Tuesday, August 7, 2012
The eternal fight for equality rolls on.
In my last post I touched on the subject of gay marriage and gave some thoughts on the opposition to it. I feel the need to expand upon this as the more I think about this subject the more pissed off I get. For decades we have heard about the civil rights movement and equal rights for all people no matter their skin color, yet government approved discrimination is alive and well but since it’s just the queers who cares. Look at that last statement and stop to think on it for a second, go ahead I’ll wait....... Good now after just a moment thought do you not see how asinine that statement is? During the early part of the 20th century this was the thought behind segregation, they are just niggers who cares, yet today we tout equal rights for all except for the homos, how again is this equal rights? To call something equal means that it applies to all not just to some. The fact that we still deny gays equal rights is a slap in the face to the civil rights leaders that are looked up to today, from a woman on a bus to a man with a dream. Every time the issue of gay marriage comes up you get the various religious leaders coming out and speaking against it as a sin, and how God says that being gay is evil. Hey that’s your opinion and you are entitled to it, you even have the right to say whatever you want on the subject, you have the right to gather and protest against gay marriage, this is a free country and those rights are guaranteed to you by the Constitution. However claiming that gay marriage should not be allowed because your book says so is wrong. Denying a group of people equal rights based on your personal beliefs is wrong. I don't know if anyone has ever told any church but not everyone believes the way you do, that goes for all religions, whether it be Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Jedi, Sikh, Satanist, Wicca, scientologist, or any others that I have missed. Just because you believe that gays shouldn’t marry does not make it a great basis for a law. Basing law on your morality is a very very bad idea, look to the countries that live under sharia law. Women can and are stoned for adultery, men can and do marry and have sex with teen girls, and if the girl refuses she can be beaten, this is law of morality. Is this what you want in a FREE country? The whole point of the United States was to break away from a country that tried to regulate morality and oppress those that did not conform to those morals. Why do you think the first ten amendments of the constitution are called the Bill of RIGHTS? The argument that gay marriage somehow threatens the sanctity of traditional marriage is a crock of shit thought up by a bunch of homophobic old bastards to give the churches a great talking point for the TV cameras. How in the hell does the marriage of two people you have never met have anything to do with your marriage? According to your bible only one Christian man and one Christian woman can get married yet you have no problem with Muslims, Jews, atheists getting married as long as it’s a man and a woman. Picking and choosing your morals is bullshit it’s either all or nothing you hypocrite. And while we are on the subject of hypocrisy, how man of you oh so pious good church going men rail against gays yet watch girl on girl porn on the sly? So I guess being gay is ok as long as both women are hot? I have discovered over time that most people that are homophobic are so because they are in denial they have a small dark side that wonders whit its like, or sometimes they are so far in the closet they could give you an accurate weather report from Narnia. Instead of telling people that it is wrong for them to love a person of the same gender how about you try reading the bible you are using to browbeat people with. Jesus taught love and tolerance, not bigotry and hatred. When he was being crucified he said "Father forgive them for they know not what they do" He forgave the people that murdered him, if that isn’t tolerance I don't know what is. Yet you will use the same teachings and twist them to fit your agenda. The Muslim faith is no better under sharia law gays are murdered flat out, well I guess telling them they cant marry is ok by that standard, at least you aren’t putting them to death. I have news for you people the only way we will ever end discrimination and hate is to realize that we are all one race HUMAN, and we are all different, how you choose to live your life is up to you. Why do you have so much hatred for people you will never meet? Here is a question for all religious people that speak out against gay marriage. What would you do if one day your son or daughter came home and introduced you to the love of their life and that person was the same sex as your child? That right your son is gay, and wants to get married to his male partner. Would you deny them the happiness you have had in your marriage? We tell companies that refusing to hire a person based on sexual orientation is a crime, refusing to let gays into your establishment is a crime, yet telling gay people that they are not good enough to marry is OK. What the fuck is wrong with us? Why does every group of people have to fight the same battle over and over again? Women had to fight for the right to vote, for equal pay, Blacks had to fight for equal rights; they had to fight for the right to drink from the same water fountain as a white person. Since we can no longer oppress the niggers, chinks, zips, and wetbacks, and we gave in to the women, we need a group to hold down to uphold moral superiority. I guess all that’s left is the fags, but that’s ok they are just queers. Fuck our society is stupid, it’s a wonder our country has survived this long without tearing itself to pieces. Most of the people that are vehemently against this are the same type of people that sixty years ago would have been running around wearing white sheets with pointed hoods. This proves you can’t fix stupid neither can you legislate morality. There is a famous document that starts with the line ALL men are created equal; there is no caveat that says except for queers, all are equal. So if we are to base our society on this it seems obvious that there is no good reason to continue to deny gays the right to marry. I challenge anyone to give me a good reason not based on one religion or another, or your own personal bias to show me a good reason to continue this form of discrimination. I have no problem with any group of law abiding people; I don’t care what you believe whom you choose to love, or how you live your life. I only want one thing for others to live their lives and be happy while not harming other people. I do have a major hatred for groups that would prey upon others, criminals, politicians, racist hate groups, terrorists; to me these are not people. I don’t care what you look like, black, brown, red, green, yellow, I don’t care, gay, straight, bi, transgender, asexual, again I don’t care. But depriving any group of people equal rights for any reason is stupid, doing so based on your personal, views, beliefs, or bias, is monumentally stupid. Wake up people it is time we as HUMAN BEINGS realized that being different is not a crime, If Neal and Bob want to get married why should we care? If two women want to get married why should we stop them, that is between them and has nothing to do with the rest of the world? The defenses of because that is how it has always been and because God said so are not a reason to deny equal rights to any group. In the past blacks were forced to sit at the back of the bus, and women could not vote. Those rules were changed because they were wrong, it is long past time to quit holding on to the past and move into the future. A future where whom you love matters not at all, but the fact that you have someone to love is what is most important. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY Hillbilly.
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