Monday, January 14, 2013
Insanity thy name is Commucrat.
Wait i was wrong still some more hate left in the tank. Lets talk about Chicago and Mayor Rahm Emanuel, this is a guy that thinks the answer to his cities astronomical murder rate is more gun control laws. Now in case you missed it in the last several editions of the Hillbilly Lodge, Chicago has the most stringent gun laws in the nation, owning a gun in Chicago is harder than finding something to like about the Star Wars Prequels. In 2012 Chicago had 512 homicides, that is more dead people in one city than dead soldiers in Afghanistan. You have a better chance surviving a year in an active war zone than you do Chicago. Yeah those criminals sure are paying attention to your restrictive gun laws there Rahm. You have disarmed the law abiding citizens of your city and look what is has gotten you, a whole bunch of murder victims, so of course the only real answer is more laws. Seriously WTF are the commucrats on? Every goddamn one of them is spewing this bullshit about more laws will protect you from gun crime. Excuse me i realize that i am do not have an Ivy League education like most of our duly elected overlords but this begs the question. HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT MAKE ANY GODDAMN SENSE? You already have the tightest laws on the books, and yet you have more murders than any city in the nation, you are moving right on up to compete with some Mexican cities. We aren't even halfway through January and already there have been 12 more murders in Chicago, and yet Mr. Mayor thinks the laws aren’t tough enough. Here is a thought for you Herr Leader, LET THE PEOPLE BE ARMED AND DEFEND THEMSELVES FROM THE CRIMINALS. Look at the crime rates for every nation with harsh gun control and what you find is the one thing the anti-freedom Nazis don’t want you to see because it blows their argument right out of the water. Every country with total gun control has high VIOLENT CRIME. Even jolly old england has been rated higher in violent crime than the US. and yet the politicians want to be just like them and ban all the guns. A gun free society is a criminals wet dream. The criminals love Rahm for the fact that he is making their life so much better. Don’t you realize how much nicer it is to be able to rape and pillage without fear of your victim returning fire? This insanity needs to stop the commucrrats need to sit down and shut the fuck up, how about you fix the real problems in your city Rahm. Of course that would require fixing decades of corruption and crime inside the government first. It is a damn good thing the city government owns all the prosecutors or every Tom, Dick, Harry, and Rahm would be in prison for corruption. Is it really so hard to see that the gun control experiment has failed. Our leaders keep on pushing the same tired issues and trying the same solutions and failing every time. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result. Rahm the gun control thing has been tried and is an abject failure time to think outside the box here buddy. Lets be really radical and require every law abiding citizen over the age of 21 to own and train with a firearm and see what happens to the violent crime rate then. I am guessing the all ofa sudden you would see a dramatic drop in crime. Hey it works for Switzerland, every house is armed and the violent crime rate is staggeringly LOW. Look at Israel, do you ever wonder why the terrorists always go for suicide bombs and rocket attacks? Its not for the shock value people, its the only way they can kill a bundle of people at once. There are enough armed citizens there to put a quick stop to any mass shooter. Anyone who tried to pull a Sandy Hook style shooting there would be lucky to shoulder the rifle before the first dozen rounds hit him. Rahm completely dismissed the NRA’s idea of armed guards in schools as to radicle and unnecessary, yet the school his children attend has ARMED GUARDS. So its great for your children to be protected by guns just not for mine? Fuck you you arrogant cocksucker! The children of the people of the United States of America are just as precious as the demon spawn you have created with your whore. Tell you what buddy when you can convince the gang bangers and other criminal low lifes to put down their weapons and sit around singing kum by yah with you maybe then i would think you might know what you are talking about but i am pretty sure that you are just another brainless windbag blowing smoke out your ass and doing exactly what the Grand Fuhrer Obama tells you to do. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.
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