Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mexican Guns

If you have watched the news at all you have probably seen the President of Mexico blaming the US for the issues they are having with the drug cartels. He claims that the cartels are getting most of there weapons from the United States. I don't know about where you live but apparently if you go to any gun shop on the Mexican border you can buy machine guns, rpgs, hand grenades, and anything else you want no questions asked. The scary thought here is that the liberal sheeple will believe this utter crap and push for more gun bans and ultimately outright confiscation, if you have studied history at all you would know that the last murder committed with a legally obtained full automatic weapon was in the thirties, when a police officer used his department issue Thompson to kill his wife. Every other crime committed with an automatic weapon was committed with either one that was purchased on the black market or one that was illegally converted to full auto capable. Now what most of these morons call an assault weapon is nothing more than a semi-automatic sporting firearm. To be classified as an assault weapon by the proper definition of the term mean that the weapon has to have the ability to fire fully automatic. For those of you who know nothing about firearms I will explain, a semi-automatic weapon fires one round for every pull of the trigger, full automatic weapons can fire multiple rounds with one pull of the trigger. In 1994 the federal government banned the sale of several firearms in this country based solely on looks. None of the weapons covered in the ban were full automatic but they looked like military grade hardware therefore they must be banned. Some of the items banned were things like folding/telescopic stocks for the AR-15 and Mini 14 rifles, flash hiders, bayonet lugs, and other miscellaneous items that had no effect on how the weapon functioned, but they looked dangerous. Also banned during that time for sale to civilians were any magazine that could hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. This plan was an abject failure from the word go, not only did it not deter crime it left law abiding citizens defenseless. The so called assault weapons that were banned were used in less than 5% of all gun crimes before the ban took effect so even if it had worked what would it have done to the overall crime rate. What it did accomplish is to drive the market for pre-ban weapons and accessories through the roof with prices soaring to triple what they were before it took effect. More people are killed by drunk drivers every day than by assault weapons yet we don't ban alcohol, more people are diagnosed with diabetes than are harmed by assault weapons yet nothing is done to curb the fast food industry, why are weapons always catching blame for crime? Part of the problem is the mass media and their anti gun bias, anytime you watch a news story about some kind of violent crime weather it was committed with a knife, hatchet, sharp stick, or skateboard the graphic that appears on your screen next to the talking head is a handgun. Who needs truth when you have an agenda. When my coworkers discovered my love of firearms and passion for the protection of the second amendment they couldn't understand what drove it. The biggest question is "what do you need all the guns for?" "what do you think is going to happen?" my answer is always I don't need the guns I need my rights to stay my rights. It has long been the dream of the anti gun community to abolish the second amendment, if they succeed where do they stop? Lets say that guns are outlawed for civilian ownership, then who will stop the same people from deciding that we really don't need the first amendment, the second amendment is there to protects all the others. When we broke away from Britain we wanted to make sure that no tyrannical government could rise up and control the people of the united states through terror and oppression, the way to accomplish that is to let the people have guns so that if necessary we could rise up in revolt against a tyrannical government. Now with the focus on the Mexican drug wars and the erroneous statements of several anti gun lobbyists, we are being told that 90% of the weapons used by the cartels are smuggled into Mexico from the US. To this i say Bullshit! During a congressional hearing on the subject Diane Feinstein a notable anti gun democrat who happens to have a concealed handgun license asked an agent from the BATF if that number were true. His response was no that is not true the number is closer to 17%. So where are the rest of the guns coming from? There are many theories such as the international black market, theft from the Mexican government, corruption in the Mexican army, South America, and other nations were the drug trade is a large part of the economy. How is this the fault of the American people? Why should we be punished for the acts of criminals in Mexico. If someone breaks into your house and cuts himself on the glass should you be held liable? Its ridiculous how am I to blame for the acts of criminals in a country I have never even been to? If the cartels are such a problem then maybe its time to clean out the corrupt government and take a hard stance against them. One way to combat the rise in drug crimes is to legalize and tax the drugs. Make them a legitimate business and tax the crap out of it. Then turn around and use the money to fund anti drug programs. If it is no longer a crime and is now a business you would see the amount of drug related violence take a sharp nosedive. Why is it that when these morons get elected they lose all common sense? I have a dream that one day a man will be elected President and he will actually give a damn about this country and the people in it and he will work to see that this country is taken care of before we spend time and money worrying about everyone else. I have a dream that one day all people will be treated equally whether they are pro gun or anti gun and that common sense will once again be seen in our government. But what the hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly.

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