Monday, April 5, 2010

Raping the Bill of rights through the Backdoor: Part One

The inmates at the federal asylum known as Washington D.C. are not happy with destroying the second amendment but as I have been saying for years are now attacking the first amendment. Recently the 2009 cyber security act was passed through senate committee for debate by the entire Senate, the key part of this bill is the power it gives to the President. This bill will give the President to issue a nationwide blackout or restriction on websites without congressional approval. The stated purpose of this bill is to help curtail terrorist attacks through cyberspace, but giving this much power to one individual will lead to more attacks on the first amendment under the guise of national security. I am all for stopping terrorist attacks but the more we sacrifice our rights for security the more we will lose in the end. Now I can think of a couple of countries that have this kind of governmental control over internet usage the two that come to mind right off the bat are China, and North Korea. That's right folks your duly elected representatives are taking notes on how to create laws from Communist dictatorships. Kind of shocking when you think about it maybe all those people saying that Obama is a socialist are on to something. Its bad enough the with his health care reform El Jefe has decided how you spend your money now he wants the power to control what information you can access. How long will it be before the government decides that the Bill of Rights and the Constitution in its entirety are obsolete and destroys them in favor of full control of the populace? Over the last three decades the push to abolish the Second Amendment has been gathering strength, why do you suppose that the government wants more restrictions on gun ownership? If they are to ever achieve total control over their subjects they muse first disarm them to prevent revolution. An armed society has citizens, an unarmed society has subjects. The socialist rat bastard all you kool aid drinkers voted into office wants subjects not citizens, he and all of his loyal toadies know what is best for you the uneducated masses. That is why his healthcare reform was crammed down our throats whether we wanted it or not and that is why this bill will eventually succeed the same way through more secrets back room dealing and promises to promote his socialist agenda. But what the HELL do I know I am just an Angry HILLBILLY.

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