Monday, August 6, 2012

Freedom of speech is words that they will bend.

Here we are again the Hillbilly is pissed off, for a while now I have been reading news stories and the comments about them and I am seeing a staggering pattern in the comments, freedom of speech is only valid if those making points share your point of view. Let me give you some examples. there is a guy in Idaho that has put up a billboard that is less than complimentary to our illustrious potentate. One half of the billboard shows a picture of the Aurora gunman with the caption "kills twelve people with assault rifle everybody freaks" the other half show Obama with the caption " kills thousands with his foreign policy and gets Nobel Peace prize" of course since this shows El Duce in a negative light the commucrats have all gotten their panties in a wad. The owner of said billboard has received death threats and threats of violence to not only his person but to his family as well. How quickly the left forgets the sins of their past. When Bush was in office the left had no trouble equating him to Hitler, or Stalin, or any other murdering dictator, they also amused themselves by comparing the President with a monkey, a developmentally disabled person , referred to him a an idiot as often as possible, yet one word against their chose savior and you are marked for death. I do not like President Obama, I think his foreign policy is crap, his domestic policy will lead us to ruin, and I have said from day one that he did not have enough experience to run this country, however I will respect the Office of the President. I will not refer to him in a racist manner nor will I compare him to a species other than human. I will compare him to the communist and socialist leaders he seems to emulate in all of his decisions. The left loves to blame Bush for the thousands of dead in the middle east and yet the great savior has done very little to stop the killings, he brought troops out of Iraq and sent them to Afghanistan, he deployed military assets to help liberate Libya without the consent of Congress which is not in his power to do and he should have been called on that but he wasn't. He continues to use drones to strike at terrorist encampments in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and throughout the Middle East, and I agree we need to do this but for the liberals to hold this man up as a saint and vilify someone else for doing the same things is asinine. Anytime I have exercised my first amendment rights and spoken out against Obama and his regime I have been called a bigot, a racist, a hatemonger, a retard, an inbred redneck, and I have been threatened with violence on numerous occasions. Yet I have done none of those things to the people that were critical of Bush. When you point out the hypocrisy of these people you usually get on of two responses either they stop talking which is good or they get angry and begin to spew more hate speech against you and what you believe. Another example of hypocrisy in action, gay marriage most people that are against this use their religious beliefs as defense against allowing the same freedoms to gays that they themselves have. When you point out that there own bible tells them to love thy neighbor and judge not for that is the providence of GOD, they start up with the hate speech, I had a "Christian" call me a "fucking faggot" for defending gay marriage. Wow what a loving a tolerant religion you have there, it is perfectly acceptable for you to spew your hate and bigotry based on a collection of tales from thousands of years ago yet I cant speak my mind on the subject without you vomiting more hate upon me. Yeah where do I sign up for that, I believe it when I read "All men are created equal and are endowed by their creator with certain inaliable rights to the pursuit of life liberty and happiness." no where in that does it say unless they are gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual, Muslim, Hindu, black, yellow, green, purple, or anything else you people can find to hate. It says ALL, which part of that is so fucking hard to understand? If your beliefs are that gays shouldn't marry than that is fine you can speak on that but if my belief is that they should be allowed to marry don't I deserve the same courtesy? I fail to see the problem with gay marriage anyway. The argument that it destroys the sanctity of marriage makes absolutely no sense to me. How does a loving couple getting married have any affect on your marriage in any way shape or form? What does it matter to you if two men or women want to commit themselves to each other for life? If these people love each other how is that any different than the love you have for your spouse? I truly do not understand this way of thinking. I also don't understand how you can say that you are a compassionate loving person when by your actions you are trying to deny a group of people the same rights you have just because they are different from you. A little over a century ago a brave man led this country into war for that reason his name was Abraham Lincoln, and that war was fought over slavery. People were denied basic human rights just because of the color of their skin, have we learned nothing in the last one hundred years. I am a married man and I adore my wife with all of my heart, yet to men saying I Do has zero affect on my marriage. So why shouldn't these people be allowed the same freedoms I have again? I brought these points up in an argument with a religious person and was told that because of my beliefs I was going to hell, I replied good I will save you a seat on the bus. Another example is the debate on gun control, should you be against any form of gun ban you are instantly labeled a gun nut, or people think that you are just looking to kill people. Nothing could be further from the truth, I just believe that the founding fathers knew what they were doing when they wrote the bill of rights. The argument that they did not write the second amendment with AK-47s in mind is laughable. They wrote this amendment knowing that weapons tech would advance and they wanted to ensure that the populace would always have the ability to defend against tyranny. However as the power of governing the country grew it corrupted those elected to it, and they saw that they must limit the power the people had to ensure the survival of the government. Behold gun control laws that are one and all unconstitutional. The second amendment has the phrase Shall NOT be Infringed, which says to me all gun laws are bogus as they are an infringement on my rights as an American citizen. Try telling this to a believer of the anti gun agenda and see what happens. Should you try and use reason and logic with these people you will quickly be berated and called all sorts of horrible things, yet they will refuse to use any facts or statistics to back up the erroneous claim that all guns should be banned. They will demand the right to be heard while trying to deny you the same. This has been readily apparent in the mainstream news media for the past several weeks as there have been two mass shootings on in Colorado and one in Wisconsin. Two tragedies where someone with definite mental issues began killing people for no reason that you or I or any right thinking person would ever understand. But try and speak out on pro gun views and watch the fireworks ensue. I have been banned from posting my pro 2nd amendment/ pro gun viewpoint on yet they leftists can spew all the hatred they want against those of us who decide to exercise our rights to keep and bear arms. You say anything against the President or any democrat member of the government and you are instantly called a racist or a idiot , but speak out against guns or republicans and you are lauded as a hero. Speak your mind on the gay marriage movement as the owner of chic fill a did and you are a bigot speak your mind in support and you are a great person. it seems to me that this country has forgotten that Freedom for on and all is what we have based our country on, just because I don't happen to share your belief does not mean I will try and stop you from speaking out about it, but pleas at least try and be a little respectful about it. If you attack me for my beliefs I will return the favor, if you are respectful I will also be respectful whether or not I agree or disagree. This world would be a much better place if we could learn to talk to each other rather than browbeat each other with our individual beliefs, just because someone does not agree with you does not make them wrong or an idiot it just means they have a different point of view. The only caveat of that statement is denying the rights of a group based on religion, your religion is a personal choice and should not be the basis of law, as not everyone believes the same way, we created freedom of religion to get out from under religious law when we separated from England lets not go back to that system. But what the Hell do I know I am just an Angry Hillbilly.


  1. Hillsborilly, your anger feeds their machines. Anger and all things negative stem from fear. They want you to be afraid. You are right about everything, IMHO, but please try to embrace a different paradigm. Lets break the cycle, lets get off the roller coaster. History repeats itself so we become just another Rome imploding all over ourselves just to have the next regime step in and "save the people" and "return power to the people" so they can, in turn and in time, be corrupted and become tyrants themselves. I love what you are doing and we need more of this type of dissent. I'll give you a couple of morsels for thought then I have to get back to the work we know and love (you know who this is) ;)

    "An eye for an eye makes the world blind" -M. Ghandi

    "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will truly be free" J. Hendrix

    Take care, man...keep on rantin''s fun to read :)

  2. Ok just as a suffix, I feel I should add a couple things:

    1. I'm not advocating that we should just roll over and bow down to our psuedo-reptillian overlords, just that we need to foster a real mindset of peace in the majority to create a more peaceful world. I don't condone killing, but I sure would like to tar and feather the banking cartels and possibly ship them to the moon or something...postage due.

    2. "We the people" do not rule. The majority does not rule. Money does. It has been that way for much longer than most people care to admit. Spending your money on what you believe in is the only vote you have left.

    3. Your sphere of influence only extends out a little bit, as it should. The power hungry seek ever-expansive spheres. They are sick and need help. There is something wrong with their brains, and obviously ours too since we allow it to continue. The point is, do what you can to change YOU and the people in your little sphere. The effect will be much greater and much more rewarding than trying to influence the unwashed masses. Be the change you want to see in the world. Thats all we can hope for. Peace, OM, much love.

