Monday, October 26, 2009
When El Jefe takes over what will he call himself?
I have brought this up before here at the Lodge but today while I was looking at my facebook page, (yes the angry hillbilly is on face book) there was a pole asking if President Obama, should shut down Fox News. Now this may seem like an innocent question but I can guarantee that it is not. Over the last few weeks Fox News has come under fire for being the voice of the Republican party, and the spokesperson for the president has reportedly said that no one from this administration will talk to Fox News. That's all well and good and if his immanence wants to cut himself off from the conservative crowd that's fine with me I am tired of listening to him promise the moon when he can barely deliver a pizza. The true problem is that there are those that think disagreeing with the president is un American, I have news for these morons we are supposed to disagree, we need to question our leaders at every step to make sure that they are doing the will of the people not the will of themselves. Where were these people when CNN, The Wall Street Journal, CNBC, and a host of others "News" outlets were trashing George Bush on a daily basis, why weren't there calls to shut them down? Oh wait its because Obama is a liberal Democrat that's right, he can do no wrong so he gets a free pass no matter what. I personally don't care for Fox News their Right wing bias is annoying, on the flip side CNN and its complete liberalism is just as bad, neither one will question their party leadership. It is our job as Citizens to question our leaders they are their to do the will of the people. I don't believe any President should have the power to shut down a press organization no matter which way they lean that comes to close to deleting the First amendment. The Nazi's tried this tactic have you ever seen the pictures of the book burnings that were held in Germany? Any successful dictatorship will eliminate the rights of Free speech and Freedom of the Press, it makes it easier to control the sheep when you control information and how it is disseminated. Eliminating the rights of your subjects is also key to a successful socialist state which is where El Jefe wants to take this country. One question I have is if successful what would he call himself, Emperor, King, Czar, Heir Ruler, Grand Pooh-bah, Illustrious Potentate? Just asking is all if you listen to any of his campaign speeches his true goal is to turn this republic into a socialist state where the government is in complete control. Yet he managed to disguise his true purpose behind flowery speech and rhetoric aimed at reminding the sheeple how bad Bush has been screwing them over that enough people drank the cool aid to get him elected President. Now he has at least for years if not eight to achieve his goal. Should he get to where he so desperately wants to be don't come to me and as how this happened I have been warning people from the beginning that this is what he truly wants maybe you should have paid attention then instead of giving me the indoctrination speech. But what the Hell do I know I am just an Angry Hillbilly.
The beginning of the end.
This week President Obama declared a state of emergency due to the continuing risk of Swine Flu. To date there have been 1000 deaths related to the H1N1 virus in the United States, in the grand scheme of things that is not that may people. When you look at the number of deaths attributed to the seasonal flu every year the numbers are comparable, so how does this equate to a state of emergency? Spokesman for El Jefe claim that by declaring an emergency people can get access to health care faster and it will curb the outbreak, on the other hand the conspiracy theorists claim that this is the first step to abolishing the constitution and declaring marshal law nation wide. If this is the first step to taking away our rights he is going about it ass backwards as there are to many good ol boys with guns to subdue in order to keep the peace in a marshal law situation, but by abolishing the Constitution he could get his full outright ban on all firearms without the need for those pesky laws and such. This would also give him ultimate power as without rights who has the power to oppose him? He could declare himself King, Emperor, Grand Pooh-Bah, or any other majestic title he wants and without an armed uprising he would rule this nation for as long as he wanted. Now I know some of the cool aid drinkers out there are thinking that sounds like a grand idea, give our savior ultimate power to bring peace and love to this country, the downside is, should that happen it would usher in a new Civil War unlike anything seen in this countries history. I for one will not stand to see our Constitution shredded like so much useless paper, or our rights stripped away in the name of security, I will fight for my rights as a proud citizen of the greatest nation on earth. Anyone who thinks that giving this guy the reigns for life should read a history book some time and see how it turned out for the Jews in Europe, or the Russian people under both Stalin, and Lennon. Now before the more liberal of you out there start calling me an alarmist or a hate monger you should realize that this is my OPINION and I am entitled to it and by the First Amendment I am allowed to express it any way I choose so FUCK OFF, you are the same people that think Fox News should be shut down because they wont bow down and kiss the holy ass of Lord Obama. The president is treading a fine line right now, if he shows favoritism to the minorities he will be labeled racist, if he shows favoritism to the big corporations he will be an elitist, and if he does go forth with the scrapping of our rights he will single handedly destroy this country in less time than it took to create it. Now I think the man is an elitist prick but I don't think he is stupid, so I doubt that this will be the first shot at stripping our rights away. He and his anti freedom co-horts will have to get the guns from the populace first to prevent the armed rebellion that will follow. This is just a test to see what the sheeple will allow him and his like minded buddies to get away with. How many rights are we willing to let him infringe upon before we say enough? I say to infringe upon any of the rights guaranteed by the constitution is going to far, and I would hope that even the most die hard fan of Obama would say the same. But what the Hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Have you thanked a cop today?
Pierce County Washington deputies shot a man to death after he tried to run them down. So what is the problem here? According to Detective Ed Troyer deputies were attempting to serve an arrest warrant for assault on a child on the shit bag in question. During a chase through Tacoma, the suspect ran several cars off the road clipping 3 in the process, when the did manage to stop him he attempted to run down two officers with his Ford Explorer, at this point both officers opened fire killing the man. To the officers I am sorry that you had to resort to using deadly force on this criminal fuck and hope that you are both able to deal with the guilt you will both feel over taking another’s life; however thank you for taking this piece of crap off the streets. Of course you know that this story will not end here the family of the deceased fuck up will no doubt start crying about police brutality and I am sure there will be a civil lawsuit against the deputies and the sheriffs office for wrongful death. With any luck the Sheriffs office will fight the suits and defend the actions of these two brave men as I can find no fault with their actions, they defended themselves from a man with a deadly weapon. The reason for this post isn’t the story itself it’s the way it was presented on the news website. Right in the middle of the page is a graphic of a Glock pistol, any time a gun is used be it for good or evil that graphic is used. Why didn’t they put up an SUV as that is the weapon used by the criminal in this case? It is all about perception; the more you connect the image of a gun with negative stories the more you can influence the sheeple into believing that guns are evil and cause crime. I will say it again saying guns cause crime is as stupid as saying cars cause drunk drivers. I would love to see the criminal record for the dead guy and see how many other arrests he had and how many times he had been in jail that way when his loving mother gets in front of the camera and cries about what a good boy he was and how he didn’t deserve to be gunned down by the evil deputies I can call bullshit, and point out that her dear boy was just another criminal piece of shit that needed to be locked in a cell for life before this happened. It tears me up that people are so brainwashed to believe whatever the news puts in front of them that they will buy this anti freedom, anti gun bullshit as if it’s the gospel truth. If you spend more than a second thinking about the details of the story you would see that the police were defending themselves from this fuck. An suv makes a pretty good weapon as it big heavy and hard to stop, if this guy had just stopped and given up he would still be alive the problem is he knew that he would be spending a long time in prison. Don’t blame the cops for this one blame the criminal for trying to kill two brave men. Thank you to the deputies around this country for doing what you do to keep us the law abiding citizens safe. Someday maybe the sheeple will realize that they have been lied to and work to change the way things are but I really doubt it. But what the Hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly.
Liberal Justice? thats an Oxy.........MORON
Yet again the local news website ran a story that has pissed me off, shocking I know. A seventeen year old from Bend Oregon, has accepted an Alford plea to the negligent homicide of his mothers live in boyfriend. Now at the time of the incident the boyfriend’s blood alcohol level was three times the legal limit and the family claims that the killing was in self defense. I can paint a pretty accurate picture for you all of what happened on the night in question. The boyfriend get wasted with his buddies comes home drunk starts slapping the mother around when junior comes in to defend her with the only weapon he has available at the time which is a samurai sword, a fight ensues and alcoholic wife beater asshole ends up dead with a sword sticking out of his chest. The thing about this story that sets me off is the fact that this kid is going to spend the next seven years in prison without a trial. Why his lawyer ever agreed to this bullshit deal is beyond me, Jesus Christ a fucking retarded lobotomized gorilla could get this kid off, instead in a great example of liberal justice this kid gets 7 YEARS! Instead of prison time let’s give this kid a medal for defending himself and his family. Maybe Billy Shakespeare was right lets kill all the lawyers, these worthless fucks will work their asses off to get OJ acquitted of two counts first degree murder, yet some poor kid defending himself screw you your on your own. What the fuck is wrong with country? Every day you see news stories about rapists, murderers, drug dealers, and pedophiles getting weak sentences yet this kid gets 7 years because his lawyer is either A to stupid to defend him or B to lazy to do the job he is getting paid to do. The problem is the deal he got isn’t an admission of guilt but the evidence would probably lead to conviction, either way this kid was going to get screwed by our liberal justice system. This is what happens when you start being touchy feely with criminals, we don’t need longer sentences we need longer necks for most of these animals. I have seen more stories like this in the last several years than I can count, someone defends themselves and gets punished for protecting themselves and their families, it makes me sick to see how the liberals have fucked us over so hard and yet OJ went free. How about we make justice equal for all? When was the last time you saw a rich motherfucker punished for his crimes? The leaders of Enron shafted their employees out of their retirements and yet most of them got off scot free with millions and the ones that were convicted were sentenced to minimum security federal country clubs. Now if you go and rob a bank which isn’t much different you are taking money that isn’t yours, you will get several years in a penitentiary. How in the fuck is that justice? Martha Stewart commits a felony and spends six months in jail then goes right back to living high on the hog, this kid will be hard pressed to even find a real job when he finally gets out if he survives the sentence in the first place. Does anyone honestly think this kid is going to do ok in prison? This is such total bullshit that I cant believe that it is happening here in America, this is the kind of justice you would expect from a corrupt third world government, I wish our government would look at what’s going on and think about changing their ways. But when you spend more time defending your job than doing your job this is the result you get. This proves that its time to change the name of the city of Bend to Bend Over, cause if you defend yourself in our town your going to get fucked. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY Hillbilly.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Anti American Bullshit in Oregon,
Residents of the Oaks apartments in Albany, Oregon have been told to remove any flags from their apartments and vehicles including the American flag or face eviction. I’ll give you a minute to let that sink in. The first thing that came to my mind when I first read that sentence is WTF, that can’t be right. But it is true according to the owners of the complex the policy is there to prevent people from other cultures from being offended, again WTF. If you come to this country and make a life here you don’t get to be offended when we fly Old Glory as a sign of respect and pride in our country, If I were to move my ass down to Mexico would they pull down their flag to keep from offending me? Fuck No, and why should they it’s their country and flag they can do whatever they want with it, same with any other country in the world. Why in the fuck should I have to curb my American pride to keep from offending some jackass that cant understand the simple fact that this is AMERICA and we fly our flag with pride, if you don’t like it then pack your shit up and take your ass back to whatever country you came from you are no longer welcome or wanted here. I am so tired of being told that being proud to be American is a bad thing, every year we have Gay pride, Mexican pride, Puerto Rican pride, and Irish pride, parades yet where is the American pride parade? When did we as Americans lose our spines and start bowing to the whims of other cultures? And when will we finally say enough is enough and start showing the world that American pride is strong and runs deep in this country. If I was a resident of this shithole the first thing I would do is put a flag in every window in my apartment and see how long it takes for them to evict my ass. I would also start looking for a new place to live right now if this is how they want to treat American citizens then they don’t need my business. How this doesn’t violate the first amendment is beyond me, unfortunately with El Jefe in office I can see this is just the start of eroding our freedoms bit by bit. This is what you get when you elect a socialist to the most powerful office in the free world, in his bid to push the one world agenda we will slowly lose our identity. I think one thing that needs to happen is a peaceful protest of this establishment with as many people as can be gathered all carrying Old Glory, our way of saying that you can’t stomp us out. The founding fathers would puke on their shoes if they could see the way our country has gone it is a sad state of affairs when you can’t show pride in your country or support for the armed forces that keep us free by flying the flag. I remember the Flag burning debates when protestors claimed that it was their right to expression that allowed them to burn the flag in protest, I didn’t agree with those assholes, and I don’t agree with the ownership of the Oaks, if you people hate your country so god damned much, go somewhere else Canada isn’t that far away. Get the fuck out of my country and take your bullshit attitudes with you, we don’t need any of you telling us we can’t be who we are we get that enough from President Len I mean Obama. Of course the organization that is supposed to protect our civil rights the ACLU is going to ignore this case as there isn’t a pedophile, rapist, or other criminal fuck to defend. This is the same attitude that created all the strife during Vietnam, anti American bullshit from right here in our own country. Don’t we get enough of this from every other nation on the planet? Someday I hope we Americans wake up and see what is happening to our country and finally take a stand and say no more, I just hope that by the time that happens it’s not to late to fix the problems. But what the Hell do I know I am just an Angry Hillbilly.
When they outlaw guns i will be an outlaw.
The wife and I were having a discussion the other night about the way violence has been getting worse around our neighborhood, and as I watch the news it becomes increasingly clear that this is an alarming trend. From stabbings to beatings and shootings as the economy worsens the crime rate climbs. Now being raised in the country where pretty much every house is armed and every person knows how to shoot the guns kept in the house I didn’t have to worry about this kind of thing. I rarely locked the front door of my house until I moved to this liberal shitbox now every night the last thing I check before bed is the door lock, the left would have you believe that buy passing more gun bans and laws restricting gun ownership that the crime problem will just go away. I’m not sure what dream world these people live in but it is already illegal for felons to possess firearms. And yet how often are they arrested with a gun in their possession? You see criminals don’t follow the law that’s what makes them criminals, now I realize that seems too simple to you and I but my friends we haven’t been brainwashed by the liberal media to just accept what they say as fact we still believe in thinking for ourselves. The Swiss people are required to keep a firearm in their homes and they are required to train in its use on a yearly basis, their violent crime rate is pretty much 0, yet they call us the gun toting cowboys. The only problem we have here is touchy feely liberals that think all criminals can be rehabilitated back into society; anyone with more than one functioning brain cell can see that this really hasn’t worked as some people can’t be saved. I am all for helping someone turn their life around but when you have a repeat offender chances are he will commit a crime every time you let him out of prison. If these people really want to help society curb the crime rate they would have fewer restrictions on the law abiding citizen owning guns, but that would derail the liberal plan for disarming the populace and paving the way for them to take the rest of our freedoms from us and turn our once great nation into their liberal utopia. To bad that all they will accomplish is turning ordinary citizens into unarmed targets for the violent douche bags that kept their illegal guns, if unchecked people like Sarah Brady will lead us all like lambs to the slaughter. Weather you agree with the right or left one thing should be clear taking away one God given right paves the way for taking them all. Let’s say they do accomplish their mission and strip us of our second amendment rights, how long till the freedom of speech, press, expression, religion or from unjust persecution follow? How long will it be before this nation becomes a dictatorship? Complete gun control has happened before, 1930’s Germany had complete gun control and look how well that worked for Hitler and the Jews. The founding fathers put the second amendment into the Constitution for a reason; to ensure that this great nation they fought bled and died for would never turn into the tyrannical country they were fighting against. And I for one thank them for their foresight for without them this nation that I love so much would be a very different place. So to the gun control freaks that love to swallow whatever bullshit the Brady Campaign feeds you all I have to say to you is this. YOU CAN HAVE MY GUN WHEN YOU PRY IT FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS!!
But what the Hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly.
But what the Hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly.
Didn't Jesus preach peace, love, and tolerance?
A recent conversation with a co-worker brought up an interesting point, if you want to see some of the most hate filled; bigoted, closed minded people look no further than your local house of worship. It doesn’t matter which deity they bow to hard core believers are the most intolerant people I have ever met. Far right Christians can be some of the worst of the bunch, if you do anything that does not fit their moral code they instantly start attacking you for you sins, while claiming to worship a man that said “love thy neighbor” and “judge not lest ye be judged yourself”. Hypocritical much? If these assholes spent a little more time reading the bible than thumping it maybe they would catch the lessons taught in that book. Who did Jesus spend most of his time with? The whores, lepers, criminals, and sinners, that’s who, they were the ones most in need of his teachings and these self righteous bastards will barely speak to anyone outside of their church. My favorite group out of them all is the God hates fags crew. These inbred fucks claim to be good Christian people yet they spew filth everywhere they go. How in the fuck can you claim to follow the teachings of Jesus and yet have such hatred in your hearts for another of Gods children? This is the same group that disrupts military funerals by shouting and protesting while another brave hero is laid to rest, just once I would like to see an accident with the honor guard performing the 21 gun salute take a few of these bastards out of the gene pool. That would truly be a great use of ammunition. Every time I see this group show up on television I have to wonder what happened to them to make them such bitter angry people, how in the world can you justify your position when all you’re doing is spreading more hate and bigotry? These people are no better than the Arian Nation, the Ku Klux Klan, the Black Panthers, or any other hate group. Of course there are people on the other side that do the same thing there are gay rights groups that take their agenda to far and start berating anyone that isn’t like them. But they are far smaller than the religious hate groups that seem to be in every state. Now I realize that the Constitution grants these shitbags the freedom to express there point of view and worship any way they want but common decency says to keep that shit to yourself, I don’t want my children to hear your bullshit rhetoric and ask me what you mean by god hates fags. In my reading of your bible god loves all, regardless of how they live their lives. Isn’t one of the tenets of your religion that god loves all and is merciful, aren’t all sins forgivable? That is the way I read it, it doesn’t say he who believes in the lord Jesus shall be saved except fags. So sit down and shut the fuck up you ignorant self righteous pricks, take your putrescent hate mongering somewhere else, here in America we accept all cultures and differences that’s the principles this country was built on. It hasn’t always been that way and we have made mistakes but we have worked to correct that, and that is one of the things that make this the greatest country in the world. As much as I dislike the politics of our current president I am proud to see that we as a country have come so far as to elect a black president, unfortunately we still can’t cure stupid. So to all of the hate mongering religious zealots that believe they need to practice their bigotry and hatred in public please do us all a favor and go the way of the heavens gate, Jonestown crowds and kill yourselves you will be doing us all a huge favor by removing your tainted attitudes out of the gene pool. But what the Hell do I know I am just an ANGRY Hillbilly.
Monday, October 12, 2009
True Americans
I am an unabashed Hillbilly and not afraid to admit it. If you see me on the street on my days off chances are pretty high there is a gun somewhere on my person, I jumped through the hoops and got my hands on a concealed carry permit for the state I live in and I exercise my 2nd amendment rights any chance I get. Now living in liberal hell I am constantly questioned about this choice, the conversation is always the same, some people think I’m paranoid, others think I just want to shoot someone, and there are a few who think like I do that protecting myself and my family is the most important thing in the world. I refuse to be a willing victim and will do anything I have to too protect my family from harm. The last thing I ever want to do is shoot someone or fire my gun in anger but if some criminal fuck thinks he is going to harm me or mine the last thing he will see on this earth is the flash from the muzzle of my pistol. To that criminal just remember after you hear the loud noise walk towards the light and enjoy your eternity in hell. It amazes me how many people with wives and children don’t want to do whatever is necessary to protect their families; my first responsibility is the protection of those closest to me. Why anyone would choose to be an unarmed victim in today’s world is beyond me. One of the anti freedom crowds big arguing points is the number of gun accidents involving children, I find it reprehensible that they use someone’s tragedy to advance their agenda but when reason and logic don’t work use emotion. The major flaw in using this argument is the fact that all of these accidents are preventable. All it takes is a safe, if the kids cant get to the gun they can’t hurt themselves can they. Another option is teaching your children that guns are not toys and they are never ever to be handled unless there is an adult present and supervising them. How fucking hard is that to understand? I grew up around guns and there were no locks on any of them, the ammunition was readily available any time I wanted I could have picked them up and played with them, yet I have never had an accident with a gun. Why is that? Because my parents actually took their roles as parents seriously, taught me right from wrong and that there was a huge difference between my dart gun and the real thing. Shocking I know parents that did their job. The biggest problem today is parents using the XBOX as their babysitter and never spending any time with their kids to teach them anything. If these liberals had seen the way I grew up they would probably shit themselves and then have my parents thrown in jail for child endangerment. I have tried to have civil conversations with anti gun advocates and once their argument collapses under its own stupidity they resort to the age old line “I don’t think anyone needs to own an AK-47”. Once they hit that they stop listening to anything I say to protect themselves from actually having to think that their argument may be wrong. The truth is guns themselves are harmless lumps of metal and plastic. I have yet to see a gun stand up and shoot someone by itself but put it in the wrong hands and those hands will kill. It’s amazing that they always turn to the machine gun argument to combat reason. Machine guns haven’t been legal for civilian ownership since the thirties, yet the argument persists. The more freedoms you take from the citizens the more criminals you will create. When they outlaw guns I will become an outlaw, because when that day comes the government will take over everything and people like me will have to stand up and fight for your God given rights. All of the people that the anti freedom community shuns and wants to disarm will stand up and fight for the rights of all Americans whether they believe the way we do or not and that is what makes the gun owner the truest example of America there is. To all the anti freedom nuts that voted for change, I will keep my guns money and freedom you can keep the change. But what the Hell do I know I am just an Angry Hillbilly.
A hero ignored for a Narcisistic Son of a Bitch.
Over the weekend a bus carrying 49 students of American Fork Utah High School Band rolled over killing one of the instructors. Why do I mention this? This weekend also saw King Obama handed the Nobel Peace Prize, and every news outlet was flooded with stories and pictures of his eminence accepting that farce of an award, yet 33 year old Heather Christensen died trying to save her students when the driver of the bus lost control. Why was this story put on the back burner for Obama getting some worthless award that he doesn’t deserve? According to students on the bus when the driver lost control Ms. Christensen tried to grab the wheel and avoid the crash but was thrown out the window when the bus rolled, so here we have a true hero doing something to save lives and the news outlets ignore her story to put more shots of El Jefe in front of viewers, hasn’t this jackass taken over enough of our lives? I realize that most of the mainstream media outlets are run by liberal sycophants and democratic yes men but for fucks sake this woman died to save her kids and yet who gets all the coverage? The way this country is going right before he uses the Constitution to wipe his ass the sheeple will anoint Obama the second coming of Jesus. What will it take for the sheeple to wake up and see that his prominence is fucking us over and selling our freedoms to the highest bidder? The government now has their hands in the banks, the auto industry, and soon will be taking over health care. I thought the idea behind electing this guy was to help this country get back on track through change isn’t that what he promised? Yet the only change I see coming in the future is our freedom being stripped away little by little until you and I the lowly subjects to Emperor Obama, have no rights and no voice to change anything. It saddens me that our media outlets our so bent on indoctrinating the public into the church of Obama, that they will ignore stories that actually matter. Maybe I am the nut job here but I would rather hear about someone that actually did something for someone other than themselves than another story about how great Obama is. I have had more than one heated discussion about Obama trying to convince people that he is not the great savior he makes himself out to be but the kool aid drinkers will not be swayed by something as crazy as logic. Rip Heather you died a true Hero and should be recognized as such. And to Mr. Obama get off the TV and do your damn job you narcissistic son of a bitch that’s why the sheeple elected your worthless fucking ass. But what the Hell do I know I am just an ANGRY Hillbilly.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Nobel Committee to all past Peace Prize Winners. SCREW YOU!
In what will become known as an obviously good decision by the left wing nuts, the Nobel committee has awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize to President Barack Obama. I have to wonder what El Jefe has done to deserve this great honor that so many others have worked so hard to achieve. Here we are ten months into his presidency and there has been little or no reduction to the armed forces serving in Iraq, he is calling for additional troops to be sent into Afghanistan and North Korea and Iran are still working towards obtaining nuclear weapons. So what exactly has he done to be worthy of such an honor? The committee that selected him claims it is because of his stand on nuclear proliferation, international diplomacy, and global climate change. Now let’s break that down and take a look at what his highness has done in these areas so far. We will start with nuclear weapons, since the invention of the first atomic bomb all nations have wanted to poses the destructive power of nuclear weapons, as of right now the two largest stockpiles of these weapons are in the US and the U.S.S.R, there have been multiple talks and summits on lowering the amount of weapons each side has, Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev have agreed that there needs to be a reduction in the amount of delivery systems and warheads possessed by each country. Yet neither side has done a damn thing to reduce the numbers, and still nothing has been done to stop North Korea or Iran from continuing their development of said weapons. Now the left wingers will start telling me how wrong I am and that the UN is working to stop both NK, and Iran and that a diplomatic solution can be found. To this I say BULLSHIT. You can not reason with a madman, ask Jim Jones, Charles Manson, Adolf Hitler, or Josef Lennon, they all thought they were doing the right thing to and look how that turned out. Moving on to international diplomacy his biggest accomplishment to date has been to travel around the world bowing down to kiss the ass of every little puissant leader he can find and apologize greatly for the actions of America in the last eight years. Actions that have kept this country from being hit by another terrorist attack like 9/11. It is very hard for terrorists to come here and cause destruction when they are to busy diving for cover from a hail of bullets, I don’t agree with every action GWB took but I can’t argue with the results. Let’s take a look back and see how we got where we are today. During the first Bush administration we had a small skirmish in the Middle East called dessert storm. We led the way for a UN force to go in and stop Saddam Hussein from taking over Kuwait; this was after of course the UN sanctions and strongly worded letters failed to do a damned bit of good. Once that was over we left Hussein in power thinking that the UN would keep a tighter leash on him, WRONG. After the war President Bush’s popularity fell and during the next election the people decided that new leadership was needed and here comes the Clinton years. During his eight year reign of incompetence Bill Clinton managed to screw tings up across the board. He signed into law the Brady Bill which was a sweeping ban on assault weapons that did absolutely nothing to stem gun violence in fact during the time that law was in effect this country saw more mass school shootings than at any other time in history. Also during Mr. Clinton’s tenure the World Trade Center was hit on three separate occasions buy terrorist bombs, and domestic terrorism saw a severe increase in frequency and violence, from abortion doctors murdered to the Oklahoma City bombing. Bill Clinton did achieve great status around the world for his diplomatic skills as like the UN he was all strong words and weak actions, He showed the world that America was weak and would do nothing to strike back and defend herself. Then GW Bush gets elected and shortly into his first term the worst terrorist incident in American history happens. Four jumbo jet aircraft are high jacked and used as guided missiles to hit the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. the fourth plane crashed in a field in PA before reaching its final unknown destination. Over Three thousand Americans were murdered that day, and the world waited to see what would happen next, would the reaction be to turn the other cheek like the Clintons or would this new leader do something else? Well he did something else something that hadn’t been done since the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941; he struck back with military force, putting America back on the DO NOT FUCK WITH list. The simple fact is now that the powers that be have given King Obama this great honor what they are really saying to all the past winners that actually worked to achieve their award is SCREW YOU. I truly hope that this award is a call to action, a call for every freedom loving red blooded American to really look at what is going on in this country and when the next elections roll around to vote for change again, a change back to the principles that make this the greatest nation on earth. But what the HELL do I know I am just an Angry HILLBILLY.
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