Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Your government wants unarmed subjects not armed citizens.

In the wake of the mass murder in Aurora Colorado two of our esteemed Overlo er elected officials have decided it is high time to do something to curb gun crimes. What pray tell do these oh so highly educated and intelligent people want to do you ask? Common sense would dictate that we strive to help those with mental health issues deal with their problems in a way that does not include killing other people, or maybe work to wards keeping career criminals out of society. Well I hate to tell you this but common sense isn't. New York rep Carolyn McCarthy and New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg, have decided to propose the Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act, what this law would do is ban all online sales of ammunition to citizens of the US, and it would require you to be a licensed dealer to sell any ammunition. Other regulations include requirement of photo ID to purchase ammo if you are not a licensed dealer and all licensed dealers would have to report sales of 1000 rounds of ammunition to a single person in a 5 day period as that proves you are a suspicious person. Really my purchase habits of legal products make me a terrorist or mass murderer? I have several issues with this proposed law, and the people proposing it. Lets start with our esteemed representatives, They were elected by states with some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation yet in both states violent crime rates are out of control. Yet these people feel like they have the intelligence to tell the rest of the country how to curb crime. You mental deficients cant even make your own states safe for people why the hell should the rest of the country listen to you? Telling me how much ammo I can purchase is ludicrous and will do absolutely nothing to curb crime. Putting people on a list of suspicious persons due to the amount of ammunition they purchase at one time will do nothing but put a further strain on already overworked police forces, and will de absolutely no deterrent to a determined criminal. Lets say that the Anti freedom Nazis had gotten their wish and all guns had been banned and all citizens were nothing more than unarmed subjects, James Holmes would still have committed his act of terror. If he had used a OKC style truck bomb he could have leveled the theater and killed far more people, had he done that would these two useless dipshits then be calling for restrictions on the amount of diesel fuel you could purchase? We all know the answer to that question is no as the big oil companies have paid good money for the government of the US. All the anti freedom groups across the country are screaming for bans on high capacity magazines and assault weapons, and wanting to limit the freedoms of the citizens of this country in reaction to the act of a severely disturbed individual. I have news for you people if you take away the second amendment the rest will shortly follow, the reason the founders of this nation put in the right to keep and bear arms was to protect the freedoms guaranteed by the constitution. The second amendment is the last line of defense against tyranny. Adolph Hitler disarmed the German people in 1935, as a holocaust survivor if they felt safer after their guns were taken away. How long would the freedoms of speech, religion, and expression last if there were no way for the people to rise up and fight back against tyranny? It is very simple we do not need more laws regulating arms we need more people to arm themselves and realize that they are the ones responsible for protecting themselves from the darkness. Lets look at three of the past mass shootings and where they occurred. Columbine high school, a gun free zone, Virginia Tech a gun free zone, Aurora Colorado the movie theater was a gun free zone. Do you notice a pattern here? Three of the worst acts of domestic terror were all committed in gun free zones the criminal scumbags that committed these atrocities did not stop and shay shit I cant do this its a gun free zone, no they looked at these places and thought to themselves oh goody a shooting gallery where the law abiding sheep will have no way to shoot back. How did these gun free zones make anyone safer? I am sick and tired of being considered a nut or paranoid because I choose not to be a victim, I carry a gun with me when I go out not because I am looking to shoot someone but because I am looking to keep someone from shooting me. I love how all of the senators and representatives that put these plans together to take away your right to defend yourself all have armed guards at their homes and offices. The President of the United States is surrounded at all times by men with automatic weapons and there are teams of gun toting security everywhere he goes yet he would love nothing more than to take away your right to self protection. Ok Mr. gun grabbing anti freedom Nazi first you find a way to take the guns from the criminals then disband your armed bodyguards get rid of the bulletproof limo start flying commercial like all the other peasants and then maybe I would consider it. Yet for all of their mewling and scare tactics they still do not get the fucking point, CRIMINALS DO NOT CARE ABOUT GUN LAWS. It does not matter how many gun laws you enact the only people that will obey them are the law abiding citizen. Why we feel we have to punish the many over the deeds of the few is beyond me. Lets say you work at a bank, and your co worker steals $500 should the bank then fire everyone over the act of one person? Everyday drunk drivers kill more people than criminals with guns, yet we do not put tougher regulations on alcohol. Cars kill more Americans than any other object yet anyone can purchase a car, why are we not up in arms over this? If you believe what is written in the bible the first murder was committed with a rock and to this day a rock can still be used to kill someone so lets ban rocks. We put the blame for these crimes on the object used, on society, on violent video games, on violence in movies, yet none of the lawmakers in Washington D.C. stops to think maybe we should blame the fucking nut job that just killed twelve people for no good god damn reason. The arrogance of these people makes me sick. Is there something in the water in DC that's just makes these people stupid the minute they arrive? Limiting the rights of the many will harm only those who obey the laws to begin with. Those who trade liberty for safety deserve neither. We live in a world of risks, you could step outside tomorrow and get hit by a bus. Do we ban busses? Telling me that I am a bad person because I want to own a gun is stupid looking at me like I am a terrorist because I choose to exercise my rights is just moronic. If I see someone being robbed at gun point I am going to help them I will not first ask the victim if he is pro or anti gun. The anti gun crowd has it all wrong we don't need less guns we need more guns. Look at Mexico that country has ridiculous gun laws yet it is one of the most dangerous places in the world right now. The cartels are armed to the teeth and anyone that buys the story that they are buying their guns in America is either in severe denial or to stupid and blind to be allowed to speak. The cartels get the majority of their guns from either the corrupt Mexican government or from countries that wish to see Mexico tear itself to pieces. The only losers in that country are the citizens that have no real way to defend themselves. Is this really what we want our country to become? Do you really want to have the entire populace of the US living in fear of the criminals that have the guns? Of course the politicians don't give a shit about that as they have bodyguards to keep them safe. This proposed law is complete bullshit it is knee jerk reactionary look we are doing something bullshit. Anyone who believes this will do a damn bit of good is just a moron. The great 1994 assault weapons ban the Slick Willy signed into law did nothing to curb crime, another ban will do the same nothing. Why are we wasting our time with these laws that do nothing? They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions if this is true our lawmakers are building a six lane expressway and the sheep that support them are helping them right along. When the people are disarmed and the tyrants anoint themselves our divine rulers and take away all our freedoms will you then see the mistake you have made? Even if you do by then it will be to late. Do not hate me for wanting to keep my freedom, hate yourself for giving yours away. But what the Hell do I know I am just an Angry Hillbilly.

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