Saturday, January 19, 2013
A woman on a bus, A man with a Dream, and A ciitizen with a gun all have something in common.
The Hillbilly needs to blow off some steam and since society frowns on me just randomly bitch slapping stupid people here we are. Since Friday 5 people have been injured in ACCIDENTAL shootings at gun shows nation wide, so in the entire United States this month there have been 5 injuries due to guns at gun shows. Now lets take a look at another statistic. For the month of January which is slightly more than half over Chicago Illinois has had 94 people shot, now i may not be a mathematical genius but i am pretty sure that 94 is more than 5, and yet what do all the news outlets focus on? Thats right the 5 injured at gun shows. Really lets focus on the small number of accidents that happened across the nation and just ignore the fact that the city with the tightest gun laws has in the same time frame 94 shootings and i am betting that few if any of these has been accidental. Of course the mainstream media must toe the anti-freedom line or risk the wrath of their corporate and government overlords. Now before you start giving me the line that the government does not control the media in this country stop before you make a complete fool of yourself. The media and the government have been in bed together for decades, why do you think that you NEVER see any pro-gun pro-freedom stories in the national news that haven't been spun to show the pro-freedom movement as a bunch of lunatic right wing fanatics? Get a freaking clue people. All of your mainstream media outlets spin the stories one way or another be it CNN and their liberal left wing bias to FoxNews which is just as biased only to the right, they are the same thing run by the same people.
Now why do i bring this up you ask? Recent polls have shown that the majority of Americans are completely against any gun bans yet your mainstream media outlets have conveniantly ignored this little tidbit of information and continue to report the false bullshit that everyone wants a ban on assault weapons to protect the children. If that were true there would be a surplus of weapons on the market and no one would be buying them yet every manufacturer is backed up on orders and most have started running 24/7 to meet demand. Every shop is sold out and if they are lucky enough to get a shipment in they are sold before they hit the shelf. Could this be part of the plan to boost the economy make people fear for their rights so they will run out and panic buy every gun and all the ammunition they can? No this is just a bi product of the anti-freedom push to ban weapons and keep them out of the hands of we the people. Ever since the first rumor of a gun ban came out after the Sandyhook shooting gun sales have gone through the roof, that right there should send a message to all of our duly elected overlords that we the people do not want another ban. We the people realize that the last ban had absolutely no affect on crime, so why would we want to waste the time and effort on another one.
In the history of the US we have tried to ban many things and how has it worked out? Lets take a look. In the 20’s we had prohibition, we banned alcohol and all we got for it was a rise in crime, and we turned formerly law abiding citizens into criminals over a beer. In less than a decade that idea was killed and good riddance. We have outright federal bans on heroin, cocaine, marijuana, LSD, and other illicit drugs, to the point of having an entire government agency to enforce the laws this agency is the DEA. Now if bans work as the anti-gun crowd and the liberal media would have you believe there should be no drug problems in this country and no need for the DEA and yet we all know that the war on drugs has been an abject failure. The true reason that we as gun owners have come under fire yet again is that the government really needs something big to get the attention of the sheeple off how badly they have failed in their responsibility. This country is running full tilt towards another recession and you elected officials are doing NOTHING to stop it. Our grand leader swore that if he hadn’t fixed the economy in his first term as der fuhrer he would not seek another term, and look who is still in charge the same dude that claimed he would fix everything. Now not only has he not fixed anything but his new policies will actually spend more money that we don't have. Instead of actually working to fix the major issues facing this country he wants to divert your attention to something else and since the gay marriage act is not getting the people riled up like it used to, it needs to be something that will really divide the people again. Enter the gun control debate, now just saying they are going to look into the gun laws won’t have the proper impact, so we start talking bans. The minute the issue of bans came up people on both sides of the issue took to the internet to lay the blame on the other side. And what exactly is getting done about the economy? NOT A GODDAMN THING. Our grand poohbah is just going to table that problem while trying to crush the civil rights of Americans under his heel. The gun debate is first and foremost a civil rights issue, your right to keep and bear arms is in the bill of rights. Fitting that this moment came up at this time as Monday is Martin Luther King Jr day where we celebrate the message of a civil rights leader. How is this any different than a woman not giving up her seat on a bus? Our rights as gun owners are under attack right now and we the gun owners are at a severe disadvantage as we do not have the media pushing our side of the story. No folks the mainstream media has an agenda to end our rights because that is what our current elected overlords want. We as gun owners must make our voice heard now more than ever. If you haven't written your elected officials now is the time. If we sit back and do nothing we will be to blame when our rights are stripped away and we become slaves to the state with no way to throw off the yoke of tyranny. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.
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