Monday, December 17, 2012

A Gun Free Zone is nothing more than a Target Rich Environment

With the recent mass shootings in Oregon and Connecticut the anti-freedom Nazis are out in force calling for bans on “assault weapons” and high capacity magazines, this in itself is not a shock anytime a shooting gets national attention the zealots come out of the woodwork to spew the idiocy. If they were to stop and look at the common factors in MOST of the mass shooting that have occurred in the last 25 years they would find one very disturbing very telling truth. In the last 25 years MOST not all of the mass shootings have occurred in “Gun Free Zones” let’s take a look at the four most recent shootings and maybe just maybe we can become a little smarter than the Anti-Freedom crowd. First up is the shooting at the theater in Aurora Colorado. A lone gunman walked into a crowded movie theater showing the Dark Night Rises and proceeded to open fire on the theater goers, with an AR15 rifle, in the end 12 people were dead and 58 wounded, the criminal fuck that perpetrated this heinous crime was arrested outside the theater and is awaiting trial in Colorado. The theater he chose to use for his crime was one of several within a 20 minute drive from his apartment what made this particular theater stand out from the rest? This was the one theater that had signs posted that said NO FIREARMS ALLOWD out of all the theaters he could have chosen he shot up the one where the law abiding citizens would be unarmed. Less than a month later in Oak Creek Wisconsin a lone lunatic walks into a Sikh temple and opens fire in a mass shooting that killed 6 innocent people and wounded 4 others, this time the shooter took the cowards way out and killed himself after being shot in the stomach by police. Again an armed man walked into a building where no one would be armed. December 2012 a man wearing a mask and carrying an AR15 rifle walked into the Clackamas mall and started firing at random killing 2 and wounding 1 before killing himself like the cowardly piece of shit that he was. The Clackamas mall is a posted Gun Free Zone. And just 3 days later in Newtown Connecticut, another lone gunman walked into an elementary school and opens fire killing 20 children 6 adults and then himself. The school was a Gun Free Zone. Have you noticed the pattern here, each incident happened in a posted Gun Free Zone, we should just post them as what they are, Unarmed Victim Shooting Gallery. Each location was a target rich environment with little to no threat of armed resistance. The law abiding citizen will obey sign that say guns are forbidden, the criminals don’t. We have created havens for criminals to commit atrocities with little fear of return fire to make ourselves FEEL safer, to make ourselves FEEL like we are doing something to make our world safer. Yet in doing this we have done nothing but paint bulls eyes on the schools and all the children in them. Criminals are predators, and in the animal kingdom predators go after the weak and helpless. When was the last mass shooting the occurred at a gun show? When was the last shooting at a gun club? Criminals will avoid places where there is a high probability of meeting armed resistance. Everywhere you look the politicians are gearing up to ban the sales of “assault weapons” and high capacity magazines, and all of them are using the same rhetoric to justify the rape they plan to commit on the 2nd amendment, the same rhetoric that has been used for the last 30 years and is just as tired and just as wrong as it was when it started. The claims that the second amendment was written in the 1700’s and therefore could not take into account the types of weapons available today is such utter bullshit as to be laughable. With this type of faulty logic we could also argue that the 1st amendment could not have taken into account things like cell phones and the internet and therefore it should be open to limitations as well. The claim that “assault weapons” have no uses in hunting and therefore are not fit for society is just as much bullshit as the 2nd amendment claim. The 2nd amendment is not about hunting and sport shooting. The 2nd amendment is there to give we the people a last resort to defend ourselves against tyranny; it is the 1 amendment that protects the rest. The Anti-freedom crowd that wants total government control wants nothing more than to strip the 2nd amendment from the constitution to make it easier to strip away the rest of your rights and leave you all at the mercy of the government. Why do we instantly jump to the ban why not look at these situations and find out what is the real cause? In all of the above cases we had people with mental health issues that were left unaddressed. If these people had gotten some help maybe just maybe this could have been avoided. If we as a society of cowering sheep hadn’t designated all of these places as unarmed victim shooting galleries maybe 1 armed citizen could have stepped up and stopped the carnage. The problem is not the guns or accessibility to guns. The problem is lack of guns. We don’t need more bans and more laws, we need more people to step up and say I WILL NOT BE A VICTIM. I WILL NOT BEG FOR MY LIFE ON MY KNEES. We create the gun free zones to give ourselves a sense of security, but that is garbage all we have done is endanger more people than ever before. We have created places where armed men can commit atrocities with little fear of resistance. Places where your children should be safe from harm will never be safe as long as we mark them as gun free zones. Every school should have a big sign out front that says the teachers and staff are trained in the use of force and are armed. This would go a very long way towards deterring the criminal mind from thinking that this would be a great way to leave his mark on society on his way to hell. I realize that this can’t happen as the anti-gun crowd and the mainstream media are working hand in hand to push the anti-gun agenda as hard as they can. The majority of the American people are too lazy to actually look deeper into the stories they just take whatever is fed to them by the communist news network, faux news, or whatever other talking head they see on the TV screen, the anti-freedom crowd makes some damn compelling arguments if you don’t actually think the whole thing through. When you take the time and look deeper you see the pattern that emerges, gun free zones are not safe areas. The gun free zone is a designated killing field where no one will be able to defend you from harm. I can’t understand how in today’s world with all the information we have available 24/7 anyone can actually believe that an assault weapons ban will do a damn thing to protect anyone. If you really want to see what gun control does to help a populace take a look at Mexico, some of the strictest gun laws in the world and a murder rate second to none. The drug cartels don’t obey the gun laws there and look at what is going on, the populace is so badly outgunned they live in fear every day, yet the cartels have no fears. Look at Chicago tightest gun laws in the US and highest violent crime rate in the nation. Oakland California, strict gun laws ridiculous murder rate. When you disarm the law abiding the lawless will prey on them. States that have the least restrictive gun laws also have the lowest crime rates, Texas, Wyoming, Utah, Oregon, this all points to a very simple fact society is safer when the criminals don’t know who’s armed. The evidence is there but most people choose to ignore it. When the truth does not fit your agenda you simply ignore it and spout off more lies to mask what should be completely obvious. More guns means less crime, more guns in the hands of responsible law abiding citizens will do more to lower crime rates and deter the types of events than any ban could ever hope to accomplish. When all you do is demonize guns and gun owners you are creating a world that becomes more and more dangerous for all. We would be better served to fix the mental health care system and find ways to get these people help and cure the disease instead of trying to treat a symptom that does not exist. Do you blame the hammer when you smash your thumb, do you blame the knife when you cut yourself, if some criminal piece of shit walks up and stabs you will you blame the knife makers or will you put the blame where it belongs on the criminal responsible. To everyone that claims if they hadn’t had access to a gun this never would have happened I call bullshit. Every one of these events was a calculated act, if they didn’t have a gun they would have used something else to get the job done, whether it be a bomb, a bat or a hatchet they would have committed these atrocities any way. It is time to look for real solutions and start placing blame where it belongs, to start placing the responsibility for the actions on the individual. Stop blaming the guns and start blaming the person that committed the act. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.


  1. "The 2nd amendment is there to give we the people a last resort to defend ourselves against tyranny". I thought for the longest time that these ex-military gun lovers are crazy, but with my discovery and awakening, through rigorous study, I completely understand. I don't even own guns, just fired my first few guns a few years ago and for as long as I live, I will buy guns, ammunition, explosive, gold, silver, water filters and everything else for one simple reason, just in case I need them.
