Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Didn't Jesus preach peace, love, and tolerance?

A recent conversation with a co-worker brought up an interesting point, if you want to see some of the most hate filled; bigoted, closed minded people look no further than your local house of worship. It doesn’t matter which deity they bow to hard core believers are the most intolerant people I have ever met. Far right Christians can be some of the worst of the bunch, if you do anything that does not fit their moral code they instantly start attacking you for you sins, while claiming to worship a man that said “love thy neighbor” and “judge not lest ye be judged yourself”. Hypocritical much? If these assholes spent a little more time reading the bible than thumping it maybe they would catch the lessons taught in that book. Who did Jesus spend most of his time with? The whores, lepers, criminals, and sinners, that’s who, they were the ones most in need of his teachings and these self righteous bastards will barely speak to anyone outside of their church. My favorite group out of them all is the God hates fags crew. These inbred fucks claim to be good Christian people yet they spew filth everywhere they go. How in the fuck can you claim to follow the teachings of Jesus and yet have such hatred in your hearts for another of Gods children? This is the same group that disrupts military funerals by shouting and protesting while another brave hero is laid to rest, just once I would like to see an accident with the honor guard performing the 21 gun salute take a few of these bastards out of the gene pool. That would truly be a great use of ammunition. Every time I see this group show up on television I have to wonder what happened to them to make them such bitter angry people, how in the world can you justify your position when all you’re doing is spreading more hate and bigotry? These people are no better than the Arian Nation, the Ku Klux Klan, the Black Panthers, or any other hate group. Of course there are people on the other side that do the same thing there are gay rights groups that take their agenda to far and start berating anyone that isn’t like them. But they are far smaller than the religious hate groups that seem to be in every state. Now I realize that the Constitution grants these shitbags the freedom to express there point of view and worship any way they want but common decency says to keep that shit to yourself, I don’t want my children to hear your bullshit rhetoric and ask me what you mean by god hates fags. In my reading of your bible god loves all, regardless of how they live their lives. Isn’t one of the tenets of your religion that god loves all and is merciful, aren’t all sins forgivable? That is the way I read it, it doesn’t say he who believes in the lord Jesus shall be saved except fags. So sit down and shut the fuck up you ignorant self righteous pricks, take your putrescent hate mongering somewhere else, here in America we accept all cultures and differences that’s the principles this country was built on. It hasn’t always been that way and we have made mistakes but we have worked to correct that, and that is one of the things that make this the greatest country in the world. As much as I dislike the politics of our current president I am proud to see that we as a country have come so far as to elect a black president, unfortunately we still can’t cure stupid. So to all of the hate mongering religious zealots that believe they need to practice their bigotry and hatred in public please do us all a favor and go the way of the heavens gate, Jonestown crowds and kill yourselves you will be doing us all a huge favor by removing your tainted attitudes out of the gene pool. But what the Hell do I know I am just an ANGRY Hillbilly.

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