Monday, October 12, 2009

A hero ignored for a Narcisistic Son of a Bitch.

Over the weekend a bus carrying 49 students of American Fork Utah High School Band rolled over killing one of the instructors. Why do I mention this? This weekend also saw King Obama handed the Nobel Peace Prize, and every news outlet was flooded with stories and pictures of his eminence accepting that farce of an award, yet 33 year old Heather Christensen died trying to save her students when the driver of the bus lost control. Why was this story put on the back burner for Obama getting some worthless award that he doesn’t deserve? According to students on the bus when the driver lost control Ms. Christensen tried to grab the wheel and avoid the crash but was thrown out the window when the bus rolled, so here we have a true hero doing something to save lives and the news outlets ignore her story to put more shots of El Jefe in front of viewers, hasn’t this jackass taken over enough of our lives? I realize that most of the mainstream media outlets are run by liberal sycophants and democratic yes men but for fucks sake this woman died to save her kids and yet who gets all the coverage? The way this country is going right before he uses the Constitution to wipe his ass the sheeple will anoint Obama the second coming of Jesus. What will it take for the sheeple to wake up and see that his prominence is fucking us over and selling our freedoms to the highest bidder? The government now has their hands in the banks, the auto industry, and soon will be taking over health care. I thought the idea behind electing this guy was to help this country get back on track through change isn’t that what he promised? Yet the only change I see coming in the future is our freedom being stripped away little by little until you and I the lowly subjects to Emperor Obama, have no rights and no voice to change anything. It saddens me that our media outlets our so bent on indoctrinating the public into the church of Obama, that they will ignore stories that actually matter. Maybe I am the nut job here but I would rather hear about someone that actually did something for someone other than themselves than another story about how great Obama is. I have had more than one heated discussion about Obama trying to convince people that he is not the great savior he makes himself out to be but the kool aid drinkers will not be swayed by something as crazy as logic. Rip Heather you died a true Hero and should be recognized as such. And to Mr. Obama get off the TV and do your damn job you narcissistic son of a bitch that’s why the sheeple elected your worthless fucking ass. But what the Hell do I know I am just an ANGRY Hillbilly.

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