Monday, January 14, 2013

Fix the problem instead of placing the blame MORONS.

Ok the Hillbilly is spun up to a level of pissed off rarely seen in this reality, to find the upper tier of my anger would take a warp drive and an oscillation overthruster to push you through to the 8th dimension. After the shooting in Newtown Connecticut the media and our duly elected overlords have been trying to throw the blame for this tragedy everywhere they can. First they started by blaming the guns and by extension gun owners everywhere, then its the glorification of violence in the media, now lets start blaming the violent video games. We are now back to the myth that violent video games breed killers, that they desensitize people from the horror of killing. Pardon the fuck out of me but this was debunked as complete BULLSHIT years ago. Not one case of violence has ever been tracked back to the video games the criminal played. When grand theft auto debuted way back in 1997 there was an outrage over the fact that the player was portraying the actions of a criminal, this game has been villainized since its debut and yet not once has it ever been proven to be a cause for murder. Not once ever has any videogame been proven to incite violence in people. This is just more noise to distract the sheeple from looking at the real issues here. The real issue is the mental health system failing to actually treat any of these whackos, instead we force feed them mind altering substances that are proven to increase aggression, and thoughts of suicide. Watch a commercial for some of these anti-depressants and everyone of them warns of increased mood swings and thoughts of suicide, they even tell you if you notice any of these symptoms to stop taking this crap and call your doctor. How about we stop drugging people out of their minds on shit that turns them violent. I know people that refuse to drink certain types of alcohol for this reason, why in the hell do we give these drugs to people than act all shocked when some of them snap and shoot up a school? Look into the last several shootings and you will notice a scary common thread, every one of the shooters was on some form of mind altering substance. A substance prescribed by a DOCTOR. These nuts weren't just getting bad dope from the dealer on the corner they were taking medical grade drugs by order of a doctor. So lets take a look at how this society treats mental illness,, maybe we should stop trying to mask issues with drugs to make people feel better and work to figure out what the fuck is actually wrong with them. Ye gods and little fishies this isn't hard to figure out if you just put down your bullshit agenda and actually look at the facts of the fucking story. Now i realize that putting people in the nut house might hurt their feelings at the time but think about the consequences of doing nothing. Instead of selfishly thinking only of yourself and trying to avoid guilt try thinking of everyone else around you. How many people will that whack job son, uncle, brother, sister, aunt of yours kill if they snap. I realize that in todays touchy feely world of political correct horse shit that we can't just lock people away for no reason but i have to ask you this how many more people will have to die before we realize that the status isn’t quo? Simply feeding people more and more pills will accomplish nothing but get more and more people killed, it is long past time to take a hard look at the state of our mental health care system and fix the problems. It is time to stop wasting money and effort on bullshit accusations against the gun owners, manufactures, the videogame industry and even the media and start putting the money and effort to good use. But what the HELL do i know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.

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