Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How to scare New Yorkers and get photos at the same time.

With the economy in the toilet and the government spending billions to bail giant corporations out of bankruptcy it seems like a foolish waste to spend $300K on a photo op. And yet that is exactly what the US government did, on April 27, 2009 the airforce sent an F16 and Air Force One on a flyover of New York City scaring the crap out of New Yorkers that had lived through the September 11th terror attacks. So this is the kind of change we can expect from our new president. He wants to save our country from the worst recession since the Great Depression of the thirties, and all we have done so far is give billions to the same greedy corporations that drove our economy into the ground in the first place. How about we just take some pretty pictures of the damn thing sitting on the ground, I’ll do it for free just get me there. A round trip ticket for me to take some pictures is far cheaper then flying the fucker to NYC with an armed escort. Here is an even cheaper idea PHOTOSHOP. You can’t tell me that with all the people in and around the president not one of them is experienced in Photoshop. How expensive can I be to hire someone to fake the shot you want, kill two birds with one stone get your photo and give someone a job at the same time. Now I realize that his cant happen as I actually makes sense and that is not acceptable. The media, the left wing lunatics, and pretty much all democrats rant and rave about George W. Bush for driving up a deficit when the all powerful Clintons had generated a surplus, yet President Obama with the stroke of a pen put us farther in debt than we have ever been before. That’s real change folks, is this the kind of change you wanted? I know that once he was elected President Obama was supposed to usher in an era of rainbows and puppies that ended crime, starvation, war, aids, and all of the other ills of the world, if you believe the media he is just about ready for sainthood. I have nothing against our president as a person but as a president he leaves a lot to be desired. Welcome to the new world folks government handouts run amok and more and more debt for us to pay back. Another issue I have with the president is the way he whores himself around the world begging forgiveness for the sins committed by the last president, the world should be thanking us for standing up to terrorist organizations, pirates, and threats to freedom around the world. When the world steps up and fights the forces of evil we will back down until such time we should apologize to no one. Why is it necessary for the US to fight all the battles of the world and then apologize for it? Did the French ask for an apology after WWII? No but they expect one now, instead of giving them what they want just look at them and say fuck off toad sucker. If the rest of the world wants us to stay out of their business fine that will save us enough money to pay off the debt we are now in. But what the hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fox ignores El Jefe

Not even President Obama can stop the juggernaut that is American Karaoke. In a surprising move Fox broadcasting has decided that they do not need to pimp themselves out to the president, and will not be airing his 100th day press conference. All the other networks however will be letting the president have yet more free air time. Strange how when there is a democrat in office the networks will bend over backwards to paint him in a good light and get into his good graces yet if the man in the big chair is republican all bets are off. Journalistic integrity my ass. George Bush was not a great president yet if you look at the news archives he was both incompetent and a borderline war criminal. What proof do they offer to uphold these accusations? Cleverly edited interview footage and piss poor camera angles that make normal facial expressions look remarkably stupid. Like everything else these news organizations do they use the power of the editing room to further advance their own agenda, it amazes me that the American people fall so easily for this blatant bullshit. Every interview with President Obama during the run up to election was full of softball questions, yet Senator McCain was grilled during every interview, and yet the public just swallows this and lets it continue without question. Wake up people do you honestly believe that a first term Senator gets to be president without making a few back door deals with the power brokers in Washington. If you do I have some great ocean front property in Utah I will sell you for cheap. Its time for this country o realize that our so called journalists are mostly corrupt greedy pricks out to change the world to their own views. At least Fox took a stand and decided to feed their own greed instead of the Presidents ego, I can’t stand American Idol yet I agree with Fox’s decision to run normal programming. The president has made very little progress on his campaign promises in his first 100 days in office; he has released some formerly confidential information yet still hides many secrets behind the national security field which is why the patriot act is still in effect. Despite his repeated promise of ending the warrantless wire taps and the continued spying on the citizens of this country they continue, under the need for national security. Even with all of the information of gained by the patriot act are we any more secure, The borders are open drugs, aliens, and terrorists, stream across the border and yet we do nothing to stem the tide. Mr. President you want the respect of the nation then start acting like the leader you claim to be, its time to make good on some of those promises you made. But what the Hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly.

F___K the Yankees.

So Baseball season is upon us and George Steinbrenner has a new ball park to play in, what was wrong with Yankee stadium? This arrogant asshole has decided that his millionaire primadonna ball club needs a new park to win games so what to do with the old one, tear it down of course. They tore down Yankee Fucking Stadium what the FUICK. The house that ruth built is no more, that site should have been preserved as a historical landmark not just torn down and tossed like yesterdays garbage. What's next Fenway, Wrigly, Lambeau field is looking pretty old, or how about soldier field? Its bad enough this jackass buys the crapiest team in baseball but then he destroys a piece of American history because it doesn’t have all of the latest bells and whistles, for true baseball fans it was never about the glitter and flash found in new ballparks it was about the experience of being at Yankee stadium. How is it you can buy the most expensive players in the game and put them on one team and still fail as completely as the Yankees have? The answer is simple Teamwork, all of those rich prima donna bastards have forgotten that baseball is still a team sport, you can’t all be the superstar you have to work together. I have never been a big fan of the Yankees but after this outrage I guarantee I never will be. Fuck you George Steinbrenner you have almost single handedly killed the game of baseball. But what the hell do I know I am just an angry hillbilly.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Illegal immigrants in liberal hell

As if I needed more proof that the Pacific Northwest has become a liberal hell, the Oregon House of Representatives is considering a bill that would grant in state tuition to illegal immigrants that graduate high school and are accepted to a state college. First of all which part of illegal immigrant is so hard to understand, these are not poor people to be pitied they are criminals. The department of immigration should really be looking into this every applicant that can’t prove there citizenship or legal status should be rounded up and sent packing. This is insane there are genuine US citizens that can’t go to college due to the fact that they cant afford it, yet we give out tons of aid to illegal aliens. What’s wrong with this picture? When I decided to go to college I was told that I could not receive any financial aid as I was one White, two male, three childless, and four employed, so what did I do I worked a full time job at night and pulled a full load o credits during the day. All the while I saw many, many students skating through on financial aid, or running start programs. The fact that this bill is even up for discussion is beyond insane. When will this country learn to take care of her own first? If these immigrants want to return to this country legally than by all means let them and then they can pay in state tuition but as long as they are here illegally lets treat them like the criminals they are. The bleeding heart liberals are all over this story, saying things like, if we give them access to higher education they will be able to get better paying jobs so they can pay more in taxes. Wrong anyone who hires them can be brought up on criminal charges for hiring illegal immigrants. Maybe this is part of the plan to stimulate the economy give these illegal’s a bachelors degree let them get hired into large corporations for less than a legal citizen and then fine the shit out of the corporation for hiring illegal aliens. Why do we punish some criminals but others get a free pass? Drink and drive no problem, sell drugs that’s ok, live in this country illegally lets put you through school, but should you do something like hit a bicyclist that runs a red light and the lynch mob comes out with the rope. What the hell is wrong here? Instead of giving illegal’s more and more advantages give them bus tickets home. This country really needs to get its priorities straight and stop giving everything away to the rest of the world and start taking care of the citizens that make us what we are. Butt what the Hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly

Somali pirates and the Useless Nations

Less than 2 days after US Navy seals rescued an american ship captain by killing 3 somali pirates, three more ships have been hijacked. Since this is happening in international waters and the captured ships come from all over he world shouldnt the Useless Nations be doing something about this? Where are the UN peacekeepers and why do we have to solve all the problems of the world? This is just another example of why the US needs to get out of the UN. The president whores himsel around Europe trashing his own country and then we have to stop piracy in international waters. Its time to say piss off to the rest of the world and start working on our own problems. If the UN won't help out why should we let them stay. The time has come for the US to leave the UN and ask them to leave, we will handle our own problems and they can save the rest of the world. But what the Hell do i know i am just an angry Hillbilly.

Concealed carry and the enemies of freedom.

At the end of the Bush administration the outgoing President Bush gave gun owners one final parting gift, he lifted the ban on concealed carry in national parks. Of course anything that makes society safer has to be contested by the anti gun community, anti gun lobby groups like the Brady campaign protested loudly that this would only lead to more crime. The anti freedom crowd went to court and were granted an injunction their claim is that allowing concealed carry in national parks will lead to a rise in poaching and assaults on park land. HUH? Did I miss something here? If you are a law abiding citizen and your local law enforcement agency can find no reason to deny your application for a CHL why would you then go into a national park to assault someone, it would be far more convenient o just walk out your front door. I talk to a lot of hunters throughout the week on the talk hunting forum ( and the universal opinion of poachers is that there isn’t a lower form of life on this planet. Why do these people continue to claim that guns cause crime and all gun owners are criminals that have not been caught yet? When I go out into the wilderness I always pack a firearm of some type. In case these people haven’t noticed animals live in the woods not just in the zoo. When we humans venture into the woods we are at a disadvantage, the critters that call them home have thousands of years of evolution and instinct that makes them far more adapt at movement through brush than we humans. With just a bit of research you can find numerous stories of hikers being stalked and attacked by a cougar. And as we the people expand our cities and towns mowing down more of the natural habitat encounters with wolves, bear, badgers, and a whole host of other unfriendly critters are on the rise. Just on the basis of anatomy humans are no match in a fight with any of these creatures unarmed. All of the creatures I mentioned above have sharper teeth and claws than any human I have ever met, and most of them are far stronger then the majority of people. Defending yourself from a cougar attack is a daunting task if you venture into their home unarmed, most times the noise of a gunshot will scare off the animal in question. The anti gun lobby must believe that all the animals in the forest are just like those cute animals in the Disney cartoons they watch and would never harm a human. Unfortunately reality isn’t like a Disney movie, that black bear your staring at does not want to dance and sing for you, you are a threat to him and his instinct is more like the hulk, smash threat to little puddle of goo. As far as their claim that assaults will rise if you let people carry concealed I foresee just the opposite happening. If the criminals have to wonder if you are packing they will begin to think twice about assaulting you. Most criminals are cowards that prey on the weak and defenseless. I carry my gun with me not because I want to hurt someone or because of how cool it is I carry it so that if something threatens me or my family I can have a better chance of surviving the encounter weather the threat has two legs or four. If your state is a shall issue state and you have a CHL why shouldn't you be allowed to carry in a national park? During one of the protests one of the anti gun groups claimed that if concealed carry were allowed in the national parks their members would be to afraid to visit them, that is fine with me as that is just that many fewer people with screaming children to damage my calm. What I don't understand is this, why would you stay away from a place where someone else will protect you? The last time I checked most of the national parks were not heavily policed; there is way more land than there are park rangers. Unlike most cities law enforcement response time in the national parks is hours not minutes. If I were to witness someone being beaten I would step in to help regardless of whether they are pro or anti gun, because I am pro humanity. I am not going to ask the victim which they are before hand, and I bet that even if they are anti gun they would prefer my gun and I to step in over the alternative. I find it somewhat amusing that the people who speak out the most against guns are the ones surrounded by armed guards. The anti gun community needs to stop these attacks on their fellow Americans and concentrate on what really needs to change the enforcement of laws we already have such as putting felons in possession of weapons behind bars if we started there we would see our crime rates dramatically reduced. With the laws the way they are what we have is a dilemma for gun owners, leave the gun home the next time we visit a national park and be a better target. Or carry concealed and be an outlaw, the law should be there to protect all not turn some into criminals just for wanting to protect ourselves and the ones we love. But what the Hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Brady Campaign to end Freedom

The Brady campaign to prevent gun violence has come up with ways to stop the crime in Mexico by making current gun laws in the US stronger. Their claim is that by strengthening our laws it will make it harder for criminals to buy guns. Read that last sentence again I’ll wait. Now think about that with just a bit of common sense, if they are already criminals why would they obey new stronger laws when they already break the ones we have? The articles on their website use current and past tragedies to push their own agenda. Not only does this show no compassion whatsoever for he victims or their families but it shows just what kind of people really run this non profit group. If you take a look at their website you will see lots of propaganda extolling the evils of handguns, high capacity magazines, and military style assault weapons. If you read the articles please do some research on your own as they sure as hell haven’t, what isn’t an outright lie is so wildly inaccurate as to be comical. One of my personal favorite lines used is that since the expiration of the 1993 AWB in 2004 law enforcement agencies around the country are outgunned by criminals with “military style assault weapons”. To this I say BULLSHIT!!! All law enforcement agencies are allowed to utilize fully automatic weapons, the same weapons used by our great fighting men and women in the military. Now can criminals get their hands on these types off weapons? Yes but not through any legal means, I some instances regular civilians can also purchase these weapons at great cost mind you. If you want to jump through all the hoops and pay all the fees you could get yourself a class 3 FFL and you could buy and sell full auto weapons and other items on the ATF restricted lists. But convicted felons cannot do this they are not allowed to own guns at any time and yet when we catch a felon with a gun what happens some liberal touchy feely judge lets him go with a minor sentence or no sentence at all just slaps his hand and says don’t do I again. What’s wrong with this picture? The Brady campaign wants to punish all law abiding citizens for he corruption in our government, judicial system, and now a foreign government. The corruption of the Mexican government is well known and the drug cartels there take full advantage of it so why should I be punished for that? In their report Assault weapons: mass produced mayhem they pain a bleak picture of how no good comes from anyone owning an “assault weapon” report after report of shootings and cop killings with assault weapons yet the weapon in question is never identified. One of the claims made in his “report” is that criminals prefer assault weapons because of their ease of concealment. How is a rifle with the minimum barrel length of 16” and overall length of anywhere from 24 to 40” easily concealed? Of course the other key word in his rag is AK-47 which is repeated multiple times in a short period, they use the generic term as a scare tactic that works very well with the liberal sheep that swallow everything they say as if it’s the gospel truth. The truth is criminals were still getting and using the same weapons during the ten years o the AWB as they are now the only difference is we the people can now match arms with the criminals. As I am reading through this report the lies and half truths are everywhere, the claim that pistol grips on assault weapons is to stabilize them when firing from the hip position is comical, if that were true why dosnt the military train our soldiers to ire their weapons that way? Because it’s not a great way to fire the weapon is why. Another claim is that hand guards on assault weapons are there to protect the hands from the heat of firing multiple shots is true the claim that they are unnecessary is false most of the weapons classified as assault weapons have a barrel that is almost fully exposed without hand guards you would have no way to stabilize the rifle during any type of firing. Their claim that assault weapons have no place in a polite society is utter crap; we don’t live in a polite society. The framers off the constitution wrote the second amendment for a reason it gives we the people a way to stop a tyranny from taking our freedoms away. If we ever do achieve the utopian paradise these people dream of then they will be right assault weapons will have no place there, butt until that day assault weapons have a place in my gun safe. But what the hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Pinheads for the ethical treatment of animals

Ever since Barrack Obama was elected President the firearms market has been in complete disarray. the prices on guns and ammo have skyrocketed, finding ammo in the popular calibers is nigh impossible. Everyone is hoarding everything they can get their hands on. This is in reaction to things that were discussed during his campaign, the 1994 AWB is back on the table, ammunition bans have been mentioned, new gun laws requiring registration of guns, limiting the number of guns you can purchase, all in the name of crime prevention and safety. One of the subjects mentioned is banning most hunting rifle ammo as armor piercing. How many crimes are committed by guys with hunting rifles? This is just another way for the touchy feely crowd to finally ban hunting in this country. The pinheads for the ethical treatment of animals (PETA), the humane society of the United States, and many other animal rights groups have wanted hunting outlawed for decades. Why do they want this? Hunters are one of the key elements to keeping the balance in nature on the level. Without hunting animal populations would grow to sizes that ecosystems cannot sustain which would cause havoc to all creatures. Washington State banned the use of hunting dogs for cougar, and bear hunting years ago now the populations of both groups are quickly becoming unmanageable, it makes no sense whatsoever to ban hunting and expect there to be no repercussions in nature. But the animal rights groups don't really care about that as long as their agenda gets pushed forward and crammed down the throats of every person. I grew up in an area where hunting is still a big part of life and I went hunting for many years. The lessons i learned from those experience has helped shape me into the man I am today. I learned that responsibility, self reliance, and that hard work could pay off big dividends. And the memories I have of those trips into the woods will be with me always. Pro hunting and outdoors groups like Ducks Unlimited, and Trout Unlimited have done more for conservation of natural habitat than all of the animal rights groups combined. Hunters are always painted as either bloodthirsty savages or simple minded fools that live only to kill any thing they can. What the animal rights groups don't want you to see is we are a diverse group that actually cares more about the animals we hunt than they do. Do we kill animals? Yes, but we don't kill only for killings sake. We harvest animals for food and to keep the populations under control. Most states have a 1 animal bag limit for large game and in most areas of my state it is male only. You can get special tags that allow for the taking of a female but generally you are only allowed to kill on adult male animal per season. This insures that there will be new babies born the next year thereby sustaining the species yet keeping the population within manageable limits. You do hear stories of animals being killed for the trophy with the rest of the carcass left to rot; the individuals that do this are not hunters they are scumbags with no business being out in the woods. Unfortunately these are the stories that make headlines. The things that should be reported are when hunters’ rights groups spend millions to restore fish and wildlife habitat to its natural state. When was the last time PETA spent money on anything but ads? PETA euthanized 95% of the adoptable pets they took in, for a group that wants ethical treatment for animals they have a odd way of showing it. Many of the people I have met while out duck hunting have a dog that they treat like one of their own children, and yet since they enjoy killing their food they obviously can’t love animals. If PETA actually gave a damn about animals they would spend more money protecting them than killing them. My personal opinion of PETA is that they are a borderline terrorist organization that has absolutely no regard for anyone but themselves and their bullshit agenda. Hunting is a rich and wonderful tradition in this country and should remain so but what the hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly

Rest in peace Nick Adenhart

On Tuesday April 9th Angels rookie Nick Adenhart was killed by a drunk driver. The driver identified as Thomas Gallo, he was drivinig on a suspended license from a previous drunk driving conviction. at the time of the accident his blood alcohol level was below the legal limit of .08. The question remains what the hell was this criminal fucktard doing on the street in the first place. How many bodies have to pile up before we start to crack down on drunk drivers. The fact that this guy was driving at all is a travesty of justice, and now a promising young pitcher has lost his life because of it. When will people learn that drinking and driving is a monumentaly stupid idea? THe real problem is that the criminal fuck driving the minivan through a red light had a prior conviction for DUI, but as we have been shown that does not mean much in California. Paris Hilton, Lindsy Lohan, and Kiefer Sutherland were all convicted of DUI and spent no real time in jail whats wrong with this picture? Every year more people are killed by drunk drivers than drugs, guns, or cigarretts, and yet we paint the smokers and the gun owners as evil sub human creatures. WHen will we start treating these imbiciles like the criminals they are and lock them up before they kill someone. Here's a thought for your first DUI conviction instant 6 month felony incarceration, then if in the next 2 years if you are stopped while driving a car its a 5 Year sentence. Once you have finaly been released for the next 5 years i you drive it is a life sentence as you have proven that you are a career criminal and cannot be trusted to live with law abiding citizens. If you live anywhere near a city there are many ways to get around without driving, take a bus, train, cab, rickshaw whatever, just stay out of the damn drivers seat. Goodbuy Nick Adenhart, i hope your family can find some kind of peace and justice.
The Angry Hillbilly

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mexican Guns

If you have watched the news at all you have probably seen the President of Mexico blaming the US for the issues they are having with the drug cartels. He claims that the cartels are getting most of there weapons from the United States. I don't know about where you live but apparently if you go to any gun shop on the Mexican border you can buy machine guns, rpgs, hand grenades, and anything else you want no questions asked. The scary thought here is that the liberal sheeple will believe this utter crap and push for more gun bans and ultimately outright confiscation, if you have studied history at all you would know that the last murder committed with a legally obtained full automatic weapon was in the thirties, when a police officer used his department issue Thompson to kill his wife. Every other crime committed with an automatic weapon was committed with either one that was purchased on the black market or one that was illegally converted to full auto capable. Now what most of these morons call an assault weapon is nothing more than a semi-automatic sporting firearm. To be classified as an assault weapon by the proper definition of the term mean that the weapon has to have the ability to fire fully automatic. For those of you who know nothing about firearms I will explain, a semi-automatic weapon fires one round for every pull of the trigger, full automatic weapons can fire multiple rounds with one pull of the trigger. In 1994 the federal government banned the sale of several firearms in this country based solely on looks. None of the weapons covered in the ban were full automatic but they looked like military grade hardware therefore they must be banned. Some of the items banned were things like folding/telescopic stocks for the AR-15 and Mini 14 rifles, flash hiders, bayonet lugs, and other miscellaneous items that had no effect on how the weapon functioned, but they looked dangerous. Also banned during that time for sale to civilians were any magazine that could hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. This plan was an abject failure from the word go, not only did it not deter crime it left law abiding citizens defenseless. The so called assault weapons that were banned were used in less than 5% of all gun crimes before the ban took effect so even if it had worked what would it have done to the overall crime rate. What it did accomplish is to drive the market for pre-ban weapons and accessories through the roof with prices soaring to triple what they were before it took effect. More people are killed by drunk drivers every day than by assault weapons yet we don't ban alcohol, more people are diagnosed with diabetes than are harmed by assault weapons yet nothing is done to curb the fast food industry, why are weapons always catching blame for crime? Part of the problem is the mass media and their anti gun bias, anytime you watch a news story about some kind of violent crime weather it was committed with a knife, hatchet, sharp stick, or skateboard the graphic that appears on your screen next to the talking head is a handgun. Who needs truth when you have an agenda. When my coworkers discovered my love of firearms and passion for the protection of the second amendment they couldn't understand what drove it. The biggest question is "what do you need all the guns for?" "what do you think is going to happen?" my answer is always I don't need the guns I need my rights to stay my rights. It has long been the dream of the anti gun community to abolish the second amendment, if they succeed where do they stop? Lets say that guns are outlawed for civilian ownership, then who will stop the same people from deciding that we really don't need the first amendment, the second amendment is there to protects all the others. When we broke away from Britain we wanted to make sure that no tyrannical government could rise up and control the people of the united states through terror and oppression, the way to accomplish that is to let the people have guns so that if necessary we could rise up in revolt against a tyrannical government. Now with the focus on the Mexican drug wars and the erroneous statements of several anti gun lobbyists, we are being told that 90% of the weapons used by the cartels are smuggled into Mexico from the US. To this i say Bullshit! During a congressional hearing on the subject Diane Feinstein a notable anti gun democrat who happens to have a concealed handgun license asked an agent from the BATF if that number were true. His response was no that is not true the number is closer to 17%. So where are the rest of the guns coming from? There are many theories such as the international black market, theft from the Mexican government, corruption in the Mexican army, South America, and other nations were the drug trade is a large part of the economy. How is this the fault of the American people? Why should we be punished for the acts of criminals in Mexico. If someone breaks into your house and cuts himself on the glass should you be held liable? Its ridiculous how am I to blame for the acts of criminals in a country I have never even been to? If the cartels are such a problem then maybe its time to clean out the corrupt government and take a hard stance against them. One way to combat the rise in drug crimes is to legalize and tax the drugs. Make them a legitimate business and tax the crap out of it. Then turn around and use the money to fund anti drug programs. If it is no longer a crime and is now a business you would see the amount of drug related violence take a sharp nosedive. Why is it that when these morons get elected they lose all common sense? I have a dream that one day a man will be elected President and he will actually give a damn about this country and the people in it and he will work to see that this country is taken care of before we spend time and money worrying about everyone else. I have a dream that one day all people will be treated equally whether they are pro gun or anti gun and that common sense will once again be seen in our government. But what the hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Useless Nations

This week North Korea launched a rocket that according to them carried a communications satellite, but all other countries are calling this a test launch for ICBM research. Now depending on whom you listen to the launch was both a success and a failure. Korea says the satellite is up and running perfectly and everyone else says the rocket splashed down into the Pacific Ocean. During the lead up to this launch many nations asked the North Koreans to abort their plans and threatened new sanctions if they went through with it. The day after the launch the UN, (useless nations) convened an emergency meeting to discuss what to do about the North Korean missile crises, and what did they decide NOTHING. What a shock. The blowhards at the UN again did nothing, what about those sanctions that were threatened, not that the UN would actually enforce them. How many times have the useless nations actually done anything in times of crises let’s ask the people of Darfur, Rwanda, Somalia. Oh wait most of the people that really needed help in those countries are dead already most by starvation, and death squads. Where was the UN when those people were being drug out into the streets and beaten, raped, and murdered by their own governments personal death squads. Sitting back in fancy offices enjoying the fruits of diplomatic immunity her in the USA. Why do we still sit back and support this group of useless egotistical bastards, they complain that the US is to quick to use violence and military strength when diplomatic solutions should be sought. The world has been working for diplomacy with the North Korean government for years and where has that gotten us absolutely nowhere. In 1991 we tried diplomacy with Saddam Hussein and look where that ended up; he tortured and slaughtered his own people until we decided that enough was enough, if the UN wasn't going to stop him the US would. If the United Nations actually gave a damn about the world at large they would not rely on the US to be the worlds police force, they would use the military might that has been pledged to them to take care of these problems so we could take care of the problems here in our country. When will this country wise up and see that the UN is a useless organization of fat bureaucrats that has never lived up to its promises. We need to get out of the UN and then throw them out of our country we could use the building as a really nice homeless shelter, or sell of the prime New York real estate that is sitting on. Instead of always taking on the problems of the world why don't we force the UN to do what it was designed to do and handle these issues fairly and without bias isn't that the whole point of its existence. Over the last forty plus years any major conflict that has come up the US has provided the vast majority of both money and manpower to resolve it, why. Why is it always our responsibility to solve all the worlds problems when are the other members of the UN going to pitch in with more than a token gesture. At the very least they could send a little cash our way to cover some of the expense we put out to contain all the fires that keep cropping up. As far as North Korea goes we can take care of this problem too isn't this the kind of situation that we have black ops groups take care of. Let Delta Force go in and just blow the launch facility to hell before the Koreans can prep another rocket. If we have to be the worlds police force lets just drop the UN altogether and start enforcing laws our way, no more kid gloves maybe its time we rethink that no assassination rule. But what the hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Big news from the NATO summit Europe applauds President Obamas’ new plan for Afghanistan and pledges to send 5000 trainers and security personnel for their upcoming elections. El, Jefe for his part plans on sending in another 21,000 US troops bringing the total us contingent in country to 59,000. So yet again we cater to the brain trust that is NATO while we do all the real work on the ground. Is this the grand plan we were promised during his campaign? I thought he wanted to spend less money on involvement in the Middle East. Apparently I misheard him, he wants to pull troops out of Iraq and move them to Afghanistan how is that going to save this country money? What we really need to do is get the hell out of their religious war. Another thing most people tend to forget or overlook is most of the 9/11 attackers were Saudi, so why are we still kissing the ass of the Saudi rulers? We should have had teams in Saudi Arabia from the get go but they control the majority of the worlds Oil Supply so hands off. You want to save this country, create jobs, and rescue the economy Mr. President? Then bring our troops home and put them on border defense, start drilling for oil in Alaska and start deporting those that are in our country illegally. I know there are some who will say that aliens do jobs that other Americans don’t want to do, to this I say bullshit faced with feeding your family by picking vegetables or watching your kids go hungry I don’t know to many people that wont take whatever work they can find. I have herd of many many people with bachelors and masters degrees that have been laid off due to corporate downsizing that are taking any job they can find be it flipping burgers or pushing a broom just to get by. So why are we still letting the illegal aliens keep true Americans out of work? But what the hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly.