Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Liberal/Terrorist whats the difference?

I found a poll on one of the local news channel websites that posed an interesting question, “What should the U.S. do about Iran’s nuclear program?” Now my feelings are fairly well known on this subject, but the interesting thing about this poll was the current results, 37% say join other nations in imposing strict sanctions, 26% want an immediate military strike on the facilities, 20% demand that the program end or face military action, 10% say work with IAEA to monitor the program, and last but not least 8% responded with DO NOTHING! What the hell is wrong with this country? Have we learned nothing over the last forty years? Sanctions and strong words have absolutely no effect because these countries have learned that we will not back up any threat with action. It has become painfully clear that I do not belong in this area as it is a liberal Hell and I am in the vast minority, the way I think and act is looked down upon by pretty much every person I come in contact with. But it does have the advantage of showing me where I stand on the conservative liberal scale. For the record I say bomb the place out of existence before they construct a working nuclear weapon. Now I know that in this brave new world of change that has been ushered in we are supposed to talk out all of the problems of the world and show peace and love to our neighbors, to this I say BULLSHIT, the only thing that course of action shows is just how weak willed we as a country have become. Do none of our glorious leaders remember how we ended World War two; we dropped not one but two atomic bombs on Japan. After that no one wanted to fuck with us. Why you may ask, because we showed the world that we had the will to use any means necessary to stop threats to our freedoms. Unfortunately as the years have gone by our leadership has become weak and fairly ineffective at defending our freedoms and ideals. This country was founded on the idea of immigration we were to be the great melting pot come to America where you are free to worship the deity of your choice without fear of prejudice, where you can be anything you want if you are willing to work for it, an people came they learned English and worked hard and created new lives for themselves with no handouts from the government. Today it is a completely different story no we cater to everyone else’s needs, cant speak English that’s ok we will teach your children in their language rather than inconvenience them by making them learn English, cant read English, that’s ok we will spend millions printing out foreign language textbooks for you. Several years ago I decided to go to college to better myself and provide a better life for my family, I went into the guidance counselor’s office and asked about financial aid and the woman at the desk almost fell out of her chair she was laughing so hard. You see folks I am an employed, able bodied white male which disqualifies me for financial aid, yet if I were any other race or gender I could easily get government help for college. People say racism is on the decline and use our new president as evidence, and I agree that it is in decline, but as long as organizations like the UNCF, NAACP, ACORN, and a host of others are allowed to exist racism will never go away. The United Negro College Fund is one of the most racist organizations in the world, in my opinion it ranks right up there with the Ku Klux Klan. Why do I say this? Let me tell you why. If I were to start a college fund that only helped out people like me working white males that make to much money to qualify for financial aid yet not enough to actually pay for college I would be vilified as a racist as bad as Hitler himself. Yet the UNCF will only give money to minorities they need to hang a sign on the door of their offices that says NO WHITES ALLOWED. No you tell me how that isn’t a racist organization. The same people that tolerate and embrace this kind of thinking are the same ones that embrace this pussified outlook on foreign policy, these people who have helped elect weak leadership year after year are doing more damage to our country than any terrorist organization could ever dream of. If El Jefe really wants change he should start by showing the world that fucking with the United States is the last mistake you will ever make. And the way to accomplish that is to destroy the nuclear facilities that Iran and North Korea have constructed. After that we can start working on the Somali pirates and other dictatorships of the world where people are having there human rights squashed every day. But what the Hell do I know I am just and angry Hillbilly.

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