Sunday, October 18, 2009

Have you thanked a cop today?

Pierce County Washington deputies shot a man to death after he tried to run them down. So what is the problem here? According to Detective Ed Troyer deputies were attempting to serve an arrest warrant for assault on a child on the shit bag in question. During a chase through Tacoma, the suspect ran several cars off the road clipping 3 in the process, when the did manage to stop him he attempted to run down two officers with his Ford Explorer, at this point both officers opened fire killing the man. To the officers I am sorry that you had to resort to using deadly force on this criminal fuck and hope that you are both able to deal with the guilt you will both feel over taking another’s life; however thank you for taking this piece of crap off the streets. Of course you know that this story will not end here the family of the deceased fuck up will no doubt start crying about police brutality and I am sure there will be a civil lawsuit against the deputies and the sheriffs office for wrongful death. With any luck the Sheriffs office will fight the suits and defend the actions of these two brave men as I can find no fault with their actions, they defended themselves from a man with a deadly weapon. The reason for this post isn’t the story itself it’s the way it was presented on the news website. Right in the middle of the page is a graphic of a Glock pistol, any time a gun is used be it for good or evil that graphic is used. Why didn’t they put up an SUV as that is the weapon used by the criminal in this case? It is all about perception; the more you connect the image of a gun with negative stories the more you can influence the sheeple into believing that guns are evil and cause crime. I will say it again saying guns cause crime is as stupid as saying cars cause drunk drivers. I would love to see the criminal record for the dead guy and see how many other arrests he had and how many times he had been in jail that way when his loving mother gets in front of the camera and cries about what a good boy he was and how he didn’t deserve to be gunned down by the evil deputies I can call bullshit, and point out that her dear boy was just another criminal piece of shit that needed to be locked in a cell for life before this happened. It tears me up that people are so brainwashed to believe whatever the news puts in front of them that they will buy this anti freedom, anti gun bullshit as if it’s the gospel truth. If you spend more than a second thinking about the details of the story you would see that the police were defending themselves from this fuck. An suv makes a pretty good weapon as it big heavy and hard to stop, if this guy had just stopped and given up he would still be alive the problem is he knew that he would be spending a long time in prison. Don’t blame the cops for this one blame the criminal for trying to kill two brave men. Thank you to the deputies around this country for doing what you do to keep us the law abiding citizens safe. Someday maybe the sheeple will realize that they have been lied to and work to change the way things are but I really doubt it. But what the Hell do I know I am just an angry Hillbilly.

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