Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Useless Nations Revisited
In case you needed more evidence that the inmates are running the asylum, last week North Korea detonated a nuclear device in an underground test. This in itself is bad enough, but when you add in the fact that in the last several months they have tested both long and medium range missiles you can see a very scary situation developing here. So what have our glorious leaders decided to do about this? Go to the UN and ask for tighter sanctions on North Korea. Now we have all seen the effect these sanctions have had which is absolutely no effect whatsoever. A nightmare scenario is developing right before our very eyes and no one wants to do a damn thing about it. What we have here is a power mad dictator with nuclear weapons and missiles that can hit targets throughout the region. Does anybody else see the problem here? The tested weapon is said to be as powerful as the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the world has seen the devastation that weapons of that magnitude can cause, not just from the initial blast but also from the effects that radiation has on the populace years later, just ask the people of Chernobyl about that. My question for our leaders is what are you doing about this issue and why hasn’t it been dealt with already. The answer folks is yet again to run screaming to the Useless Nations. Clearly this latest violation of international law proves that the UN sanctions are worthless. I have never checked the prices but I am pretty sure that weapons grade material is fairly expensive and hard to procure not to mention illegal as hell. Yet nothing will come of this but more talk and no action. One plan from our government is to intercept ships suspected of hauling nuclear cargo, the announcement of South Koreas involvement in this plan led the North to release a statement that says if any North Korean ships are stopped they will consider it an act of war. For those that don’t know the Korean War is still going on there has never been a formal treaty between the two countries. That is why we still have 25,000 troops stationed in South Korea, and why they are going to stay there for the foreseeable future. Letting the North Koreans have nukes is a monumentally stupid idea they hate the South Korea, Japan, and the US, the missiles they have already tested can reach both South Korea and Japan. How long till they build one that can reach the US? If the world leaders keep refusing to pull their heads out of their asses we may find out when it is too late to stop it. But what the Hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly.
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