Monday, May 18, 2009

Something that just Pisses me off

Lets talk about another subject that pisses me off, drunk driving. Everyday in this country people are killed by some asshole that thinks he can drive even though he has put away a case of beer, why do we let this happen again and again. If you look at the statistics of alcohol related accidents you will find that the majority of them were caused by a repeat offender, someone who has been arrested for DUI before. Why on earth is this person still on the street? I remember a time in college when I was taking an English class, so of course I had to write several papers for the class. One of the papers I wrote was based on my experience as an EMT in the state of Washington and it involved an accident caused by a drunk driver. The way the class worked we did a peer review system in which all the other members of the class had to read and critique my paper on of the students was a teenage female when she saw what my paper was about she tossed it down and said she couldn't read it because her friend had just been killed in a drunk driving accident. I asked her if he was the drunk driver and she said yes, I then asked if anyone else had been hurt, she said no and I replied in my oh so gentle manner well at least he did it right and only killed himself. She was livid and demanded an apology which I refused to give, I will not apologize for my opinion of drunks who get behind the wheel and kill themselves which is good fucking riddance. Why should I feel sorry for these people the risks of driving while intoxicated are well documented yet they did it anyway. I feel sorry for the victims that these morons injure or kill by being stupid bastards. If you feel the need to drive drunk do the world a favor and put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger it will get the job done quicker and you will only take your own worthless ass out of the gene pool. I believe that killing someone while driving drunk should be a capital offense where the death penalty is a viable punishment for the offenders. Think about it the person involved plans on going out drinking, then knowing that he is to impaired to drive gets behind the wheel next thing you know he is in the hospital and someone else is in the morgue. that is pre meditated murder, at the very least murder two with a punishment of life in prison without parole. I have nothing against drinking by all mean drink up but in today's world you cant tell me that you don't have options for getting home from your night on the town. Most cities have multiple forms of public transportation, be they light rail, busses, trolley cars, or the ever present taxi. pick one if that doesn't work for you call a friend, find a designated driver or if all else fails drink at home. If you throw a party at your house make sure that your guests have a plan to get home safely or have them crash at your place. Just stay the hell off the roads. I spent the better part of ten years as an emt in Washington and during that time I saw a number of DUI accidents one of these is still on my nightmare play list to this day. it always ends the same way to, with a little girl in a pink dress covered in her own blood, all because four people had a party and one of them thought he could drive turns out he couldn't. We as a society need to put a stop to this through stricter laws, harsher penalties for offenders, or simply enforcing the laws we have I don't know but it needs to stop. But what the HELL do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly.

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