Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Concealed carry and the enemies of freedom.

At the end of the Bush administration the outgoing President Bush gave gun owners one final parting gift, he lifted the ban on concealed carry in national parks. Of course anything that makes society safer has to be contested by the anti gun community, anti gun lobby groups like the Brady campaign protested loudly that this would only lead to more crime. The anti freedom crowd went to court and were granted an injunction their claim is that allowing concealed carry in national parks will lead to a rise in poaching and assaults on park land. HUH? Did I miss something here? If you are a law abiding citizen and your local law enforcement agency can find no reason to deny your application for a CHL why would you then go into a national park to assault someone, it would be far more convenient o just walk out your front door. I talk to a lot of hunters throughout the week on the talk hunting forum (http://www.talkhunting.com) and the universal opinion of poachers is that there isn’t a lower form of life on this planet. Why do these people continue to claim that guns cause crime and all gun owners are criminals that have not been caught yet? When I go out into the wilderness I always pack a firearm of some type. In case these people haven’t noticed animals live in the woods not just in the zoo. When we humans venture into the woods we are at a disadvantage, the critters that call them home have thousands of years of evolution and instinct that makes them far more adapt at movement through brush than we humans. With just a bit of research you can find numerous stories of hikers being stalked and attacked by a cougar. And as we the people expand our cities and towns mowing down more of the natural habitat encounters with wolves, bear, badgers, and a whole host of other unfriendly critters are on the rise. Just on the basis of anatomy humans are no match in a fight with any of these creatures unarmed. All of the creatures I mentioned above have sharper teeth and claws than any human I have ever met, and most of them are far stronger then the majority of people. Defending yourself from a cougar attack is a daunting task if you venture into their home unarmed, most times the noise of a gunshot will scare off the animal in question. The anti gun lobby must believe that all the animals in the forest are just like those cute animals in the Disney cartoons they watch and would never harm a human. Unfortunately reality isn’t like a Disney movie, that black bear your staring at does not want to dance and sing for you, you are a threat to him and his instinct is more like the hulk, smash threat to little puddle of goo. As far as their claim that assaults will rise if you let people carry concealed I foresee just the opposite happening. If the criminals have to wonder if you are packing they will begin to think twice about assaulting you. Most criminals are cowards that prey on the weak and defenseless. I carry my gun with me not because I want to hurt someone or because of how cool it is I carry it so that if something threatens me or my family I can have a better chance of surviving the encounter weather the threat has two legs or four. If your state is a shall issue state and you have a CHL why shouldn't you be allowed to carry in a national park? During one of the protests one of the anti gun groups claimed that if concealed carry were allowed in the national parks their members would be to afraid to visit them, that is fine with me as that is just that many fewer people with screaming children to damage my calm. What I don't understand is this, why would you stay away from a place where someone else will protect you? The last time I checked most of the national parks were not heavily policed; there is way more land than there are park rangers. Unlike most cities law enforcement response time in the national parks is hours not minutes. If I were to witness someone being beaten I would step in to help regardless of whether they are pro or anti gun, because I am pro humanity. I am not going to ask the victim which they are before hand, and I bet that even if they are anti gun they would prefer my gun and I to step in over the alternative. I find it somewhat amusing that the people who speak out the most against guns are the ones surrounded by armed guards. The anti gun community needs to stop these attacks on their fellow Americans and concentrate on what really needs to change the enforcement of laws we already have such as putting felons in possession of weapons behind bars if we started there we would see our crime rates dramatically reduced. With the laws the way they are what we have is a dilemma for gun owners, leave the gun home the next time we visit a national park and be a better target. Or carry concealed and be an outlaw, the law should be there to protect all not turn some into criminals just for wanting to protect ourselves and the ones we love. But what the Hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly

1 comment:

  1. That would be nice if all the anti-gun politicians secret service protection was removed so they can feel what it's like to be just a citizen without having the instant back up of automatic weapons. Since they think that more guns will result in more violence, then why should they surround themselves with potential violence?

