified he said "Father forgive them for they know not what they do" He forgave the people that murdered him, if that isn’t tolerance I don't know what is. Yet you will use the same teachings and twist them to fit your agenda. The Muslim faith is no better under sharia law gays are murdered flat out, well I guess telling them they cant marry is ok by that standard, at least you aren’t putting them to death. I have news for you people the only way we will ever end discrimination and hate is to realize that we are all one race HUMAN, and we are all different, how you choose to live your life is up to you. Why do you have so much hatred for people you will never meet? Here is a question for all religious people that speak out against gay marriage. What would you do if one day your son or daughter came home and introduced you to the love of their life and that person was the same sex as your child? That right your son is gay, and wants to get married to his male partner. Would you deny them the happiness you have had in your marriage? We tell companies that refusing to hire a person based on sexual orientation is a crime, refusing to let gays into your establishment is a crime, yet telling gay people that they are not good enough to marry is OK. What the fuck is wrong with us? Why does every group of people have to fight the same battle over and over again? Women had to fight for the right to vote, for equal pay, Blacks had to fight for equal rights; they had to fight for the right to drink from the same water fountain as a white person. Since we can no longer oppress the niggers, chinks, zips, and wetbacks, and we gave in to the women, we need a group to hold down to uphold moral superiority. I guess all that’s left is the fags, but that’s ok they are just queers. Fuck our society is stupid, it’s a wonder our country has survived this long without tearing itself to pieces. Most of the people that are vehemently against this are the same type of people that sixty years ago would have been running around wearing white sheets with pointed hoods. This proves you can’t fix stupid neither can you legislate morality. There is a famous document that starts with the line ALL men are created equal; there is no caveat that says except for queers, all are equal. So if we are to base our society on this it seems obvious that there is no good reason to continue to deny gays the right to marry. I challenge anyone to give me a good reason not based on one religion or another, or your own personal bias to show me a good reason to continue this form of discrimination. I have no problem with any group of law abiding people; I don’t care what you believe whom you choose to love, or how you live your life. I only want one thing for others to live their lives and be happy while not harming other people. I do have a major hatred for groups that would prey upon others, criminals, politicians, racist hate groups, terrorists; to me these are not people. I don’t care what you look like, black, brown, red, green, yellow, I don’t care, gay, straight, bi, transgender, asexual, again I don’t care. But depriving any group of people equal rights for any reason is stupid, doing so based on your personal, views, beliefs, or bias, is monumentally stupid. Wake up people it is time we as HUMAN BEINGS realized that being different is not a crime, If Neal and Bob want to get married why should we care? If two women want to get married why should we stop them, that is between them and has nothing to do with the rest of the world? The defenses of because that is how it has always been and because God said so are not a reason to deny equal rights to any group. In the past blacks were forced to sit at the back of the bus, and women could not vote. Those rules were changed because they were wrong, it is long past time to quit holding on to the past and move into the future. A future where whom you love matters not at all, but the fact that you have someone to love is what is most important. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY Hillbilly.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Freedom of speech is words that they will bend.

Here we are again the Hillbilly is pissed off, for a while now I have been reading news stories and the comments about them and I am seeing a staggering pattern in the comments, freedom of speech is only valid if those making points share your point of view. Let me give you some examples. there is a guy in Idaho that has put up a billboard that is less than complimentary to our illustrious potentate. One half of the billboard shows a picture of the Aurora gunman with the caption "kills twelve people with assault rifle everybody freaks" the other half show Obama with the caption " kills thousands with his foreign policy and gets Nobel Peace prize" of course since this shows El Duce in a negative light the commucrats have all gotten their panties in a wad. The owner of said billboard has received death threats and threats of violence to not only his person but to his family as well. How quickly the left forgets the sins of their past. When Bush was in office the left had no trouble equating him to Hitler, or Stalin, or any other murdering dictator, they also amused themselves by comparing the President with a monkey, a developmentally disabled person , referred to him a an idiot as often as possible, yet one word against their chose savior and you are marked for death. I do not like President Obama, I think his foreign policy is crap, his domestic policy will lead us to ruin, and I have said from day one that he did not have enough experience to run this country, however I will respect the Office of the President. I will not refer to him in a racist manner nor will I compare him to a species other than human. I will compare him to the communist and socialist leaders he seems to emulate in all of his decisions. The left loves to blame Bush for the thousands of dead in the middle east and yet the great savior has done very little to stop the killings, he brought troops out of Iraq and sent them to Afghanistan, he deployed military assets to help liberate Libya without the consent of Congress which is not in his power to do and he should have been called on that but he wasn't. He continues to use drones to strike at terrorist encampments in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and throughout the Middle East, and I agree we need to do this but for the liberals to hold this man up as a saint and vilify someone else for doing the same things is asinine. Anytime I have exercised my first amendment rights and spoken out against Obama and his regime I have been called a bigot, a racist, a hatemonger, a retard, an inbred redneck, and I have been threatened with violence on numerous occasions. Yet I have done none of those things to the people that were critical of Bush. When you point out the hypocrisy of these people you usually get on of two responses either they stop talking which is good or they get angry and begin to spew more hate speech against you and what you believe. Another example of hypocrisy in action, gay marriage most people that are against this use their religious beliefs as defense against allowing the same freedoms to gays that they themselves have. When you point out that there own bible tells them to love thy neighbor and judge not for that is the providence of GOD, they start up with the hate speech, I had a "Christian" call me a "fucking faggot" for defending gay marriage. Wow what a loving a tolerant religion you have there, it is perfectly acceptable for you to spew your hate and bigotry based on a collection of tales from thousands of years ago yet I cant speak my mind on the subject without you vomiting more hate upon me. Yeah where do I sign up for that, I believe it when I read "All men are created equal and are endowed by their creator with certain inaliable rights to the pursuit of life liberty and happiness." no where in that does it say unless they are gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual, Muslim, Hindu, black, yellow, green, purple, or anything else you people can find to hate. It says ALL, which part of that is so fucking hard to understand? If your beliefs are that gays shouldn't marry than that is fine you can speak on that but if my belief is that they should be allowed to marry don't I deserve the same courtesy? I fail to see the problem with gay marriage anyway. The argument that it destroys the sanctity of marriage makes absolutely no sense to me. How does a loving couple getting married have any affect on your marriage in any way shape or form? What does it matter to you if two men or women want to commit themselves to each other for life? If these people love each other how is that any different than the love you have for your spouse? I truly do not understand this way of thinking. I also don't understand how you can say that you are a compassionate loving person when by your actions you are trying to deny a group of people the same rights you have just because they are different from you. A little over a century ago a brave man led this country into war for that reason his name was Abraham Lincoln, and that war was fought over slavery. People were denied basic human rights just because of the color of their skin, have we learned nothing in the last one hundred years. I am a married man and I adore my wife with all of my heart, yet to men saying I Do has zero affect on my marriage. So why shouldn't these people be allowed the same freedoms I have again? I brought these points up in an argument with a religious person and was told that because of my beliefs I was going to hell, I replied good I will save you a seat on the bus. Another example is the debate on gun control, should you be against any form of gun ban you are instantly labeled a gun nut, or people think that you are just looking to kill people. Nothing could be further from the truth, I just believe that the founding fathers knew what they were doing when they wrote the bill of rights. The argument that they did not write the second amendment with AK-47s in mind is laughable. They wrote this amendment knowing that weapons tech would advance and they wanted to ensure that the populace would always have the ability to defend against tyranny. However as the power of governing the country grew it corrupted those elected to it, and they saw that they must limit the power the people had to ensure the survival of the government. Behold gun control laws that are one and all unconstitutional. The second amendment has the phrase Shall NOT be Infringed, which says to me all gun laws are bogus as they are an infringement on my rights as an American citizen. Try telling this to a believer of the anti gun agenda and see what happens. Should you try and use reason and logic with these people you will quickly be berated and called all sorts of horrible things, yet they will refuse to use any facts or statistics to back up the erroneous claim that all guns should be banned. They will demand the right to be heard while trying to deny you the same. This has been readily apparent in the mainstream news media for the past several weeks as there have been two mass shootings on in Colorado and one in Wisconsin. Two tragedies where someone with definite mental issues began killing people for no reason that you or I or any right thinking person would ever understand. But try and speak out on pro gun views and watch the fireworks ensue. I have been banned from posting my pro 2nd amendment/ pro gun viewpoint on yet they leftists can spew all the hatred they want against those of us who decide to exercise our rights to keep and bear arms. You say anything against the President or any democrat member of the government and you are instantly called a racist or a idiot , but speak out against guns or republicans and you are lauded as a hero. Speak your mind on the gay marriage movement as the owner of chic fill a did and you are a bigot speak your mind in support and you are a great person. it seems to me that this country has forgotten that Freedom for on and all is what we have based our country on, just because I don't happen to share your belief does not mean I will try and stop you from speaking out about it, but pleas at least try and be a little respectful about it. If you attack me for my beliefs I will return the favor, if you are respectful I will also be respectful whether or not I agree or disagree. This world would be a much better place if we could learn to talk to each other rather than browbeat each other with our individual beliefs, just because someone does not agree with you does not make them wrong or an idiot it just means they have a different point of view. The only caveat of that statement is denying the rights of a group based on religion, your religion is a personal choice and should not be the basis of law, as not everyone believes the same way, we created freedom of religion to get out from under religious law when we separated from England lets not go back to that system. But what the Hell do I know I am just an Angry Hillbilly.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Why hate the cops are you hiding somethig?

It seems like every time I open the news websites anymore I am inundated with more stories of public outrage at the police for shooting someone. I read the stories and find the same patterns over and over. The police department in city X try to arrest some career felon he resits or runs or sometimes points a gun at the officers and they proceed to shoot him, not really seeing a problem here but maybe I am just a cold hearted bastard. After said criminal is cold and dead the public goes on a witch hunt to have the officer involved fired and or prosecuted, if the officer had done something wrong I would have to agree with them 99 times out of 100 what you get is some family member or another of the dead scumbag crying about what a good person he was or how he was turning his life around and why did they have to murder him? Excuse me your wonderful relative just got done beating an old man to death for $35 bucks and shot another person for their car that does not sound like a warm and fuzzy type of person to me. It sounds like someone who desperately needs their breathing rights revoked ASAP. Lets take the latest case here in Portland Oregon or as I should refer to it liberal tree hugging bunnyfuckerville but that will be really annoying to type over and over, so Portland it is. The cops receive multiple someone shooting at cars while driving down the road, the car also fits the description of a vehicle used in an armed robbery from the day before. This paints a nice picture doesn't it? Portland PD spots the car outside a 7-11 store and proceeds with a felony stop, guns drawn yelling commands a the occupants of the car that sort of thing. One individual gets out of the car and complies with the officers commands and is taken into custody. The driver decides to make a run for it he throws the car in drive and starts to take off, one of the PPB officers shoots the criminal fuck six times as he is leaving, the car rolls through a fence and into an unoccupied building, the driver is dead. Now here is where the liberals start going nuts. The driver of the vehicle was a career criminal with multiple felony convictions multiple stints in jail and he was in possession of a firearm which is yet another felony. Lets put this together real quick, a convicted felon, has just been on a crime spree racking up more felony charges including armed robbery, felon in possession of a firearm, reckless endangerment, attempted murder, felony eluding, and use of a weapon in the commission of a crime. Sounds to me like this guy was a real pillar of the community. Here we have a stand up citizen being shot by the cops for no good reason. Sure thing sparky just take another hit off the bong while I lay some wisdom down on your smelly ass. This piece of shit had just gone out and committed a string of crimes putting many people in danger, and when the police tried to stop him he tried to run. A car can make one hell of a deadly weapon in the wrong hands just look at the statistics on drunk drivers, this in my book puts him in possession of two deadly weapons, 1 a car and 2 a gun, the same gun he allegedly used to rob someone with and the same gun he allegedly used to shoot at other cars. Why should I feel the least bit sorry for this shirttail? He lived a life of crime and he paid the price for his actions. The dead felons fiancé wants to know why the cops had to shoot him after all he was a good man he had his faults but he loved his children and was a good father. WTF a good man he was a criminal scumbag, a good father if he gave 2 shits about his 4 daughters from 3 mothers he would have stopped committing crimes and oh I don't know maybe found a JOB to take care of his family. Stealing and shooting at people and acting like a thug is not repeat not taking care of your family it is being a stupid selfish prick. Why did the cops have to shoot him? He was an immediate threat to everyone around him, he was leaving in a 2 ton guided missile that can and will kill human beings, he had in his possession a gun that he could use to kill other people. Lets say the cops let him go and in his haste to get away form them he runs over a small child, would the parents understand why the police did nothing to stop the murderer of their child? If it was your child and you found out that the cops had a chance to stop this guy wouldn't you start screaming why didn't you shoot him when you had the chance? I have begun to wonder why anyone would ever want to be a cop. You are screwed no matter what you do, either you aren't doing enough to stop crime or you are just a criminal with a badge. The cop hating bunnyfuckers in this town are such absolute hypocrites its actually funny. They will rail against the police at every turn protesting and calling for the officers involved to be prosecuted but when the Occupy movement started to inconvenience some of them they were out there asking why the cops weren't enforcing the laws. When the cops started to evict the occupy hippies ( I cant call them protestors) from the parks they had taken over illegally the haters came right back out and called them jack booted thugs and started saying that Portland was becoming a police state. You fucking morons cant have it both ways. I really have no issues with this latest shooting the police stopped an armed and dangerous criminal from continuing to victimize the public. Do I wish they could have found another way yes if only to spare the officer the pain of killing another person. Despite what you see in the movies (yes Hollywood lies to you) cops do not enjoy killing people, they do not like to use the guns they carry, however if you leave them no choice they will use them. It is quite simple really if you don't want to be hassled by the cops DON'T BREAK THE LAW. Also if you don't want to get shot do what the man with the gun tells you to do. Is that really so fucking hard to understand? Every time the police so much as stop a minority the people start screaming racial profiling racial profiling, maybe maybe not sometimes your actions are what lead to the stop. I look like a member of an outlaw motorcycle gang, I have a long goatee, ( the plus 2 beard of awesome thank you) and I ride a bike so I wear a lot of biker gear, now when the cops pull me over do I start screaming about it? No I know that the choices I make have consequences, I choose to ride, I choose to wear the gear and grow the beard, that was my choice I cant cry about it when it leads to things like cops giving me a second look. I read stories about people saying the are being profiled when in reality their car is the one being profiled, look if you drive a car that screams drug dealing gang banger chances are the cops are going to stop you more frequently than if you drive a car that screams soccer mom. It was your choice to drive the banger mobile because you want to look like a thug don't cry now that you are getting pulled over. It is beyond time for the PC bullshit to stop most peoples problems are of their own creation its not the fault of society or violent video games, guns don't kill people spoons do not make you fat. Quit blaming your problems on others. Do you truly want to know who is at fault for the dead felon scumbag? The dead felon scumbag, he chose to commit crimes over and over and over, he chose to run from the cops, he chose to be a criminal piece of shit. The true victims here are his daughters, they will have to grow up without a loving father, because the one they should have had was to busy living a life of selfishness to realize that there are people in the world more important than him.. Lay off the cop hatred, these men and women are doing a job the vast majority of people would absolutely refuse to do, are there bad cops yes but you know what there are bad people everywhere. But what the Hell do I know I am just and Angry Hillbilly.

Your government wants unarmed subjects not armed citizens.

In the wake of the mass murder in Aurora Colorado two of our esteemed Overlo er elected officials have decided it is high time to do something to curb gun crimes. What pray tell do these oh so highly educated and intelligent people want to do you ask? Common sense would dictate that we strive to help those with mental health issues deal with their problems in a way that does not include killing other people, or maybe work to wards keeping career criminals out of society. Well I hate to tell you this but common sense isn't. New York rep Carolyn McCarthy and New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg, have decided to propose the Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act, what this law would do is ban all online sales of ammunition to citizens of the US, and it would require you to be a licensed dealer to sell any ammunition. Other regulations include requirement of photo ID to purchase ammo if you are not a licensed dealer and all licensed dealers would have to report sales of 1000 rounds of ammunition to a single person in a 5 day period as that proves you are a suspicious person. Really my purchase habits of legal products make me a terrorist or mass murderer? I have several issues with this proposed law, and the people proposing it. Lets start with our esteemed representatives, They were elected by states with some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation yet in both states violent crime rates are out of control. Yet these people feel like they have the intelligence to tell the rest of the country how to curb crime. You mental deficients cant even make your own states safe for people why the hell should the rest of the country listen to you? Telling me how much ammo I can purchase is ludicrous and will do absolutely nothing to curb crime. Putting people on a list of suspicious persons due to the amount of ammunition they purchase at one time will do nothing but put a further strain on already overworked police forces, and will de absolutely no deterrent to a determined criminal. Lets say that the Anti freedom Nazis had gotten their wish and all guns had been banned and all citizens were nothing more than unarmed subjects, James Holmes would still have committed his act of terror. If he had used a OKC style truck bomb he could have leveled the theater and killed far more people, had he done that would these two useless dipshits then be calling for restrictions on the amount of diesel fuel you could purchase? We all know the answer to that question is no as the big oil companies have paid good money for the government of the US. All the anti freedom groups across the country are screaming for bans on high capacity magazines and assault weapons, and wanting to limit the freedoms of the citizens of this country in reaction to the act of a severely disturbed individual. I have news for you people if you take away the second amendment the rest will shortly follow, the reason the founders of this nation put in the right to keep and bear arms was to protect the freedoms guaranteed by the constitution. The second amendment is the last line of defense against tyranny. Adolph Hitler disarmed the German people in 1935, as a holocaust survivor if they felt safer after their guns were taken away. How long would the freedoms of speech, religion, and expression last if there were no way for the people to rise up and fight back against tyranny? It is very simple we do not need more laws regulating arms we need more people to arm themselves and realize that they are the ones responsible for protecting themselves from the darkness. Lets look at three of the past mass shootings and where they occurred. Columbine high school, a gun free zone, Virginia Tech a gun free zone, Aurora Colorado the movie theater was a gun free zone. Do you notice a pattern here? Three of the worst acts of domestic terror were all committed in gun free zones the criminal scumbags that committed these atrocities did not stop and shay shit I cant do this its a gun free zone, no they looked at these places and thought to themselves oh goody a shooting gallery where the law abiding sheep will have no way to shoot back. How did these gun free zones make anyone safer? I am sick and tired of being considered a nut or paranoid because I choose not to be a victim, I carry a gun with me when I go out not because I am looking to shoot someone but because I am looking to keep someone from shooting me. I love how all of the senators and representatives that put these plans together to take away your right to defend yourself all have armed guards at their homes and offices. The President of the United States is surrounded at all times by men with automatic weapons and there are teams of gun toting security everywhere he goes yet he would love nothing more than to take away your right to self protection. Ok Mr. gun grabbing anti freedom Nazi first you find a way to take the guns from the criminals then disband your armed bodyguards get rid of the bulletproof limo start flying commercial like all the other peasants and then maybe I would consider it. Yet for all of their mewling and scare tactics they still do not get the fucking point, CRIMINALS DO NOT CARE ABOUT GUN LAWS. It does not matter how many gun laws you enact the only people that will obey them are the law abiding citizen. Why we feel we have to punish the many over the deeds of the few is beyond me. Lets say you work at a bank, and your co worker steals $500 should the bank then fire everyone over the act of one person? Everyday drunk drivers kill more people than criminals with guns, yet we do not put tougher regulations on alcohol. Cars kill more Americans than any other object yet anyone can purchase a car, why are we not up in arms over this? If you believe what is written in the bible the first murder was committed with a rock and to this day a rock can still be used to kill someone so lets ban rocks. We put the blame for these crimes on the object used, on society, on violent video games, on violence in movies, yet none of the lawmakers in Washington D.C. stops to think maybe we should blame the fucking nut job that just killed twelve people for no good god damn reason. The arrogance of these people makes me sick. Is there something in the water in DC that's just makes these people stupid the minute they arrive? Limiting the rights of the many will harm only those who obey the laws to begin with. Those who trade liberty for safety deserve neither. We live in a world of risks, you could step outside tomorrow and get hit by a bus. Do we ban busses? Telling me that I am a bad person because I want to own a gun is stupid looking at me like I am a terrorist because I choose to exercise my rights is just moronic. If I see someone being robbed at gun point I am going to help them I will not first ask the victim if he is pro or anti gun. The anti gun crowd has it all wrong we don't need less guns we need more guns. Look at Mexico that country has ridiculous gun laws yet it is one of the most dangerous places in the world right now. The cartels are armed to the teeth and anyone that buys the story that they are buying their guns in America is either in severe denial or to stupid and blind to be allowed to speak. The cartels get the majority of their guns from either the corrupt Mexican government or from countries that wish to see Mexico tear itself to pieces. The only losers in that country are the citizens that have no real way to defend themselves. Is this really what we want our country to become? Do you really want to have the entire populace of the US living in fear of the criminals that have the guns? Of course the politicians don't give a shit about that as they have bodyguards to keep them safe. This proposed law is complete bullshit it is knee jerk reactionary look we are doing something bullshit. Anyone who believes this will do a damn bit of good is just a moron. The great 1994 assault weapons ban the Slick Willy signed into law did nothing to curb crime, another ban will do the same nothing. Why are we wasting our time with these laws that do nothing? They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions if this is true our lawmakers are building a six lane expressway and the sheep that support them are helping them right along. When the people are disarmed and the tyrants anoint themselves our divine rulers and take away all our freedoms will you then see the mistake you have made? Even if you do by then it will be to late. Do not hate me for wanting to keep my freedom, hate yourself for giving yours away. But what the Hell do I know I am just an Angry Hillbilly.