Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Brady Campaign to end Freedom

The Brady campaign to prevent gun violence has come up with ways to stop the crime in Mexico by making current gun laws in the US stronger. Their claim is that by strengthening our laws it will make it harder for criminals to buy guns. Read that last sentence again I’ll wait. Now think about that with just a bit of common sense, if they are already criminals why would they obey new stronger laws when they already break the ones we have? The articles on their website use current and past tragedies to push their own agenda. Not only does this show no compassion whatsoever for he victims or their families but it shows just what kind of people really run this non profit group. If you take a look at their website you will see lots of propaganda extolling the evils of handguns, high capacity magazines, and military style assault weapons. If you read the articles please do some research on your own as they sure as hell haven’t, what isn’t an outright lie is so wildly inaccurate as to be comical. One of my personal favorite lines used is that since the expiration of the 1993 AWB in 2004 law enforcement agencies around the country are outgunned by criminals with “military style assault weapons”. To this I say BULLSHIT!!! All law enforcement agencies are allowed to utilize fully automatic weapons, the same weapons used by our great fighting men and women in the military. Now can criminals get their hands on these types off weapons? Yes but not through any legal means, I some instances regular civilians can also purchase these weapons at great cost mind you. If you want to jump through all the hoops and pay all the fees you could get yourself a class 3 FFL and you could buy and sell full auto weapons and other items on the ATF restricted lists. But convicted felons cannot do this they are not allowed to own guns at any time and yet when we catch a felon with a gun what happens some liberal touchy feely judge lets him go with a minor sentence or no sentence at all just slaps his hand and says don’t do I again. What’s wrong with this picture? The Brady campaign wants to punish all law abiding citizens for he corruption in our government, judicial system, and now a foreign government. The corruption of the Mexican government is well known and the drug cartels there take full advantage of it so why should I be punished for that? In their report Assault weapons: mass produced mayhem they pain a bleak picture of how no good comes from anyone owning an “assault weapon” report after report of shootings and cop killings with assault weapons yet the weapon in question is never identified. One of the claims made in his “report” is that criminals prefer assault weapons because of their ease of concealment. How is a rifle with the minimum barrel length of 16” and overall length of anywhere from 24 to 40” easily concealed? Of course the other key word in his rag is AK-47 which is repeated multiple times in a short period, they use the generic term as a scare tactic that works very well with the liberal sheep that swallow everything they say as if it’s the gospel truth. The truth is criminals were still getting and using the same weapons during the ten years o the AWB as they are now the only difference is we the people can now match arms with the criminals. As I am reading through this report the lies and half truths are everywhere, the claim that pistol grips on assault weapons is to stabilize them when firing from the hip position is comical, if that were true why dosnt the military train our soldiers to ire their weapons that way? Because it’s not a great way to fire the weapon is why. Another claim is that hand guards on assault weapons are there to protect the hands from the heat of firing multiple shots is true the claim that they are unnecessary is false most of the weapons classified as assault weapons have a barrel that is almost fully exposed without hand guards you would have no way to stabilize the rifle during any type of firing. Their claim that assault weapons have no place in a polite society is utter crap; we don’t live in a polite society. The framers off the constitution wrote the second amendment for a reason it gives we the people a way to stop a tyranny from taking our freedoms away. If we ever do achieve the utopian paradise these people dream of then they will be right assault weapons will have no place there, butt until that day assault weapons have a place in my gun safe. But what the hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly.

1 comment:

  1. It's too bad that Brady was shot with a 22 LR revolver instead of an "assualt weapon". If that had been the case then he wouldn't of spent the better part of the last 20 years wasting MY tax dollars trying to ban semiautomatic weapons.

