Monday, August 17, 2009

RIP to a True music legend

It is a truly sad day for music fans legendary musician/inventor Les Paul passed away. Where are all of the tributes to this great man? We idolize a genetic freak like Michael Jackson yet when a decent human being passes on we ignore him as if he never existed, maybe if he had molested a couple of little boys more people in the media would care. It is a truly sad state of affairs when child molesting drug addicts are held in higher regard than truly talented people like Mr. Paul. Among his contributions to the music industry are the solid body electric guitar and multi track studio recording, Gibson Guitars originally turned down his first solid body design claiming it was to large and heavy and that no one would buy it, then along came Leo Fender with his Esquire design which sold like crazy. After that Gibson came back and asked for a revised design this in turn became the Les Paul that would go on to make music history. This is the kind of person that all of the music and entertainment outlets should be honoring with hours of specials not the freak MJ it makes me sick to see how the sheeple flock to stories of drug addictions and arrests and yet when someone does something innovative its ignored and the freak shows are given more airtime. Just look at the amount of airtime that has been spent talking about what a tragedy MJ's loss was or the time wasted on Lindsey Lohans multiple trips to rehab. My question is WHO THE FUCK CARES, what have these people really contributed to the world of music? In his defense before Michael Jackson truly went off the deep end he did give us the Thriller album but that's about it, for fucks sake. I get so tired of hearing about the problems in all of these celebrities lives and how unhappy they are WTF, you have more money than your grandchildren could ever possibly spend and you claim that your unhappy with the way your life is going, FUCK YOU ALL. If you are so unhappy with your life than change it take your money and your fame and try doing something worthwhile for a change rather than going from club to club and then bitching about the poparazzi that you knew would be there. I honestly believe that most of these so called celebrities would be doing the world a favor if they just took themselves out of the gene pool. Coming from the Great Northwest i grew up with Nirvana, now most of the people that grew up here swear that this was a great band I however am not one of those mindless drones. I think that Kirk Cobain was an untalented hack, his songwriting was crap, his guitar playing was crap, and his attitude toward everything was crap. Have you ever actually listened to any of their albums most of the time he was so whacked out on drugs his lyrics come out as unintelligible mumbles, the only member of that band with any talent was Dave Grohl, and he has moved on to bigger and better things. After making shit tons of cash Kirk the fucktard decided that his life was so horrible that the only way out was to blow his head off with a shotgun, that was about the only thing he did right, to bad he took the time to make several albums of crap noise some consider music before he did it. My opinion of Nirvana is definitely not the most popular in this section of the world but I really don't give a fuck what others think if I did I probably would write these posts the way I do. To Mr. Les Paul is say Good buy, you gave the world many gifts and I'm sorry that so few of us will give you the honor you deserve, and to Mr. Jackson, Mr. Cobain, and all the rest of the dead drug addicted talent less fucktards I say Burn in hell you worthless fucks. But what the Hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly.


  1. Without Les Paul, modern music would not be what it is today. His innovation to the electric guitar is what set the standard for all music that uses an electric guitar in it.

    I think Kirk blew his brains out during a moment of sobriety when he reliezed that he was married that train wreck called Courtney.

  2. Les Paul. Without him we wouldn't have a lot of the music that I love. I'm glad that the makers of the guitar hero series made a wireless guitar for their game based on the les paul guitar. R.I.P. Les Paul.
