Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Its about CONTROL not guns.
It is time for the hillbilly to try and educate some of you morons that actually believe that the governments push for more gun control has anything to do with the safety of the people. Lets start with all these anti-freedom zealots that have jumped in front of every TV camera they can find since the shootings in Newtown Connecticut, they all give these teary eyed speeches about how things like this shouldn’t happen and they will work hard to ban the evil “assault weapons” to prevent more tragedies like this. Now these people should be handed oscars for the acting job they are putting on here every last one of them was shouting with glee the minute the news broke about the shooting. They finally had an act so horrific they could be reasonably assured that the sheeple would allow them to begin the process of stripping the 2nd amendment out of the Constitution. The made sure to pressure the media to put forth the lie that an “assault weapon” was used in the attack that lie has since been perpetuated ad nauseum by our Illustrious Potentate, Nobel Lumpkin, and many other enemies of Freedom. It is also just that a LIE. The shooter used 2 handguns in this senseless act of violence, now “assault weapon” just 2 handguns, the AR 15 that they want to demonize was found in the trunk of the car, the coroner has come forth and stated that no .223 rifle bullets were used in the killings, only pistol rounds. So if the truth is onlly handguns were used why are they attacking “assault weapons”? Looking at crime statistics from accross the nation the vast majority of gun crimes are committed with handguns, yet they are still attacking the AR 15 and weapons like it, why? The anti-freedom groups all push for bans on “assault weapons to make our cities and streets safer, yet most criminals use a handgun in their crimes. So why the push for “assault weapon” bans? It just does not make a damn bit of sense that we would ban one thing that is used in the smallest number of crimes. They have spent countless hours demonizing these weapons and their owners and yet the statistics provided by the same government that wants to drop the ban hammer do not support their claims that this will lead to a drop in crime. In 1994 Senator Frankenstein was able to get an “assault weapons” ban passed and it had NO affect on crime. The Brady Bill as it was called was named after former press secretary James Brady who was shot in a failed assassination attempt of President Ronald Reagan, Mr Brady was shot with a .22 caliber REVOLVER so of course it makes perfect sense to ban” assault weapons”. Are you noticing a pattern here, if not let me spell it out for you. The government wants to take away the “assault weapon” they have a reason for doing this and i will enlighten you all with that reason just hang on. The Department of Justice conducted a study after the 94 AWB went into effect and found that the ban had little to no impact on gun crime. Now i know you are about to ask why is that? Here is why, criminals don’t typically use rifles in the commision of a crime. The damn things are just too big to easily hide, too hard to use in tight quarters and just to damn hard to easily dispose of when the cops are after you. So now we know that most gun crimes are committed with handguns but the government is after the “assault weapons” lets look at why the are looking to cure a problem that doesn’t exist. The answer is twofold, one by getting this ban through they can move a little closer to banning all guns, that was the master plan on 1994 but the people fought long and hard to keep the what was left of our second amendment rights, two it has nothing to do with guns and everything to do with CONTROL. Gun Control has never been will never be about guns, it has always been about control. Taking away these guns leaves we the people less able to rise up in open revolution against an increasingly tyrannical government. This is what they truly care about, keeping we the people in line and under control, have you not noticed how divided this country has become? In his run for the first term the President swore that he would work to UNITE the people he then proceeded to do everything he could to divide this nation as much as possible. He and his acolytes continue that exercise to this day, this nation is more divided than ever, we fight with each other over every little thing neither side willing to listen neither side willing to give an inch. Yet the anti freedom crowd is placing the blame for all the crime on the heads of the law abiding gun owner and claiming that we REFUSE to compromise for the safety of the children. Gun owners care more about safety than any other group, we know the power we hold in our hands when we pick up a weapon. We who have used these weapons know the damage they can inflict. Every gun owner i know was horrified by the events in Connecticut, we also know that it is just a political platform for the gun grabbing fools and the sheeple that believe everything they are saying. This government cares not for your safety or hat of your children, if they did the first thing they would do is stop advertising schools as gun free zones, they would work to place guards in schools but their answer is to strip your rights away. Gun control is not about guns it's all about control. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Senator Frankenstein continues her bullshit hypocrisy.
So Senator Dianne Feinstein, went on the Communist News Network and rambled on and on about her new anti-freedom bill, she talked about how Sandyhook was the epiphany that the weapons ban needed to be reinstated. She tells us that the killer got a very powerful weapon and used it to kill 5, 6, and 7 year olds. Its a very moving speech and all people should be horrified that someone could do this. Except for 1 tiny little fact that the government refuses to acknowledge, THE SANDYHOOK KILLER DID NOT USE AN “ASSAULT WEAPON”. The coroner, NBC news, and the police investigating the crime have all come out and said that the only weapons used in the shooting were handguns. The AR 15 was found UNFIRED in the trunk of the car. So Senator Frankenstein feed me another line of BULLSHIT please. When asked about the difficulties she faces in getting this bill passed she starts in on the NRA, calling them venal, saying that the NRA comes after you, they build up large sums of money and support to defeat your proposals. In her words the NRA is nothing more than a lobbyist group for the weapons manufacturers. Excuse me isn't that how you and your anti-freedom groupies plan to pass this bullshit civil rights violating law in the first place? Your boss the illustrious potentate did just that to cram Obamacare down the throats of the American people but since that was something you agreed with it was ok. The anti-gun groups that are backing this have spent years demonizing gun owners as criminals, they spend time collecting money using the tragedies like Sandyhook, and Aurora for their own political gain. Yet it is the NRA that you have a problem with. At this point calling this woman a moron would be an insult to morons everywhere. This hypocritical bitch wants to bar your ownership of guns take away your right to even possess a gun yet she herself owns guns. Thats right this bitch that has been fighting to keep guns out of the hands of the public is herself a gun owner. It is perfectly acceptable for her and people like her to own guns but if you disagree with her your rights need to be stripped away. Another one of the biggest proponents for Gun control is Sarah Brady whose husband was shot and paralyzed when a gunman failed to assassinate President Reagan, yet they employ bodyguards armed with GUNS. So i guess as long as the guns are protecting you they are fine but when they are protecting me not so much. These hypocritical fucks don’t give a shit about the safety of the children, they only care about disarming the populace to protect their own power. With every story that is written about the gun control debate you get the loons that claim the 2nd Amendment was written when the musket was the most powerful weapon you could get and the writers of the Constitution could not have envisioned the weapons we have today so the constitution must change. Well ok then that also works for the 1st Amendment, there is no way that the framers of the Constitution could have envisioned the internet, TV, Radio, or any of the other multitudes of ways we get our information today. Should we also look to rewrite the 1st to take into account all these things? These hypocritical inept tyrannical leeches are using bullshit, lies, misinformation, and propaganda to strip our rights away, and the blind sheep that adore them are eating it up. Why has not one “reporter” asked Senator Feinstein why she feels the need to own a gun if they are so dangerous that the people should not have them? Of course that would mean that Her Highness would have to go on a network that wasn't wholly owned by the liberal democratic party to be their mouthpiece. Lets say a reporter did ask that question, she would no doubt ignore it and move on to someone that supported her push to end freedom. This attack on our freedoms must stop, why do you continue to punish the law abiding citizen? Senator Feinstein, if you truly wanted to make the country safer for our children here is what you would do. 1 Make it easier to have those that are mentally disturbed committed to mental health care facilities, 2 end the Gun free zones, that are nothing more than shooting galleries for the insane fucks that perpetrate these crimes. 3 cease your needless attacks on the law abiding citizens of this nation, and put more effort into punishing those the commit the crimes. But that would not lead to the ultimate destination for you and those mental midgets that think like you. That would not get you the passive unarmed society you want to take over, using the armed police and military as your own personal Gestapo to quell the resistance of those that would oppose you. You and your cronies in the government don’t care about saving lives you care about preserving your power. If you cared about lives you would work actually make things better not just punish those that don't hold your beliefs. She truly does want all guns banned she said this back in 94 after she got the first AWB passed, in an interview she said that if she could have gotten the votes she would have banned and confiscated all guns, what she didn’t say was except for her own of course. This bitch wants unarmed servants in this country she and everyone like her do not want an armed citizenry. I can imagine this creature watching with glee as the news was being reported about Sandyhook and saying to her cronies this is what we needed to pass another weapons bill. This will be the catalyst for stripping the rights of the citizens that we have been waiting for. She has not and will not care about the victims of the crimes that have been or will be committed as long as she gets what she wants. If she ever gets her wish and confiscates all weapons will she then shed tears over all the unarmed people that become victims of the armed criminals? Does she care about all the people murdered in Chicago? Of course not she will be too busy laughing at the stupidity of the people that let her take away their rights, laughing at the people that gave her and her followers and cohorts the power to control everything with no fear of rebellion. Wake up people this thing cares nothing for you or your children she cares only for power, the power to control your life from cradle to grave. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
His Holiness has been Coronated
I want to talk about some rampant hypocrisy that was spoon fed to the adoring sheeple this week in Washington D.C. On Monday January 21st the Grand Fureur had his coronation ceremony, in attendance were some of the super wealthy member of society in all their finery, looking like walking billboards for the ultra rich. They were there to celebrate a man who has spent the last 4 years demonizing the wealthy as greedy slave drivers that only live to lord their wealth over those less fortunate than themselves. This my friends is not the only hypocrisy that was foisted upon us, this ridiculous waste of time and resources cost the taxpayers $100 million dollars, this from a President that during his first term claimed that if the economy wasn't fixed by the end of said term he wouldn’t run for a second term. This guy once said that raising the debt ceiling was a sign of failed leadership. If sir that is true then you are an abysmal failure as a leader. Lets keep looking and see what else we can find. Monday was also Martin Luther King Jr. day, a day set aside to celebrate a man who spent his life trying to unite the people. His day has now been hijacked by the man who has spent the last 4 years doing his best to divide this country, a man who with every speech worked harder and harder to start class warfare. Now before any of you liberal igets starts in on how he was using this as a tribute to Dr. King stop that argument will just make you sound like an ignorant ass. This was nothing more than an attention whore not wanting to be upstaged by a dead REPUBLICAN leader that was by far a better man than our glorious leader will ever EVER be. I can’t understand why all these ultra rich people support a man that has been working like crazy to steal their money to give to those that are too damn lazy to work for their own. He like all Presidents swore his oath on a bible lets face it these guys should really be swearing on a stack of money because that is truly what drives them. During that oath, he swore to defend the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic, that line apparently needs an asterisk in todays government, the fine print would read “not applicable to the US government” as he and his anti freedom cronies have done nothing but assault our civil rights during the first term of his regime. If you are wondering what i am referring to look up the NDAA and realize that this man signed that piece of crap bill into law. So how can he stand there and vow to protect a document that he is doing his damn best to shred? The only thing this man should be saying is Not Guilty as he enters his plea at a treason trial. But no the sheeple have spoken they wanted 4 more years of hypocrisy, 4 more years of assaults on our civil rights, 4 more years of inept leadership, 4 more years of backroom deals to pass laws that will continue to screw the American people, for what? What good has this regime done? Oh thats right he forced everyone to purchase health care, but to get that little job done he made some deals that will end up screwing over the people. How about the fact that all the insurance companies can now raise premiums by any amount they please, no limits and YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR IT. Of course the insurance companies like this plan they are about to rake in metric fucktons of cash all by government mandate. Thanks Mr. President. This country is in serious trouble and the only thing that will save it is for the sheeple to see what the hell is going on, and change it. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.
Having a mind of your own makes you a RACIST CRACKER.
Why is it that people who lean more toward the democratic persuasion cant handle anyone who does not agree with them. You don’t even have to ask them whether they are democrats or not all you have to do is look to their responses to reasoned arguments. Once you begin tearing their arguments apart with reason, logic, and facts their next tactic is to instantly claim you are a racist. This became exceedingly evident when i looked through the comments on a story from the local “news” agency, the story was about a man shot in the back while walking down the street, two Hispanic males were seen running from the scene and police were looking for these individuals. Now one of the comentors pointed out that the fleeing men were more than likely illegal aliens, of course he never claimed that they were nor did he claim all Hispanics were illegal. This did not stop another commenter from instantly throwing down the racist flag, Our oh so wise friend stated “this fat white CRACKER is a racist he thinks all MEXICANS are illegals”. Now the original post said nothing about Mexicans nor did he ever claim that all Latinos were illegals, he simply pointed out that in this case the persons in question PROBABLY were. Now I love to point out ignorance anywhere I can just to piss people off so I threw my 2 cents into the ring and pointed out that 1, Mexican is a nationality not a Race, 2, calling someone a cracker is actually more racist than anything the poster had stated. Now on this particular board my name shows up as hilbilly note the misspelling it is there for a reason.My introducing logic and facts just spun the responder of into a world of anger, he proceeded to claim that i was another racist cracker, and that i was a member of a white supremacist group and should probably be arrested and shot. Really, my pointing out that the person you were insulting had said nothing to warrant that kind of abuse makes me a racist as well? Now had i been rude or disrespectful and called this person names i could see getting a reaction such as this but all i did was use logic and facts against a moron and of course the easiest way to respond is with hatred and insults. This also occurs anytime you disagree with the Illustrious Potentate or Nobel Lumpkin their kool aid drinking acolytes love to label you as a racist hatemonger, Klan member, inbred backwoods jackass, and several other flavors of the same bullshit. It does not matter if you are simply pointing out some fact or another if it differs from the dogma that they wholeheartedly believe in they will tear you down. Want proof? Go to any news story about the Fast and Furious program and point out that this program run by Eric Holder, and covered up by BHO gave guns to the drug cartels, then see how long it takes for someone to tell you that Bush started it. Once that occurs inform them that under Bush no guns ever left the country and the operations run at that time were sting operations not gun walking programs and see what happens. These people can't help but start the name calling and racial slurs, and yet they believe they are better than you because they voted for a black man for president. Just because you vote one way does not mean you can’t be racist, nor does choosing to not vote for a minority make you a racist. I am not a racist i hate everybody equally, in every group of people you will find bad examples, race does not matter. Is there still racism today? Yes sadly there is, and these people are proudly keeping the tradition of hate alive and well while claiming that they are not racist. What a fucking joke, you actually believe that you can call me cracker and not be a racist. I would call you delusional but i wouldn't want you to laugh so hard you fall off your unicorn. I wonder if these people are truly that stupid or do they honestly believe the bullshit they spew out? It astounds me sometimes that in this day and age where political correctness has run roughshod over everything that these people feel it is good and proper to call others Cracker simply because they have a different opinion. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Why Waste Time Prosecuting The Criminal When We Can Just Take The Rights Of All.
His grand ignorance in a push to look as if he actually gives a damn about the American people created a task force to propose ideas to combat gun violence. He placed his vp of ignorance in charge of this task force, several ant-freedom groups were invited to join in the conversation on how to stem the outbreak of gun violence in this country. The groups invited are the usual crowd of morons that all spew the same false information about the evils of guns and gun owners. Groups like the Brady center to end freedom, Mayors against lawful gun ownership, cease thinking, and the other usual suspects, also included were survivors of the latest mass shootings in Connecticut and Colorado. Only one Pro-gun group was invited and it was the token look we are talking to both sides invite and that was of course the NRA. The representative was given 5 minutes of the VP’s time out of the several days these talks went on. During that 5 minutes the NRA rep brought up the lack of prosecution for falsifying information on the background check form which is a federal crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison. This was the response the VP Joe Biden gave the NRA. Thee federal government does not have time to prosecute people for giving false information on that form. Thats right we have the time to cram more and more laws down your throat to further infringe on your freedom but actually prosecute a crime we can’t do that we might actually make progress in preventing people that should not own guns from obtaining them without stripping you of your rights. The federal government has plenty of time and money to give handouts to the poor, to countries that hate us, they have plenty of time to sit and debate while our economy slips further and further into the toilet. They have plenty of time to find ways to wipe their asses with your rights, but actually enforcing the laws we already have that were put in place to prevent events just like the mass shootings in Connecticut and Colorado, no we can’t do that. We spend millions of dollars daily to continue the drone strikes in the middle east, millions daily to pursue the war on drugs, millions daily to keep those on welfare fed. The grand fuhrer unveiled his $500 million gun control plan that will accomplish little if anything to curb gun violence but we can’t enforce the laws on the books. Attorney General Eric “gunrunner” Holder has vowed to arrest and prosecute gun traffickers, uhm can you actually arrest and prosecute yourself there boss? It was your failed plan that allowed thousands of guns to end up in the hands of the Mexican drug cartels. Of course it is only a failed plan to we the people to him it was a resounding success as it allowed the Government to back up their claims that cartels were getting guns from Gun shops in the US. Now before you anti-freedom jack asses start in on how Bush started that plan read some history before you speak. Bush approved a plan capture gunrunners, the BATF set up sting operations to catch the bad guys no guns actually went to Mexico. Under AG Holder and his idiocy the guns were allowed to make their way to Mexico and into the hands of the cartel's. So how is Holder not a gunrunner? This was all part of the master plan to help his high ignorance in wiping the 2nd amendment out of the Constitution. What they needed was a few dead border agents, and maybe with luck a few dead civilians, all killed with the guns sent from American gun shops to Mexico. What they didn’t count on were agents having a conscience and blowing the lid on this scandal and letting the press know they were told to let the guns go. So when the story broke did the government come clean and at least try to explain what was going on? No the tried to cover up any and all involvement by leaving the agents to twist in the wind while the President covered for Holder by putting this all under the auspices of executive orders which can be kept secret. Is this the great transparency he claimed he would bring back to government? This mans regime has been as transparent as a brick wall. He has made back door deals to get his personal agenda forced down our throats, and i doubt this will be any different. What he can’t accomplish with executive orders he will get passed by making promises he has no intention of keeping. The tree hugging bunnyfuckers wonder why we even need the 2nd Amendment, the government would never turn on the people. Let me point you to a piece of US history, WWII we had internment camps for Japanese born AMERICANS, your government rounded and locked up American Citizens simply based on place of birth. Tell me again how our government would not turn on the people. Our Vice President would rather strip rights from law abiding citizens than arrest and prosecute felons. Want more proof that your government would rather destroy your rights than actually do a damn thing about the problems facing this nation? Do a little research on the NDAA, this little piece of legislation that they crammed down our throats gives your duly elected overlords the power to detain ANY US citizen for as long as they want without charge or trial. They don't have to read you your Miranda rights, they don't have to give you a lawyer since you have not been charged and they can leave you in a hole somewhere for the rest of your life with no explanations. When asked about having this kind of power our Grand Leader, claimed that he would never use this power. Of course this appeased the stupid among the people that refuse to see him as just another lying politician they actually believe that he will never use the power. Excuse me if you are never going to use the power then why do you feel you need it? And what about the next guy, how can we be sure that the empty suit that follows your reign of ignorance won’t decide that the ability to detain his detractors isn't just what he needs to retain power? This government is corrupt throughout and unless we the sheeple wake up and make changes nothing good is going to come out of this. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
A woman on a bus, A man with a Dream, and A ciitizen with a gun all have something in common.
The Hillbilly needs to blow off some steam and since society frowns on me just randomly bitch slapping stupid people here we are. Since Friday 5 people have been injured in ACCIDENTAL shootings at gun shows nation wide, so in the entire United States this month there have been 5 injuries due to guns at gun shows. Now lets take a look at another statistic. For the month of January which is slightly more than half over Chicago Illinois has had 94 people shot, now i may not be a mathematical genius but i am pretty sure that 94 is more than 5, and yet what do all the news outlets focus on? Thats right the 5 injured at gun shows. Really lets focus on the small number of accidents that happened across the nation and just ignore the fact that the city with the tightest gun laws has in the same time frame 94 shootings and i am betting that few if any of these has been accidental. Of course the mainstream media must toe the anti-freedom line or risk the wrath of their corporate and government overlords. Now before you start giving me the line that the government does not control the media in this country stop before you make a complete fool of yourself. The media and the government have been in bed together for decades, why do you think that you NEVER see any pro-gun pro-freedom stories in the national news that haven't been spun to show the pro-freedom movement as a bunch of lunatic right wing fanatics? Get a freaking clue people. All of your mainstream media outlets spin the stories one way or another be it CNN and their liberal left wing bias to FoxNews which is just as biased only to the right, they are the same thing run by the same people.
Now why do i bring this up you ask? Recent polls have shown that the majority of Americans are completely against any gun bans yet your mainstream media outlets have conveniantly ignored this little tidbit of information and continue to report the false bullshit that everyone wants a ban on assault weapons to protect the children. If that were true there would be a surplus of weapons on the market and no one would be buying them yet every manufacturer is backed up on orders and most have started running 24/7 to meet demand. Every shop is sold out and if they are lucky enough to get a shipment in they are sold before they hit the shelf. Could this be part of the plan to boost the economy make people fear for their rights so they will run out and panic buy every gun and all the ammunition they can? No this is just a bi product of the anti-freedom push to ban weapons and keep them out of the hands of we the people. Ever since the first rumor of a gun ban came out after the Sandyhook shooting gun sales have gone through the roof, that right there should send a message to all of our duly elected overlords that we the people do not want another ban. We the people realize that the last ban had absolutely no affect on crime, so why would we want to waste the time and effort on another one.
In the history of the US we have tried to ban many things and how has it worked out? Lets take a look. In the 20’s we had prohibition, we banned alcohol and all we got for it was a rise in crime, and we turned formerly law abiding citizens into criminals over a beer. In less than a decade that idea was killed and good riddance. We have outright federal bans on heroin, cocaine, marijuana, LSD, and other illicit drugs, to the point of having an entire government agency to enforce the laws this agency is the DEA. Now if bans work as the anti-gun crowd and the liberal media would have you believe there should be no drug problems in this country and no need for the DEA and yet we all know that the war on drugs has been an abject failure. The true reason that we as gun owners have come under fire yet again is that the government really needs something big to get the attention of the sheeple off how badly they have failed in their responsibility. This country is running full tilt towards another recession and you elected officials are doing NOTHING to stop it. Our grand leader swore that if he hadn’t fixed the economy in his first term as der fuhrer he would not seek another term, and look who is still in charge the same dude that claimed he would fix everything. Now not only has he not fixed anything but his new policies will actually spend more money that we don't have. Instead of actually working to fix the major issues facing this country he wants to divert your attention to something else and since the gay marriage act is not getting the people riled up like it used to, it needs to be something that will really divide the people again. Enter the gun control debate, now just saying they are going to look into the gun laws won’t have the proper impact, so we start talking bans. The minute the issue of bans came up people on both sides of the issue took to the internet to lay the blame on the other side. And what exactly is getting done about the economy? NOT A GODDAMN THING. Our grand poohbah is just going to table that problem while trying to crush the civil rights of Americans under his heel. The gun debate is first and foremost a civil rights issue, your right to keep and bear arms is in the bill of rights. Fitting that this moment came up at this time as Monday is Martin Luther King Jr day where we celebrate the message of a civil rights leader. How is this any different than a woman not giving up her seat on a bus? Our rights as gun owners are under attack right now and we the gun owners are at a severe disadvantage as we do not have the media pushing our side of the story. No folks the mainstream media has an agenda to end our rights because that is what our current elected overlords want. We as gun owners must make our voice heard now more than ever. If you haven't written your elected officials now is the time. If we sit back and do nothing we will be to blame when our rights are stripped away and we become slaves to the state with no way to throw off the yoke of tyranny. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Insanity thy name is Commucrat.
Wait i was wrong still some more hate left in the tank. Lets talk about Chicago and Mayor Rahm Emanuel, this is a guy that thinks the answer to his cities astronomical murder rate is more gun control laws. Now in case you missed it in the last several editions of the Hillbilly Lodge, Chicago has the most stringent gun laws in the nation, owning a gun in Chicago is harder than finding something to like about the Star Wars Prequels. In 2012 Chicago had 512 homicides, that is more dead people in one city than dead soldiers in Afghanistan. You have a better chance surviving a year in an active war zone than you do Chicago. Yeah those criminals sure are paying attention to your restrictive gun laws there Rahm. You have disarmed the law abiding citizens of your city and look what is has gotten you, a whole bunch of murder victims, so of course the only real answer is more laws. Seriously WTF are the commucrats on? Every goddamn one of them is spewing this bullshit about more laws will protect you from gun crime. Excuse me i realize that i am do not have an Ivy League education like most of our duly elected overlords but this begs the question. HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT MAKE ANY GODDAMN SENSE? You already have the tightest laws on the books, and yet you have more murders than any city in the nation, you are moving right on up to compete with some Mexican cities. We aren't even halfway through January and already there have been 12 more murders in Chicago, and yet Mr. Mayor thinks the laws aren’t tough enough. Here is a thought for you Herr Leader, LET THE PEOPLE BE ARMED AND DEFEND THEMSELVES FROM THE CRIMINALS. Look at the crime rates for every nation with harsh gun control and what you find is the one thing the anti-freedom Nazis don’t want you to see because it blows their argument right out of the water. Every country with total gun control has high VIOLENT CRIME. Even jolly old england has been rated higher in violent crime than the US. and yet the politicians want to be just like them and ban all the guns. A gun free society is a criminals wet dream. The criminals love Rahm for the fact that he is making their life so much better. Don’t you realize how much nicer it is to be able to rape and pillage without fear of your victim returning fire? This insanity needs to stop the commucrrats need to sit down and shut the fuck up, how about you fix the real problems in your city Rahm. Of course that would require fixing decades of corruption and crime inside the government first. It is a damn good thing the city government owns all the prosecutors or every Tom, Dick, Harry, and Rahm would be in prison for corruption. Is it really so hard to see that the gun control experiment has failed. Our leaders keep on pushing the same tired issues and trying the same solutions and failing every time. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result. Rahm the gun control thing has been tried and is an abject failure time to think outside the box here buddy. Lets be really radical and require every law abiding citizen over the age of 21 to own and train with a firearm and see what happens to the violent crime rate then. I am guessing the all ofa sudden you would see a dramatic drop in crime. Hey it works for Switzerland, every house is armed and the violent crime rate is staggeringly LOW. Look at Israel, do you ever wonder why the terrorists always go for suicide bombs and rocket attacks? Its not for the shock value people, its the only way they can kill a bundle of people at once. There are enough armed citizens there to put a quick stop to any mass shooter. Anyone who tried to pull a Sandy Hook style shooting there would be lucky to shoulder the rifle before the first dozen rounds hit him. Rahm completely dismissed the NRA’s idea of armed guards in schools as to radicle and unnecessary, yet the school his children attend has ARMED GUARDS. So its great for your children to be protected by guns just not for mine? Fuck you you arrogant cocksucker! The children of the people of the United States of America are just as precious as the demon spawn you have created with your whore. Tell you what buddy when you can convince the gang bangers and other criminal low lifes to put down their weapons and sit around singing kum by yah with you maybe then i would think you might know what you are talking about but i am pretty sure that you are just another brainless windbag blowing smoke out your ass and doing exactly what the Grand Fuhrer Obama tells you to do. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.
Fix your own shit before you tell me how i should live my life.
Still haven't burned off enough anger so here we go again folks. This time i am going after one of the local schmucks that sits in public office in Portland. Our newly elected Mayor has decided to tow the party line and politicize the recent tragedies for his own political gains. Mayor Charlie Hales ran for office vowing to reform the oft embattled Portland Police Bureau, repair the streets of the city which are a mess, and do all this while cutting the city budget to something manageable, the a nut job went to a shopping mall and shot 3 people then himself and another nut job shot up a grade school on the other side of the country. Now our esteemed master has decided its time for him to push the Stated government to do something about gun violence. Umm Sir you have had the job of CITY MAYOR for about 15 seconds, before you try and push your bullshit agenda down the throats of we the people why don’t you first fix the problems in that shit hole you call a city. Every week there is yet one or more news stories of gang violence occurring in your city yet you want to punish the law abiding citizen for the acts of the criminal. There are multiple violent sex offenders living as homeless people in your city yet you want the state government to remove our right to protect ourselves from these vile predators, of course you are surrounded by armed police officers everywhere you go so why not take a stand. HEY JACKASS how about you get off your high horse and take a look at all the shit you need to deal with right where you are before you start trying to fix the problems of the world. Maybe just maybe I would be more apt to listen if you led by example rather than just toeing the party line and spewing the same bullshit and lies as all of your freedom hating commucrat cronies from across the nation. The only difference between you and your predecessor Sam the Sham is you haven't gotten caught fondling the male interns YET. Here is a real problem you should be angry over you douche bag, In the state of Oregon a homeless sex offender only has to check in once a year and there are no other laws that say otherwise it does not matter how prone he is to reoffend or how violent he may be. Just this week the PPB released a statement telling people to avoid this man Gordon Michael Strauss as he is a recently released violent rapist with a high probabilty of rapinng another young girl. Yet you want to bash on the gun owners. You have a rampant gang problem in your city but because you and the PPB are terrified of getting the shit sued out of you AGAIN, you do nothing to stop it. You tell us that the police can't just stop people for no reason that might upset them. Here is a reason, they are wearing gang colors in known gang areas, chances are they are a gang member. If it walks like a duck, talk likes a duck chances are it aint a fucking ZEBRA. Make it known that the police are cracking down on the gang violence and that people in known gang areas wearing gang colors or flashing gang signs will be stopped and questioned how long will it take before the cockroaches start going back into hiding? Instead you want the state to crack down on gun laws that will have the opposite effect that you want. Not only will this not stop crime in any way shape or form it will actually increase the crime problem. As has been proven around the world when you disarm the law abiding only the lawless are armed. Average response time for the police in most cities is 10 minutes, it took less than 2 for 1 man to kill 26 people. Even if he only had 10 round magazines in 10 minutes he could rack up an impressive body count. So before you break your arm patting yourself on the back saying look how much i care about the people of my city, stop. think. i promise it will only hurt for a second. Think about all the ways you could work to improve the City of Portland, think about all the things that need to be fixed right inside your city limits. Think about the change you can effect to improve life for all the people in the city. Once you have cleaned up the city, and made it safe for all to walk in again, then you can tell the rest of the world how to do it as well. Good luck with that you arrogant ass. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.
Dark Days
Its tinfoil hat time at the lodge again. Thats right folks its time for the Hillbilly to make some predictions based on what he sees going on in the world. Lets start with Senator Frankenstein and her glorious anti-freedom bill to gut your civil rights. The bitch is at it again, it was bad enough she got this bullshit passed in 1994 but now she has come up with a new and improved “assault weapons” ban. This time the enemies of freedom have gotten smarter and written this piece of bird cage liner in such a way as to leave lots of room for interpretation. They can classify any semi-auto rifle as an “assault weapon” with the way this is layed out. Along with the standard bans on civilian sporting arms such as the AR-15, the MINI-14, the SKS, and pretty much any gun they think looks vaguely military in appearance, the language used is just gray enough to cover any and all semi-automatic rifles. The new bill proposes a ban on the future sale and transfer of any semi-automatic rifle capable of accepting a magazine of greater than 10 rounds. UMMMM that is all of them, you may not be able to find a magazine of that size they may not even produce a magazine of that size but any rifle that accepts a removable box magazine can accept a magazine of greater than 10 rounds. So that rules out all semi auto rifles as military grade assault weapons. Also on the list are semi-auto handguns again, she wants to ban those outright and high capacity magazines along with them. But as an added bonus semi-auto shotguns are also on the list this go round hey thats a new twist, if she gets her wish she will leave the public armed with revolvers, bolt action rifles, lever action rifles, and single shot, double barrel, and pump action shotguns. Meanwhile this bitch and her anti-freedom cronies will enjoy government supplied bodyguards armed with fully-automatic weapons and high capacity magazines. If as some have predicted this bill should fail which i truly believe it will, El Jefe will just magically make some of these provision law by executive order, bypassing congress to gut the Constitution. Now when this happens there will be a whole lot of people that will become instant criminals simply for possessing what was a legal product one day but the next by decree of his high eminence they have suddenly become illegal. We the people will be given a choice register them or hand them over. Once the law abiding sheep begin to register their lawfully owned weapons, the government will have the list of places to raid to begin the disarmament of the people. During the raids there will be citizens killed resisting the government forces, government agents will be killed as well forcing wait for it. MORE GUN LAWS, once several federal agents are killed by pump action shotgun blasts those will have to go as they will be deemed a threat to national security, right along with every firearm in existence. So the power mad elite will have an unarmed populace that cannot resist them they will then move forward with the master plan. You see folks all dictatorships start the same way disarm then strip away all civil rights. So first to go will be the Second Amendment, next up the First Amendment, you can’t have people speaking out against the king after all. then all the rest will follow, till what was once a nation built upon the foundation of liberty and freedom becomes yet another dictatorship where the powerful rule by fear, and the people are powerless to stop them.
This of course will take time to happen first we will have to endure a new civil war, because not everyone will walk meekly to the slaughter, some will rise up and fight, many will fall there will be civilian casualties among those that willingly pissed their rights away, most of which will be caused by the government and then blamed on the rebellion. We wouldn’t want people to sympathize with these heartless monsters would we? Our glorious overlord has done nothing but lie to the American people from day one and yet the sheeple were stupid enough to buy his bullshit and now that he will get no further terms in office he will find a way to eliminate the need for a democratic election, but first as all dictators must he has to disarm the populace. Dark days are coming folks. But what the HELL do I know i am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.
Fix the problem instead of placing the blame MORONS.
Ok the Hillbilly is spun up to a level of pissed off rarely seen in this reality, to find the upper tier of my anger would take a warp drive and an oscillation overthruster to push you through to the 8th dimension. After the shooting in Newtown Connecticut the media and our duly elected overlords have been trying to throw the blame for this tragedy everywhere they can. First they started by blaming the guns and by extension gun owners everywhere, then its the glorification of violence in the media, now lets start blaming the violent video games. We are now back to the myth that violent video games breed killers, that they desensitize people from the horror of killing. Pardon the fuck out of me but this was debunked as complete BULLSHIT years ago. Not one case of violence has ever been tracked back to the video games the criminal played. When grand theft auto debuted way back in 1997 there was an outrage over the fact that the player was portraying the actions of a criminal, this game has been villainized since its debut and yet not once has it ever been proven to be a cause for murder. Not once ever has any videogame been proven to incite violence in people. This is just more noise to distract the sheeple from looking at the real issues here. The real issue is the mental health system failing to actually treat any of these whackos, instead we force feed them mind altering substances that are proven to increase aggression, and thoughts of suicide. Watch a commercial for some of these anti-depressants and everyone of them warns of increased mood swings and thoughts of suicide, they even tell you if you notice any of these symptoms to stop taking this crap and call your doctor. How about we stop drugging people out of their minds on shit that turns them violent. I know people that refuse to drink certain types of alcohol for this reason, why in the hell do we give these drugs to people than act all shocked when some of them snap and shoot up a school? Look into the last several shootings and you will notice a scary common thread, every one of the shooters was on some form of mind altering substance. A substance prescribed by a DOCTOR. These nuts weren't just getting bad dope from the dealer on the corner they were taking medical grade drugs by order of a doctor. So lets take a look at how this society treats mental illness,, maybe we should stop trying to mask issues with drugs to make people feel better and work to figure out what the fuck is actually wrong with them. Ye gods and little fishies this isn't hard to figure out if you just put down your bullshit agenda and actually look at the facts of the fucking story. Now i realize that putting people in the nut house might hurt their feelings at the time but think about the consequences of doing nothing. Instead of selfishly thinking only of yourself and trying to avoid guilt try thinking of everyone else around you. How many people will that whack job son, uncle, brother, sister, aunt of yours kill if they snap. I realize that in todays touchy feely world of political correct horse shit that we can't just lock people away for no reason but i have to ask you this how many more people will have to die before we realize that the status isn’t quo? Simply feeding people more and more pills will accomplish nothing but get more and more people killed, it is long past time to take a hard look at the state of our mental health care system and fix the problems. It is time to stop wasting money and effort on bullshit accusations against the gun owners, manufactures, the videogame industry and even the media and start putting the money and effort to good use. But what the HELL do i know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.
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