Monday, April 5, 2010

Raping the Bill of Rights through the Backdoor: Part Two

During his campaign for the presidency Mr. Obama promised more transparency in government, yet lets look at how his "historic" health care reform became law. The majority of Americans were against this reform package for a variety of reasons, chief amongst them is the fact that with the economy already in the sad state that it is, this will only push us further and further into debt. Not to mention giving the governments’ unprecedented control over yet another sector of private industry. The government already has a large stake in the banking and auto industries now they have the medical industry to add to their collection. How long till the press is bought up and all of your information is brought to you by federal agencies? To get to this point the President spent the weeks leading up to the Senate vote holding private meetings with senators that were on the fence or leaning towards a No vote on this bill. What was discussed in these meetings is unknown but you can imagine that he was buying votes with promises to support legislation at a later time. Legislation like immigration reform that includes retroactive amnesty for all illegal immigrants currently in this country, who are currently not covered under Obama Care, but once they are granted amnesty and are legal residents of the US they to will be granted medical insurance at your expense. The health care reform that was just passed says that all legal residents of the US must purchase health insurance but for those that truly cant afford it the government will help subsidize it for you now if you opt out of having insurance you will have to pay a fine, so no matter what you are going to be paying into the system. Here is one issue I have with this, I now HAVE to give money to a PRIVATE ENTITY or face a fine. WTF? For those of you who work at a job that has benefits you are not immune to paying into the system, if your health plan is better than the government minimum it qualifies as a luxury plan and guess what there's a tax for that. Apparently our glorious leader is taking lessons from Steve Jobs and Apple. Want to buy a house? there's a tax for that, have quality health insurance? there's a tax for that. Another small addition to the health care reform bill that got no mention in the press was the formation of an emergency reserve force to be used much like the national guard in times of crises, but they would be under the control of the attorney generals office and could be deployed with no limit to their tour of duty and no need for that pesky congressional approval. In essence this bill creates a private army that is loyal to the president and not the Constitution and country. This also allows them to ignore your rights to illegal search and seizure and your right to a fair trial. Oh and by the way there's a tax for that. To get here he made lots of backdoor deals and promises to many people that were not in any way transparent. It looks like the only transparency this man is capable of is the absolute lie that he gives one red shit about the people of this great nation. But what the Hell do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.

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