Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fox ignores El Jefe

Not even President Obama can stop the juggernaut that is American Karaoke. In a surprising move Fox broadcasting has decided that they do not need to pimp themselves out to the president, and will not be airing his 100th day press conference. All the other networks however will be letting the president have yet more free air time. Strange how when there is a democrat in office the networks will bend over backwards to paint him in a good light and get into his good graces yet if the man in the big chair is republican all bets are off. Journalistic integrity my ass. George Bush was not a great president yet if you look at the news archives he was both incompetent and a borderline war criminal. What proof do they offer to uphold these accusations? Cleverly edited interview footage and piss poor camera angles that make normal facial expressions look remarkably stupid. Like everything else these news organizations do they use the power of the editing room to further advance their own agenda, it amazes me that the American people fall so easily for this blatant bullshit. Every interview with President Obama during the run up to election was full of softball questions, yet Senator McCain was grilled during every interview, and yet the public just swallows this and lets it continue without question. Wake up people do you honestly believe that a first term Senator gets to be president without making a few back door deals with the power brokers in Washington. If you do I have some great ocean front property in Utah I will sell you for cheap. Its time for this country o realize that our so called journalists are mostly corrupt greedy pricks out to change the world to their own views. At least Fox took a stand and decided to feed their own greed instead of the Presidents ego, I can’t stand American Idol yet I agree with Fox’s decision to run normal programming. The president has made very little progress on his campaign promises in his first 100 days in office; he has released some formerly confidential information yet still hides many secrets behind the national security field which is why the patriot act is still in effect. Despite his repeated promise of ending the warrantless wire taps and the continued spying on the citizens of this country they continue, under the need for national security. Even with all of the information of gained by the patriot act are we any more secure, The borders are open drugs, aliens, and terrorists, stream across the border and yet we do nothing to stem the tide. Mr. President you want the respect of the nation then start acting like the leader you claim to be, its time to make good on some of those promises you made. But what the Hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly.

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