Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Stop Blaming everyone else for the actions of these criminal fucks.
I’m back and I am pissed off, I have reached a level of anger seldom seen. Over the last few days I have been keeping track of the stories stemming from the Newtown shooting and the reactions of the public and politicians has just pegged my pissed off meter. Everyone wants to blame the criminal fucks mother for allowing him access to the weapons he used, like it is somehow her fault that this insane piece of shit took the weapons and used them for this heinous act. Someone please explain to me how in the fuck is it her fault that her criminal son stole the guns and shot a bunch of kids after killing her? How about instead of blaming gun owners, gun manufacturers, the guns themselves, we try placing the blame firmly where it belongs. On the worthless fuck that committed these atrocities. We can also lay out some blame on a society that cares more about someone’s feelings than their mental health. There was a time when you could get mentally unstable people the help they needed, now thanks to liberal movements and groups like the ACLU that is no longer possible. If someone with mental issues refuses to get help there is no way to get them the help they need until they commit some horrible act. Had the shooter not killed himself he would have been found not guilty by reason of insanity and committed to a mental institution for a number of years until some doctor pronounced him cured. What the fuck is wrong with this picture? Look at the last several mass shootings, 3 of the last four were committed by people with known mental health issues, and yet nothing was done to get any of them the help they needed. All I see is comments on how these guns should be taken off the market, these types of weapons have no place in a civil society, it’s the fault of the media with the glorification of violence. Are you fucking kidding me? I have played every violent video game there is I love to watch the violent action movies I listen to heavy metal music with its violent lyrics and yet I have no desire to go out and shoot up a school. This person was disturbed and no amount of coddling was going to change that, he needed help. If you are stupid enough to believe that any form of gun ban will do a damn bit of good I have some land on Mars that I will sell you for cheap. We now have companies pulling certain types of rifles off the shelves to show they care and don’t want to help proliferate the gun problem in this country. You hypocritical bastards, you all had no issues selling those guns to the public after the Aurora Colorado shooting; you kept right on selling guns after Columbine. Saying shit like the AR15 has no place in a civil society is asinine, just what gives you the mistaken idea that this society is civil? Let me point out the Chicago Illinois has he most stringent gun laws in the nation and it also has the highest murder rate in the nation. If I follow the idiotic logic of the gun ban morons taking assault weapons from the Law Abiding citizen will make everyone safer right? Take a look at our neighbors to the south, the citizens of Mexico are not allowed to own assault weapons and how safe is their country? Just because you ban something does not make it go away. Murder is illegal, shooting another person is illegal and yet this still occurs. We banned heroin, meth, cocaine, LSD, and a host of other drugs so using your logic there should be no drug problems in the US right? Here is an idea that these morons haven’t thought of yet. Why don’t we try ENFORCING the laws we have maybe it is time to create stiffer penalties for gun crimes. I say that if you are convicted of armed robbery you get a minimum 30 year sentence no parole no early release. Make the prisons a place where people don’t want to be again. Anymore our prisons are like vacation spots for criminals they get cable TV hot meals and a warm bed to sleep in. Take it all away; no more TV meals are MREs if they are good enough for the military they are certainly good enough for prison inmates. No more prison libraries you will spend your sentence at hard labor making big rocks into little rocks for 16 hours a day 7 days a week until your sentence is up. Murder should carry an instant life sentence with no parole. We need to start making people take responsibility for their own actions again. It is not my fault this piece of shit took a tool and used it for evil so why am I being punished? It is not the fault of the gun owning community that evil men use guns for evil deeds and yet we are the bad guys here. Out of all the people screaming for a ban on “assault weapons” I wonder if any one of them has ever even fired a gun. People are calling for more restriction on purchasing a firearm, well then we also need restriction on cars and fast food. These kill more people daily than guns. People want to make it harder to buy guns thinking this will keep them away from the criminals. NO IT WON’T YOU FUCKING RETARD. Criminals do not purchase guns from retailers, they steal them or they buy stolen guns from other criminals. So how is making it harder for me to purchase a gun going to one damn thing to deter crime? You want to make it harder for criminals to get guns? Start making prison a punishment again, make the risk of getting caught not worth the reward of doing the crime. Get a fucking clue people, using prisons as a way to rehabilitate criminals DOES NOT WORK. Stop blaming everyone else for the acts of the criminals start blaming the criminals. But what the fuck do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.
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