Monday, October 26, 2009
When El Jefe takes over what will he call himself?
I have brought this up before here at the Lodge but today while I was looking at my facebook page, (yes the angry hillbilly is on face book) there was a pole asking if President Obama, should shut down Fox News. Now this may seem like an innocent question but I can guarantee that it is not. Over the last few weeks Fox News has come under fire for being the voice of the Republican party, and the spokesperson for the president has reportedly said that no one from this administration will talk to Fox News. That's all well and good and if his immanence wants to cut himself off from the conservative crowd that's fine with me I am tired of listening to him promise the moon when he can barely deliver a pizza. The true problem is that there are those that think disagreeing with the president is un American, I have news for these morons we are supposed to disagree, we need to question our leaders at every step to make sure that they are doing the will of the people not the will of themselves. Where were these people when CNN, The Wall Street Journal, CNBC, and a host of others "News" outlets were trashing George Bush on a daily basis, why weren't there calls to shut them down? Oh wait its because Obama is a liberal Democrat that's right, he can do no wrong so he gets a free pass no matter what. I personally don't care for Fox News their Right wing bias is annoying, on the flip side CNN and its complete liberalism is just as bad, neither one will question their party leadership. It is our job as Citizens to question our leaders they are their to do the will of the people. I don't believe any President should have the power to shut down a press organization no matter which way they lean that comes to close to deleting the First amendment. The Nazi's tried this tactic have you ever seen the pictures of the book burnings that were held in Germany? Any successful dictatorship will eliminate the rights of Free speech and Freedom of the Press, it makes it easier to control the sheep when you control information and how it is disseminated. Eliminating the rights of your subjects is also key to a successful socialist state which is where El Jefe wants to take this country. One question I have is if successful what would he call himself, Emperor, King, Czar, Heir Ruler, Grand Pooh-bah, Illustrious Potentate? Just asking is all if you listen to any of his campaign speeches his true goal is to turn this republic into a socialist state where the government is in complete control. Yet he managed to disguise his true purpose behind flowery speech and rhetoric aimed at reminding the sheeple how bad Bush has been screwing them over that enough people drank the cool aid to get him elected President. Now he has at least for years if not eight to achieve his goal. Should he get to where he so desperately wants to be don't come to me and as how this happened I have been warning people from the beginning that this is what he truly wants maybe you should have paid attention then instead of giving me the indoctrination speech. But what the Hell do I know I am just an Angry Hillbilly.
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