Monday, December 31, 2012
Another step towards Tyranny.
Notorious gun grabber and anti-freedom Zealot Dianne Feinstein, one of the authors of the previous “assault weapons” ban is at it again. After the mass shootings in Colorado, Wisconsin, and Connecticut, she in all her infinite wisdom has decided that we the people cannot be trusted with SEMI-AUTOMATIC weapons while she is surrounded by security armed with FULLY AUTOMATIC weapons. Yes folks the government has decided that the subjects should not have access to military STYLE weapons because some clinically insane person may use them to kill people. The big push is to ban the AR-15 as it has been used in two of the last three mass shootings; I don’t count the Oregon mall shooting as a mass shooting as that whack job hit three people in a crowded mall with a thirty round mag. This time around the anti-freedom crowd are not only targeting military style weapons but any semi-automatic rifle capable of using a magazine of greater than 10 rounds, read that again, the crazy bitch has worded this pile of filth just vaguely enough to basically ban all semi-auto rifles not just the civilian version of military weapons. Also on the list of shit you shouldn’t be allowed to own are semi-automatic handguns capable of accepting a magazine of greater than 10 rounds, and magazines with a capacity over 10 rounds, they also are targeting shotguns this time around with the biggest target being the saiga in all its forms. The Saiga is a semi-automatic shotgun that is fed from a removable magazine, the standard size mag for this weapon is 5 rounds however there are magazines that range in capacity from 5 to 20 rounds and therefore it must be banned. Handguns with threaded barrels now make the list as you can put a suppressor on those, now I am no expert but really how many gun crimes have been committed with a suppressed weapon? Suppressors are already regulated by the ATF and each one procured by legal means is registered with the government when you purchase it, in fact you have to get special paperwork signed off by the ATF to even purchase one. Now as a gift to we the subjects of the USSA she has put in her bill all legally owned “assault weapons” will be grandfathered in after the ban goes into effect, however all owners of such weapons will have to register them with the ATF under the NFA laws, which will require a background check and fingerprints of the owner on file with the ATF, and upon your death the weapons will have to be forfeited to the government for destruction, no passing them on to your children when you go. So because some mentally ill people misused a tool I must now register the same tool with the federal government and all further sales of these legal tools will be banned? What part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED is so hard for these people to understand. The way I read this “bill” it is a huge infringement of my god given 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms. This bill is written in such a way as to ban all box fed semi-automatic weapons currently on the market, now I am sure that at first they won’t push it that far but when the next shooting occurs that’s when the full law gets hammered home, you and I will be left with revolvers, lever, and bolt action rifles, and pump action shotguns. That is of course till some nut goes into a gun free zone and kills a bunch of people cowboy style with them, then those too will be added to the list. This hypocritical bitch rides around in a bulletproof limo with guards armed with machine guns and she herself has a concealed handgun license and owns a handgun yet she has the balls to tell me that I cannot own a handgun to protect myself and my family. This is the worst attack on our rights as citizens since the patriot act was written, this one is actually worse than the patriot act as it is the first major step to disarming the populace. If you look at history every successful dictatorship has started with the disarming of the people, Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Russia, both started by taking arms from the people and look how that worked out. And the sheeple are applauding them for this act, the people so horrified that those children were killed are perfectly willing to hand over their rights to protect the children. Do you people actually believe that this ban will protect anyone but the criminals and the government? Do you know why the 2nd amendment is even there? The 2nd amendment is there to protect all the rest; it ensures that we the people have protection from tyranny. This ban is a huge exercise in tyrannical governing at its finest. I wonder how many people have looked into the story behind the Connecticut shooting and realized they were lied to. The shooter in that case used 2 pistols yet it was reported that he killed those kids with an AR-15 the rifle was in the truck of the car the whole time and the press lied to you, the government lied to you. He only reason for the lies is to push their agenda of gun bans and disarmament, you sheeple are just giving away your rights for NOTHING. This ban will accomplish the same thing the last one did, nothing. That’s right schools will be no safer if you ban guns and high capacity magazines, then they were before the bans. Here is a novel idea why don’t you leave the law abiding gun owners alone and deal with the real issues at work here. In typical knee jerk liberal fashion the first thing to come out after the shootings is ban the guns, not fix the mental health care system. This bill also plans to close the gun show loophole, which is nothing more than a scare tactic used by the gun grabbers to push their agenda down our throats. How would the American people react if a senator proposed a law that said all drivers must now pass a background check before buying a car and if you have had 1 DUII conviction you are not allowed to purchase a vehicle, let’s say they proposed this law to cut down on drunk driving fatalities, now remember folks driving is a PRIVLEGE not a right. Of course then people would just use the car show loophole to get cars and drive drunk so we would then have to close the car show loophole. You see folks once you start to give in on protecting your rights it is a quick trip to having no rights. Once the 2nd is gone how long will the rest last? If Dianne Feinstein really gave a shit about protecting anyone she would stop these senseless attacks on our rights, she would push to end the gun free zones that actually endanger our children and teachers, and she would push to fix the system that has failed and let these monsters kill. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
You can sell off your rights for safey, But leave mine the hell alone.
The gun control debate rages on, on one side you have the pro gun people claiming that any new laws are unacceptable, and on the other you have the anti-gun crowd claiming we need more laws to protect the children. I can agree with the anti crowd on the fact that we do need to protect the children but banning certain types of guns and high capacity magazines will do NOTHING to protect anyone. There are calls to close the gun show loophole, make it harder to acquire guns, make it harder to own guns, make trigger locks mandatory, and a host of other nonsense that will do absolutely nothing to help anyone. Any action taken will do nothing but punish the law abiding citizen for crimes they have never committed. We the gun owners have been tried, convicted, and hung out to dry and yet we have done no wrong. Recently at one of several protests in favor of more useless gun control I saw a person holding a sign claiming that the NRA had the blood of the slain children on its hands. How is it exactly that the group that pushes for proper and safe usage of firearms, that wants nothing more than to defend the 2nd amendment, (which the ACLU would love to see abolished.) how are we the members at all responsible for what criminals do with STOLEN guns? The shooter in Connecticut, killed his own mother and stole her legally obtained weapons to commit his heinous act. How in the hell is that my fault and why in the hell should I be punished for it? Every day in this country lives are lost due to drug overdose, drunk driving, medical mistakes, yet we do nothing. Where is your outrage towards registered car owners that they have killed again? Where is the outrage against the AMA that their members have the blood of innocents on their hands? Why are we not making it harder for people to buy those damn dangerous "assault SUVs"? I could go into a dealership tomorrow pay cash drive off and wait for a bunch of kids to be getting on a bus and just plow right through them and the next day there would be no outcry to limit cars. Cars have been used to great effect in killing people for years in the middle east look at all the car bombs used in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Israel. If you think that couldn't happen here I point you towards history and the Okalahoma City bombing, the World Trade Center was hit with a car bomb in the 90's. Hell for that matter I could hit those kids and if I was drunk I would probably get less than 5 years in prison for it, but use a gun and its life in prison. What is the difference the children would be just as dead. We the sheeple have learned absolutely nothing from history, drugs like cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, LSD, are all illegal and yet there is still a major drug problem in this country. The cartels that produce these drugs want them to stay illegal as it is a huge money maker for them as long as they are, if they were legal the cartels would have to invest in quality control knowing that if a bad batch got out they would lose customers but lets say you get a bad batch of coke who are you going to complain to? We make lots of things illegal and that has done nothing to stop it from happening, things like drunk driving, murder, robbery, possession of a weapon by a felon, all of these are illegal and yet look at the statistics. Just because you ban something does not magically make it go away, banning guns will do nothing but keep law abiding citizens from owning what was a legal product. Lets move on from the gun ban lets talk about some of the other idiotic ideas that have come up and I will then point out the flaws in the ideas. Trigger lock usage, this is another feel good idea that the imbeciles that know nothing about guns thinks will do great things. Make trigger locks mandatory and no one will steal a gun to use in a crime, really like a trigger lock is some magic device that will instantly deter a criminal. Locks only work on honest people, most trigger locks are plastic which is easily broken thereby rendering the trigger lock useless, cable action locks can be cut simply enough defeating them. The only people that will be deterred by locks are honest people and children, so if you have children in your house by all means use the trigger locks that are now supplied with ALL guns. Lets make the gun owner responsible when a criminal steals his gun and commits a crime with it. This idea pisses me off in so many ways I can hardly begin, here is the big one for me, HOW IS IT MY FAULT WHEN I AM A VICTIM. That's like claiming a woman in a short skirt had it coming after a rape. Do you blame a car owner when a criminal steals their car and kills 3 people running from the police? So according to these people I the victim of a crime am now responsible for what a CRIMINAL has done with his ill gotten gains. Let us then hold other homeowners responsible for drug overdoses when the person that stole their property sells it buys drugs and then ends up in the hospital for an overdose. Had those people not had all that stuff for him to steal he would not be in the hospital.. You see folks it becomes a slippery slope that once started is hard to stop. Claiming that banning the "assault weapon" will make everyone safer is a joke, fully automatic weapons have been illegal for decades and were deemed so after the gangs of the 20s used them to such great effect, and yet that has not stopped mass shootings from occurring, lets say the liberal sheep get their wish and "assault weapons" get banned the next shooter will just pick a different weapon and carry out hid horrible crime. Why don't we the people look into the true cause of these incidents? I can answer that, its because the truth once laid out will not play into the hands of the anti freedom Nazis. Its not the guns, its not access to guns, its not the portrayal of violence in media and video games, it is LACK OF MENTAL HEALTH CARE. No one wants to admit that we as a society have failed those with mental health issues, if you look at the last several mass shooting incidents with the exception of the Sikh temple shooter who was just an evil racist bastard, all of the shooters have had mental health issues, and there were warning sign that were either completely ignored, or since we cant have people committed anymore there was nothing the families could do. Read that last part again I'll wait. Did you see it? The shooters showed sign of violence but there was nothing anyone could do to help them, unless these people agreed to get help the families could do nothing until the person in question did something to warrant it. something like harming themselves, or maybe KILLING A BUNCH OF PEOPLE. And just who do we have to thanks for this state of affairs? The liberal sheep and the ACLU that's right that fun upstanding group that is out to protect as many criminals as possible has helped make it damn near impossible to get help for those the need it. I mean after all we wouldn't want to hurt their feelings now would we. they are also one of the reasons we can't get mental health records tied to background checks either. Lets say one of these shooters had been in a mental health facility and the doctors suggested they not be given access to a gun, well unless that stay was court ordered as part of a criminal process there is no way for ANY gun shop owner to know that, when you purchase a gun, your name and date of birth are called in to the NICS and a criminal background check is done, if you have never been convicted, of a felony or domestic violence misdemeanor, and are not currently awaiting trial for either of those things, boom clean check and out the door you go weather or not you have been or are under the care of a mental health professional. Now in the wake of all these shootings you would think that this would be fairly high on the priority list, well if common sense ruled the world it would be but since we have an anti-gun president in power that's not what is going on. Nope to make the country safe we will ban future sales of the evil weapon that cause all the problems. I find it extremely hypocritical of the government that wants to ban "assault weapons" when they ride around in bullet proof limousines and surround themselves with body guards armed with "ASSAULT WEAPONS" I have to call bullshit here, so it is perfectly ok for you to be surrounded by guys carrying these horrible evil weapons yet its not ok for me to own one. Yeah that makes total sense. Lets face it folks we have set our selves up for this kind of crime to continue happening, we send our children to schools where they will be in one concentrated location and then announce to everyone the there is no one here that is armed and represents a threat, we make it harder and harder for people to get the help they need for their mental issues, and then we act completely shocked when at "random" with plenty of warning they go off and kill people. The sheeple will continue to sell off their rights to feel safe I just wish they would leave mine the hell alone. If you don't want guns don't buy them that's your choice but when someone breaks into your home what is your first reaction, call someone with a gun, and the second pray they get there in time. Luckily I don't have to do that, someone breaks into my home the man with the gun is already there, and if you are in my home you will be just as protected as I am. There are no easy answers here folks but banning guns and giving away more of our rights should definitely be off the table. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Stop Blaming everyone else for the actions of these criminal fucks.
I’m back and I am pissed off, I have reached a level of anger seldom seen. Over the last few days I have been keeping track of the stories stemming from the Newtown shooting and the reactions of the public and politicians has just pegged my pissed off meter. Everyone wants to blame the criminal fucks mother for allowing him access to the weapons he used, like it is somehow her fault that this insane piece of shit took the weapons and used them for this heinous act. Someone please explain to me how in the fuck is it her fault that her criminal son stole the guns and shot a bunch of kids after killing her? How about instead of blaming gun owners, gun manufacturers, the guns themselves, we try placing the blame firmly where it belongs. On the worthless fuck that committed these atrocities. We can also lay out some blame on a society that cares more about someone’s feelings than their mental health. There was a time when you could get mentally unstable people the help they needed, now thanks to liberal movements and groups like the ACLU that is no longer possible. If someone with mental issues refuses to get help there is no way to get them the help they need until they commit some horrible act. Had the shooter not killed himself he would have been found not guilty by reason of insanity and committed to a mental institution for a number of years until some doctor pronounced him cured. What the fuck is wrong with this picture? Look at the last several mass shootings, 3 of the last four were committed by people with known mental health issues, and yet nothing was done to get any of them the help they needed. All I see is comments on how these guns should be taken off the market, these types of weapons have no place in a civil society, it’s the fault of the media with the glorification of violence. Are you fucking kidding me? I have played every violent video game there is I love to watch the violent action movies I listen to heavy metal music with its violent lyrics and yet I have no desire to go out and shoot up a school. This person was disturbed and no amount of coddling was going to change that, he needed help. If you are stupid enough to believe that any form of gun ban will do a damn bit of good I have some land on Mars that I will sell you for cheap. We now have companies pulling certain types of rifles off the shelves to show they care and don’t want to help proliferate the gun problem in this country. You hypocritical bastards, you all had no issues selling those guns to the public after the Aurora Colorado shooting; you kept right on selling guns after Columbine. Saying shit like the AR15 has no place in a civil society is asinine, just what gives you the mistaken idea that this society is civil? Let me point out the Chicago Illinois has he most stringent gun laws in the nation and it also has the highest murder rate in the nation. If I follow the idiotic logic of the gun ban morons taking assault weapons from the Law Abiding citizen will make everyone safer right? Take a look at our neighbors to the south, the citizens of Mexico are not allowed to own assault weapons and how safe is their country? Just because you ban something does not make it go away. Murder is illegal, shooting another person is illegal and yet this still occurs. We banned heroin, meth, cocaine, LSD, and a host of other drugs so using your logic there should be no drug problems in the US right? Here is an idea that these morons haven’t thought of yet. Why don’t we try ENFORCING the laws we have maybe it is time to create stiffer penalties for gun crimes. I say that if you are convicted of armed robbery you get a minimum 30 year sentence no parole no early release. Make the prisons a place where people don’t want to be again. Anymore our prisons are like vacation spots for criminals they get cable TV hot meals and a warm bed to sleep in. Take it all away; no more TV meals are MREs if they are good enough for the military they are certainly good enough for prison inmates. No more prison libraries you will spend your sentence at hard labor making big rocks into little rocks for 16 hours a day 7 days a week until your sentence is up. Murder should carry an instant life sentence with no parole. We need to start making people take responsibility for their own actions again. It is not my fault this piece of shit took a tool and used it for evil so why am I being punished? It is not the fault of the gun owning community that evil men use guns for evil deeds and yet we are the bad guys here. Out of all the people screaming for a ban on “assault weapons” I wonder if any one of them has ever even fired a gun. People are calling for more restriction on purchasing a firearm, well then we also need restriction on cars and fast food. These kill more people daily than guns. People want to make it harder to buy guns thinking this will keep them away from the criminals. NO IT WON’T YOU FUCKING RETARD. Criminals do not purchase guns from retailers, they steal them or they buy stolen guns from other criminals. So how is making it harder for me to purchase a gun going to one damn thing to deter crime? You want to make it harder for criminals to get guns? Start making prison a punishment again, make the risk of getting caught not worth the reward of doing the crime. Get a fucking clue people, using prisons as a way to rehabilitate criminals DOES NOT WORK. Stop blaming everyone else for the acts of the criminals start blaming the criminals. But what the fuck do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.
Monday, December 17, 2012
A Gun Free Zone is nothing more than a Target Rich Environment
With the recent mass shootings in Oregon and Connecticut the anti-freedom Nazis are out in force calling for bans on “assault weapons” and high capacity magazines, this in itself is not a shock anytime a shooting gets national attention the zealots come out of the woodwork to spew the idiocy. If they were to stop and look at the common factors in MOST of the mass shooting that have occurred in the last 25 years they would find one very disturbing very telling truth. In the last 25 years MOST not all of the mass shootings have occurred in “Gun Free Zones” let’s take a look at the four most recent shootings and maybe just maybe we can become a little smarter than the Anti-Freedom crowd. First up is the shooting at the theater in Aurora Colorado. A lone gunman walked into a crowded movie theater showing the Dark Night Rises and proceeded to open fire on the theater goers, with an AR15 rifle, in the end 12 people were dead and 58 wounded, the criminal fuck that perpetrated this heinous crime was arrested outside the theater and is awaiting trial in Colorado. The theater he chose to use for his crime was one of several within a 20 minute drive from his apartment what made this particular theater stand out from the rest? This was the one theater that had signs posted that said NO FIREARMS ALLOWD out of all the theaters he could have chosen he shot up the one where the law abiding citizens would be unarmed. Less than a month later in Oak Creek Wisconsin a lone lunatic walks into a Sikh temple and opens fire in a mass shooting that killed 6 innocent people and wounded 4 others, this time the shooter took the cowards way out and killed himself after being shot in the stomach by police. Again an armed man walked into a building where no one would be armed. December 2012 a man wearing a mask and carrying an AR15 rifle walked into the Clackamas mall and started firing at random killing 2 and wounding 1 before killing himself like the cowardly piece of shit that he was. The Clackamas mall is a posted Gun Free Zone. And just 3 days later in Newtown Connecticut, another lone gunman walked into an elementary school and opens fire killing 20 children 6 adults and then himself. The school was a Gun Free Zone. Have you noticed the pattern here, each incident happened in a posted Gun Free Zone, we should just post them as what they are, Unarmed Victim Shooting Gallery. Each location was a target rich environment with little to no threat of armed resistance. The law abiding citizen will obey sign that say guns are forbidden, the criminals don’t. We have created havens for criminals to commit atrocities with little fear of return fire to make ourselves FEEL safer, to make ourselves FEEL like we are doing something to make our world safer. Yet in doing this we have done nothing but paint bulls eyes on the schools and all the children in them. Criminals are predators, and in the animal kingdom predators go after the weak and helpless. When was the last mass shooting the occurred at a gun show? When was the last shooting at a gun club? Criminals will avoid places where there is a high probability of meeting armed resistance. Everywhere you look the politicians are gearing up to ban the sales of “assault weapons” and high capacity magazines, and all of them are using the same rhetoric to justify the rape they plan to commit on the 2nd amendment, the same rhetoric that has been used for the last 30 years and is just as tired and just as wrong as it was when it started. The claims that the second amendment was written in the 1700’s and therefore could not take into account the types of weapons available today is such utter bullshit as to be laughable. With this type of faulty logic we could also argue that the 1st amendment could not have taken into account things like cell phones and the internet and therefore it should be open to limitations as well. The claim that “assault weapons” have no uses in hunting and therefore are not fit for society is just as much bullshit as the 2nd amendment claim. The 2nd amendment is not about hunting and sport shooting. The 2nd amendment is there to give we the people a last resort to defend ourselves against tyranny; it is the 1 amendment that protects the rest. The Anti-freedom crowd that wants total government control wants nothing more than to strip the 2nd amendment from the constitution to make it easier to strip away the rest of your rights and leave you all at the mercy of the government. Why do we instantly jump to the ban why not look at these situations and find out what is the real cause? In all of the above cases we had people with mental health issues that were left unaddressed. If these people had gotten some help maybe just maybe this could have been avoided. If we as a society of cowering sheep hadn’t designated all of these places as unarmed victim shooting galleries maybe 1 armed citizen could have stepped up and stopped the carnage. The problem is not the guns or accessibility to guns. The problem is lack of guns. We don’t need more bans and more laws, we need more people to step up and say I WILL NOT BE A VICTIM. I WILL NOT BEG FOR MY LIFE ON MY KNEES. We create the gun free zones to give ourselves a sense of security, but that is garbage all we have done is endanger more people than ever before. We have created places where armed men can commit atrocities with little fear of resistance. Places where your children should be safe from harm will never be safe as long as we mark them as gun free zones. Every school should have a big sign out front that says the teachers and staff are trained in the use of force and are armed. This would go a very long way towards deterring the criminal mind from thinking that this would be a great way to leave his mark on society on his way to hell. I realize that this can’t happen as the anti-gun crowd and the mainstream media are working hand in hand to push the anti-gun agenda as hard as they can. The majority of the American people are too lazy to actually look deeper into the stories they just take whatever is fed to them by the communist news network, faux news, or whatever other talking head they see on the TV screen, the anti-freedom crowd makes some damn compelling arguments if you don’t actually think the whole thing through. When you take the time and look deeper you see the pattern that emerges, gun free zones are not safe areas. The gun free zone is a designated killing field where no one will be able to defend you from harm. I can’t understand how in today’s world with all the information we have available 24/7 anyone can actually believe that an assault weapons ban will do a damn thing to protect anyone. If you really want to see what gun control does to help a populace take a look at Mexico, some of the strictest gun laws in the world and a murder rate second to none. The drug cartels don’t obey the gun laws there and look at what is going on, the populace is so badly outgunned they live in fear every day, yet the cartels have no fears. Look at Chicago tightest gun laws in the US and highest violent crime rate in the nation. Oakland California, strict gun laws ridiculous murder rate. When you disarm the law abiding the lawless will prey on them. States that have the least restrictive gun laws also have the lowest crime rates, Texas, Wyoming, Utah, Oregon, this all points to a very simple fact society is safer when the criminals don’t know who’s armed. The evidence is there but most people choose to ignore it. When the truth does not fit your agenda you simply ignore it and spout off more lies to mask what should be completely obvious. More guns means less crime, more guns in the hands of responsible law abiding citizens will do more to lower crime rates and deter the types of events than any ban could ever hope to accomplish. When all you do is demonize guns and gun owners you are creating a world that becomes more and more dangerous for all. We would be better served to fix the mental health care system and find ways to get these people help and cure the disease instead of trying to treat a symptom that does not exist. Do you blame the hammer when you smash your thumb, do you blame the knife when you cut yourself, if some criminal piece of shit walks up and stabs you will you blame the knife makers or will you put the blame where it belongs on the criminal responsible. To everyone that claims if they hadn’t had access to a gun this never would have happened I call bullshit. Every one of these events was a calculated act, if they didn’t have a gun they would have used something else to get the job done, whether it be a bomb, a bat or a hatchet they would have committed these atrocities any way. It is time to look for real solutions and start placing blame where it belongs, to start placing the responsibility for the actions on the individual. Stop blaming the guns and start blaming the person that committed the act. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.
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