Monday, January 14, 2013

Dark Days

Its tinfoil hat time at the lodge again. Thats right folks its time for the Hillbilly to make some predictions based on what he sees going on in the world. Lets start with Senator Frankenstein and her glorious anti-freedom bill to gut your civil rights. The bitch is at it again, it was bad enough she got this bullshit passed in 1994 but now she has come up with a new and improved “assault weapons” ban. This time the enemies of freedom have gotten smarter and written this piece of bird cage liner in such a way as to leave lots of room for interpretation. They can classify any semi-auto rifle as an “assault weapon” with the way this is layed out. Along with the standard bans on civilian sporting arms such as the AR-15, the MINI-14, the SKS, and pretty much any gun they think looks vaguely military in appearance, the language used is just gray enough to cover any and all semi-automatic rifles. The new bill proposes a ban on the future sale and transfer of any semi-automatic rifle capable of accepting a magazine of greater than 10 rounds. UMMMM that is all of them, you may not be able to find a magazine of that size they may not even produce a magazine of that size but any rifle that accepts a removable box magazine can accept a magazine of greater than 10 rounds. So that rules out all semi auto rifles as military grade assault weapons. Also on the list are semi-auto handguns again, she wants to ban those outright and high capacity magazines along with them. But as an added bonus semi-auto shotguns are also on the list this go round hey thats a new twist, if she gets her wish she will leave the public armed with revolvers, bolt action rifles, lever action rifles, and single shot, double barrel, and pump action shotguns. Meanwhile this bitch and her anti-freedom cronies will enjoy government supplied bodyguards armed with fully-automatic weapons and high capacity magazines. If as some have predicted this bill should fail which i truly believe it will, El Jefe will just magically make some of these provision law by executive order, bypassing congress to gut the Constitution. Now when this happens there will be a whole lot of people that will become instant criminals simply for possessing what was a legal product one day but the next by decree of his high eminence they have suddenly become illegal. We the people will be given a choice register them or hand them over. Once the law abiding sheep begin to register their lawfully owned weapons, the government will have the list of places to raid to begin the disarmament of the people. During the raids there will be citizens killed resisting the government forces, government agents will be killed as well forcing wait for it. MORE GUN LAWS, once several federal agents are killed by pump action shotgun blasts those will have to go as they will be deemed a threat to national security, right along with every firearm in existence. So the power mad elite will have an unarmed populace that cannot resist them they will then move forward with the master plan. You see folks all dictatorships start the same way disarm then strip away all civil rights. So first to go will be the Second Amendment, next up the First Amendment, you can’t have people speaking out against the king after all. then all the rest will follow, till what was once a nation built upon the foundation of liberty and freedom becomes yet another dictatorship where the powerful rule by fear, and the people are powerless to stop them. This of course will take time to happen first we will have to endure a new civil war, because not everyone will walk meekly to the slaughter, some will rise up and fight, many will fall there will be civilian casualties among those that willingly pissed their rights away, most of which will be caused by the government and then blamed on the rebellion. We wouldn’t want people to sympathize with these heartless monsters would we? Our glorious overlord has done nothing but lie to the American people from day one and yet the sheeple were stupid enough to buy his bullshit and now that he will get no further terms in office he will find a way to eliminate the need for a democratic election, but first as all dictators must he has to disarm the populace. Dark days are coming folks. But what the HELL do I know i am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.

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