Monday, October 26, 2009

The beginning of the end.

This week President Obama declared a state of emergency due to the continuing risk of Swine Flu. To date there have been 1000 deaths related to the H1N1 virus in the United States, in the grand scheme of things that is not that may people. When you look at the number of deaths attributed to the seasonal flu every year the numbers are comparable, so how does this equate to a state of emergency? Spokesman for El Jefe claim that by declaring an emergency people can get access to health care faster and it will curb the outbreak, on the other hand the conspiracy theorists claim that this is the first step to abolishing the constitution and declaring marshal law nation wide. If this is the first step to taking away our rights he is going about it ass backwards as there are to many good ol boys with guns to subdue in order to keep the peace in a marshal law situation, but by abolishing the Constitution he could get his full outright ban on all firearms without the need for those pesky laws and such. This would also give him ultimate power as without rights who has the power to oppose him? He could declare himself King, Emperor, Grand Pooh-Bah, or any other majestic title he wants and without an armed uprising he would rule this nation for as long as he wanted. Now I know some of the cool aid drinkers out there are thinking that sounds like a grand idea, give our savior ultimate power to bring peace and love to this country, the downside is, should that happen it would usher in a new Civil War unlike anything seen in this countries history. I for one will not stand to see our Constitution shredded like so much useless paper, or our rights stripped away in the name of security, I will fight for my rights as a proud citizen of the greatest nation on earth. Anyone who thinks that giving this guy the reigns for life should read a history book some time and see how it turned out for the Jews in Europe, or the Russian people under both Stalin, and Lennon. Now before the more liberal of you out there start calling me an alarmist or a hate monger you should realize that this is my OPINION and I am entitled to it and by the First Amendment I am allowed to express it any way I choose so FUCK OFF, you are the same people that think Fox News should be shut down because they wont bow down and kiss the holy ass of Lord Obama. The president is treading a fine line right now, if he shows favoritism to the minorities he will be labeled racist, if he shows favoritism to the big corporations he will be an elitist, and if he does go forth with the scrapping of our rights he will single handedly destroy this country in less time than it took to create it. Now I think the man is an elitist prick but I don't think he is stupid, so I doubt that this will be the first shot at stripping our rights away. He and his anti freedom co-horts will have to get the guns from the populace first to prevent the armed rebellion that will follow. This is just a test to see what the sheeple will allow him and his like minded buddies to get away with. How many rights are we willing to let him infringe upon before we say enough? I say to infringe upon any of the rights guaranteed by the constitution is going to far, and I would hope that even the most die hard fan of Obama would say the same. But what the Hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly.

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