Monday, December 31, 2012
Another step towards Tyranny.
Notorious gun grabber and anti-freedom Zealot Dianne Feinstein, one of the authors of the previous “assault weapons” ban is at it again. After the mass shootings in Colorado, Wisconsin, and Connecticut, she in all her infinite wisdom has decided that we the people cannot be trusted with SEMI-AUTOMATIC weapons while she is surrounded by security armed with FULLY AUTOMATIC weapons. Yes folks the government has decided that the subjects should not have access to military STYLE weapons because some clinically insane person may use them to kill people. The big push is to ban the AR-15 as it has been used in two of the last three mass shootings; I don’t count the Oregon mall shooting as a mass shooting as that whack job hit three people in a crowded mall with a thirty round mag. This time around the anti-freedom crowd are not only targeting military style weapons but any semi-automatic rifle capable of using a magazine of greater than 10 rounds, read that again, the crazy bitch has worded this pile of filth just vaguely enough to basically ban all semi-auto rifles not just the civilian version of military weapons. Also on the list of shit you shouldn’t be allowed to own are semi-automatic handguns capable of accepting a magazine of greater than 10 rounds, and magazines with a capacity over 10 rounds, they also are targeting shotguns this time around with the biggest target being the saiga in all its forms. The Saiga is a semi-automatic shotgun that is fed from a removable magazine, the standard size mag for this weapon is 5 rounds however there are magazines that range in capacity from 5 to 20 rounds and therefore it must be banned. Handguns with threaded barrels now make the list as you can put a suppressor on those, now I am no expert but really how many gun crimes have been committed with a suppressed weapon? Suppressors are already regulated by the ATF and each one procured by legal means is registered with the government when you purchase it, in fact you have to get special paperwork signed off by the ATF to even purchase one. Now as a gift to we the subjects of the USSA she has put in her bill all legally owned “assault weapons” will be grandfathered in after the ban goes into effect, however all owners of such weapons will have to register them with the ATF under the NFA laws, which will require a background check and fingerprints of the owner on file with the ATF, and upon your death the weapons will have to be forfeited to the government for destruction, no passing them on to your children when you go. So because some mentally ill people misused a tool I must now register the same tool with the federal government and all further sales of these legal tools will be banned? What part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED is so hard for these people to understand. The way I read this “bill” it is a huge infringement of my god given 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms. This bill is written in such a way as to ban all box fed semi-automatic weapons currently on the market, now I am sure that at first they won’t push it that far but when the next shooting occurs that’s when the full law gets hammered home, you and I will be left with revolvers, lever, and bolt action rifles, and pump action shotguns. That is of course till some nut goes into a gun free zone and kills a bunch of people cowboy style with them, then those too will be added to the list. This hypocritical bitch rides around in a bulletproof limo with guards armed with machine guns and she herself has a concealed handgun license and owns a handgun yet she has the balls to tell me that I cannot own a handgun to protect myself and my family. This is the worst attack on our rights as citizens since the patriot act was written, this one is actually worse than the patriot act as it is the first major step to disarming the populace. If you look at history every successful dictatorship has started with the disarming of the people, Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Russia, both started by taking arms from the people and look how that worked out. And the sheeple are applauding them for this act, the people so horrified that those children were killed are perfectly willing to hand over their rights to protect the children. Do you people actually believe that this ban will protect anyone but the criminals and the government? Do you know why the 2nd amendment is even there? The 2nd amendment is there to protect all the rest; it ensures that we the people have protection from tyranny. This ban is a huge exercise in tyrannical governing at its finest. I wonder how many people have looked into the story behind the Connecticut shooting and realized they were lied to. The shooter in that case used 2 pistols yet it was reported that he killed those kids with an AR-15 the rifle was in the truck of the car the whole time and the press lied to you, the government lied to you. He only reason for the lies is to push their agenda of gun bans and disarmament, you sheeple are just giving away your rights for NOTHING. This ban will accomplish the same thing the last one did, nothing. That’s right schools will be no safer if you ban guns and high capacity magazines, then they were before the bans. Here is a novel idea why don’t you leave the law abiding gun owners alone and deal with the real issues at work here. In typical knee jerk liberal fashion the first thing to come out after the shootings is ban the guns, not fix the mental health care system. This bill also plans to close the gun show loophole, which is nothing more than a scare tactic used by the gun grabbers to push their agenda down our throats. How would the American people react if a senator proposed a law that said all drivers must now pass a background check before buying a car and if you have had 1 DUII conviction you are not allowed to purchase a vehicle, let’s say they proposed this law to cut down on drunk driving fatalities, now remember folks driving is a PRIVLEGE not a right. Of course then people would just use the car show loophole to get cars and drive drunk so we would then have to close the car show loophole. You see folks once you start to give in on protecting your rights it is a quick trip to having no rights. Once the 2nd is gone how long will the rest last? If Dianne Feinstein really gave a shit about protecting anyone she would stop these senseless attacks on our rights, she would push to end the gun free zones that actually endanger our children and teachers, and she would push to fix the system that has failed and let these monsters kill. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.
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