Monday, May 11, 2009

Journalistic Integrity My ASS!!!

I find it strange that when you watch the nightly news you hear story after story about gun crimes, yet you never hear stories about how an armed citizen stopped a crime. There are no stories about the millions of rounds fired in competition every year where no one gets hurt, no video of target shooters spending a day with their families having fun and being safe, just story after story after story of people using guns to hurt others or themselves. What happened to the idea of journalistic integrity? When did the mass media sell out to the anti gun crowd and why? Its sad to think that at one time you could trust the people on the TV to give you the news as it truly happened not the way they want it to sound. Do gun crimes happen every day? Yes they do, that is a truly sad fact of life in today's world but before guns violent crimes happen with other weapons.
Blaming guns, gun makers, and gun owners for crime is ridiculous. Do you blame Ford and GM for car accidents, or Boing for plane crashes? No we first look at human error than equipment failure, in a rare instance the manufacturer will be at fault but that is a very rare case. But when it comes to gun crimes it is the fault of those damned evil guns. Correct me if I am wrong but a gun is just an inanimate object that can do nothing on its own not unlike say a CAR. Other than the movies Maximum Overdrive and Christine, I cant think of a time when a car started itself and ran somebody over all on its own, they require a bit of assistance. A gun sitting on a table loaded will not just shoot random people, it to needs assistance. While we are at it lets blame the alcohol industry for alcoholism and the porn industry for a rise in carpel tunnel in teenage males, it doesn't make sense.
I am a responsible gun owner and have been for many years and I have NEVER, NEVER had a gun go off unless I pulled the trigger. I have never entertained even the thought of going out and shooting random people just because I was pissed off, I actually use shooting to relieve stress as having to concentrate on the basics of safe shooting will help take my mind off the stresses in my life. Where are the news crews now? I had a conversation some time ago with an acquaintance and they told me that after their children were born they decided that they would have no guns in the house. Good for you if that's how you want to live your life than go and live happy, I however will continue to have guns in my house and my children will be taught to respect them and how to use them RESPONSIBLY. That is the key here responsible use its not hard to teach and it is a valuable lesson to teach all children in my opinion.
Where are the news crews when an armed citizen stops a rapist by shooting him, or stops a man from killing his domestic partner? Why are all gun owners painted as uneducated barbaric inbreds from the Ozarks? The media today has traded in their integrity for money, and that's just the way the anti freedom movement wants it. It will be far easier to disarm this country if all you hear on the TV is guns are evil, guns kill children, hell lets blame guns for AIDS, cancer, and the swine flu while were at it. Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than all my guns combined. For every person killed with a gun how many were killed in car accidents? and of those killed in car accidents how many of those were alcohol related? (cough Ted Kennedy cough).
It is time for the world to stop blaming guns and start blaming the criminal fucks that commit the crimes. How about instead of banning guns you start actually fighting crime. All the money that is spent to demonize guns could pay for a lot of new police officers to work the streets preventing crime. May be the media should figure out how to be truthful again and start reporting the news instead of just making it up as they go along. But what the Hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly.

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