Monday, January 21, 2013

Why Waste Time Prosecuting The Criminal When We Can Just Take The Rights Of All.

His grand ignorance in a push to look as if he actually gives a damn about the American people created a task force to propose ideas to combat gun violence. He placed his vp of ignorance in charge of this task force, several ant-freedom groups were invited to join in the conversation on how to stem the outbreak of gun violence in this country. The groups invited are the usual crowd of morons that all spew the same false information about the evils of guns and gun owners. Groups like the Brady center to end freedom, Mayors against lawful gun ownership, cease thinking, and the other usual suspects, also included were survivors of the latest mass shootings in Connecticut and Colorado. Only one Pro-gun group was invited and it was the token look we are talking to both sides invite and that was of course the NRA. The representative was given 5 minutes of the VP’s time out of the several days these talks went on. During that 5 minutes the NRA rep brought up the lack of prosecution for falsifying information on the background check form which is a federal crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison. This was the response the VP Joe Biden gave the NRA. Thee federal government does not have time to prosecute people for giving false information on that form. Thats right we have the time to cram more and more laws down your throat to further infringe on your freedom but actually prosecute a crime we can’t do that we might actually make progress in preventing people that should not own guns from obtaining them without stripping you of your rights. The federal government has plenty of time and money to give handouts to the poor, to countries that hate us, they have plenty of time to sit and debate while our economy slips further and further into the toilet. They have plenty of time to find ways to wipe their asses with your rights, but actually enforcing the laws we already have that were put in place to prevent events just like the mass shootings in Connecticut and Colorado, no we can’t do that. We spend millions of dollars daily to continue the drone strikes in the middle east, millions daily to pursue the war on drugs, millions daily to keep those on welfare fed. The grand fuhrer unveiled his $500 million gun control plan that will accomplish little if anything to curb gun violence but we can’t enforce the laws on the books. Attorney General Eric “gunrunner” Holder has vowed to arrest and prosecute gun traffickers, uhm can you actually arrest and prosecute yourself there boss? It was your failed plan that allowed thousands of guns to end up in the hands of the Mexican drug cartels. Of course it is only a failed plan to we the people to him it was a resounding success as it allowed the Government to back up their claims that cartels were getting guns from Gun shops in the US. Now before you anti-freedom jack asses start in on how Bush started that plan read some history before you speak. Bush approved a plan capture gunrunners, the BATF set up sting operations to catch the bad guys no guns actually went to Mexico. Under AG Holder and his idiocy the guns were allowed to make their way to Mexico and into the hands of the cartel's. So how is Holder not a gunrunner? This was all part of the master plan to help his high ignorance in wiping the 2nd amendment out of the Constitution. What they needed was a few dead border agents, and maybe with luck a few dead civilians, all killed with the guns sent from American gun shops to Mexico. What they didn’t count on were agents having a conscience and blowing the lid on this scandal and letting the press know they were told to let the guns go. So when the story broke did the government come clean and at least try to explain what was going on? No the tried to cover up any and all involvement by leaving the agents to twist in the wind while the President covered for Holder by putting this all under the auspices of executive orders which can be kept secret. Is this the great transparency he claimed he would bring back to government? This mans regime has been as transparent as a brick wall. He has made back door deals to get his personal agenda forced down our throats, and i doubt this will be any different. What he can’t accomplish with executive orders he will get passed by making promises he has no intention of keeping. The tree hugging bunnyfuckers wonder why we even need the 2nd Amendment, the government would never turn on the people. Let me point you to a piece of US history, WWII we had internment camps for Japanese born AMERICANS, your government rounded and locked up American Citizens simply based on place of birth. Tell me again how our government would not turn on the people. Our Vice President would rather strip rights from law abiding citizens than arrest and prosecute felons. Want more proof that your government would rather destroy your rights than actually do a damn thing about the problems facing this nation? Do a little research on the NDAA, this little piece of legislation that they crammed down our throats gives your duly elected overlords the power to detain ANY US citizen for as long as they want without charge or trial. They don't have to read you your Miranda rights, they don't have to give you a lawyer since you have not been charged and they can leave you in a hole somewhere for the rest of your life with no explanations. When asked about having this kind of power our Grand Leader, claimed that he would never use this power. Of course this appeased the stupid among the people that refuse to see him as just another lying politician they actually believe that he will never use the power. Excuse me if you are never going to use the power then why do you feel you need it? And what about the next guy, how can we be sure that the empty suit that follows your reign of ignorance won’t decide that the ability to detain his detractors isn't just what he needs to retain power? This government is corrupt throughout and unless we the sheeple wake up and make changes nothing good is going to come out of this. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.

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