Sunday, December 23, 2012

You can sell off your rights for safey, But leave mine the hell alone.

The gun control debate rages on, on one side you have the pro gun people claiming that any new laws are unacceptable, and on the other you have the anti-gun crowd claiming we need more laws to protect the children. I can agree with the anti crowd on the fact that we do need to protect the children but banning certain types of guns and high capacity magazines will do NOTHING to protect anyone. There are calls to close the gun show loophole, make it harder to acquire guns, make it harder to own guns, make trigger locks mandatory, and a host of other nonsense that will do absolutely nothing to help anyone. Any action taken will do nothing but punish the law abiding citizen for crimes they have never committed. We the gun owners have been tried, convicted, and hung out to dry and yet we have done no wrong. Recently at one of several protests in favor of more useless gun control I saw a person holding a sign claiming that the NRA had the blood of the slain children on its hands. How is it exactly that the group that pushes for proper and safe usage of firearms, that wants nothing more than to defend the 2nd amendment, (which the ACLU would love to see abolished.) how are we the members at all responsible for what criminals do with STOLEN guns? The shooter in Connecticut, killed his own mother and stole her legally obtained weapons to commit his heinous act. How in the hell is that my fault and why in the hell should I be punished for it? Every day in this country lives are lost due to drug overdose, drunk driving, medical mistakes, yet we do nothing. Where is your outrage towards registered car owners that they have killed again? Where is the outrage against the AMA that their members have the blood of innocents on their hands? Why are we not making it harder for people to buy those damn dangerous "assault SUVs"? I could go into a dealership tomorrow pay cash drive off and wait for a bunch of kids to be getting on a bus and just plow right through them and the next day there would be no outcry to limit cars. Cars have been used to great effect in killing people for years in the middle east look at all the car bombs used in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Israel. If you think that couldn't happen here I point you towards history and the Okalahoma City bombing, the World Trade Center was hit with a car bomb in the 90's. Hell for that matter I could hit those kids and if I was drunk I would probably get less than 5 years in prison for it, but use a gun and its life in prison. What is the difference the children would be just as dead. We the sheeple have learned absolutely nothing from history, drugs like cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, LSD, are all illegal and yet there is still a major drug problem in this country. The cartels that produce these drugs want them to stay illegal as it is a huge money maker for them as long as they are, if they were legal the cartels would have to invest in quality control knowing that if a bad batch got out they would lose customers but lets say you get a bad batch of coke who are you going to complain to? We make lots of things illegal and that has done nothing to stop it from happening, things like drunk driving, murder, robbery, possession of a weapon by a felon, all of these are illegal and yet look at the statistics. Just because you ban something does not magically make it go away, banning guns will do nothing but keep law abiding citizens from owning what was a legal product. Lets move on from the gun ban lets talk about some of the other idiotic ideas that have come up and I will then point out the flaws in the ideas. Trigger lock usage, this is another feel good idea that the imbeciles that know nothing about guns thinks will do great things. Make trigger locks mandatory and no one will steal a gun to use in a crime, really like a trigger lock is some magic device that will instantly deter a criminal. Locks only work on honest people, most trigger locks are plastic which is easily broken thereby rendering the trigger lock useless, cable action locks can be cut simply enough defeating them. The only people that will be deterred by locks are honest people and children, so if you have children in your house by all means use the trigger locks that are now supplied with ALL guns. Lets make the gun owner responsible when a criminal steals his gun and commits a crime with it. This idea pisses me off in so many ways I can hardly begin, here is the big one for me, HOW IS IT MY FAULT WHEN I AM A VICTIM. That's like claiming a woman in a short skirt had it coming after a rape. Do you blame a car owner when a criminal steals their car and kills 3 people running from the police? So according to these people I the victim of a crime am now responsible for what a CRIMINAL has done with his ill gotten gains. Let us then hold other homeowners responsible for drug overdoses when the person that stole their property sells it buys drugs and then ends up in the hospital for an overdose. Had those people not had all that stuff for him to steal he would not be in the hospital.. You see folks it becomes a slippery slope that once started is hard to stop. Claiming that banning the "assault weapon" will make everyone safer is a joke, fully automatic weapons have been illegal for decades and were deemed so after the gangs of the 20s used them to such great effect, and yet that has not stopped mass shootings from occurring, lets say the liberal sheep get their wish and "assault weapons" get banned the next shooter will just pick a different weapon and carry out hid horrible crime. Why don't we the people look into the true cause of these incidents? I can answer that, its because the truth once laid out will not play into the hands of the anti freedom Nazis. Its not the guns, its not access to guns, its not the portrayal of violence in media and video games, it is LACK OF MENTAL HEALTH CARE. No one wants to admit that we as a society have failed those with mental health issues, if you look at the last several mass shooting incidents with the exception of the Sikh temple shooter who was just an evil racist bastard, all of the shooters have had mental health issues, and there were warning sign that were either completely ignored, or since we cant have people committed anymore there was nothing the families could do. Read that last part again I'll wait. Did you see it? The shooters showed sign of violence but there was nothing anyone could do to help them, unless these people agreed to get help the families could do nothing until the person in question did something to warrant it. something like harming themselves, or maybe KILLING A BUNCH OF PEOPLE. And just who do we have to thanks for this state of affairs? The liberal sheep and the ACLU that's right that fun upstanding group that is out to protect as many criminals as possible has helped make it damn near impossible to get help for those the need it. I mean after all we wouldn't want to hurt their feelings now would we. they are also one of the reasons we can't get mental health records tied to background checks either. Lets say one of these shooters had been in a mental health facility and the doctors suggested they not be given access to a gun, well unless that stay was court ordered as part of a criminal process there is no way for ANY gun shop owner to know that, when you purchase a gun, your name and date of birth are called in to the NICS and a criminal background check is done, if you have never been convicted, of a felony or domestic violence misdemeanor, and are not currently awaiting trial for either of those things, boom clean check and out the door you go weather or not you have been or are under the care of a mental health professional. Now in the wake of all these shootings you would think that this would be fairly high on the priority list, well if common sense ruled the world it would be but since we have an anti-gun president in power that's not what is going on. Nope to make the country safe we will ban future sales of the evil weapon that cause all the problems. I find it extremely hypocritical of the government that wants to ban "assault weapons" when they ride around in bullet proof limousines and surround themselves with body guards armed with "ASSAULT WEAPONS" I have to call bullshit here, so it is perfectly ok for you to be surrounded by guys carrying these horrible evil weapons yet its not ok for me to own one. Yeah that makes total sense. Lets face it folks we have set our selves up for this kind of crime to continue happening, we send our children to schools where they will be in one concentrated location and then announce to everyone the there is no one here that is armed and represents a threat, we make it harder and harder for people to get the help they need for their mental issues, and then we act completely shocked when at "random" with plenty of warning they go off and kill people. The sheeple will continue to sell off their rights to feel safe I just wish they would leave mine the hell alone. If you don't want guns don't buy them that's your choice but when someone breaks into your home what is your first reaction, call someone with a gun, and the second pray they get there in time. Luckily I don't have to do that, someone breaks into my home the man with the gun is already there, and if you are in my home you will be just as protected as I am. There are no easy answers here folks but banning guns and giving away more of our rights should definitely be off the table. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.

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