Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Why would anyone defend a traitor?

This week saw several protests in support of Bradley Manning, the former soldier that stole thousands of classified documents and sent them to Julian Assange who at the time was running the website wikileaks. What I don't understand is how anyone in their right mind can support this piece of shit, he knowingly gave out US military secrets during a time of war, there is no way of knowing how many soldiers were killed because of his actions. What he did is pure and simple TREASON, yet the mindless sheep are lauding him as a great hero for exposing the evil government. This person (I just cant call him a man nor will I ever refer to the rank he had as he is a disgrace to both men and the uniform.) took an oath to defend this country and serve with dignity and respect and then threw that all away by sending information to a civilian who then published it on the internet for all the world to see. A world that included our enemies, how much of this information did they use to target our forces with IED's or suicide attacks? It makes me sick to see people praising this thing as a hero. You want to see a hero folks turn on the news and watch for the soldiers still actively serving in that hell hole, our glorious dipshit in chief promised to pull the troops out and all he has done is moved forces from Iraq to Afghanistan, these men and women risk their lives every day so you don't have to. The protestors want Manning freed and are calling on the President to release him, they carry sign that read, "Stop Torturing Bradley Manning" this man should be tortured he turned his back on his country, his fellow soldiers, and his honor when he stole those documents. He faces 22 charges including theft of public records, wrongfully causing intelligence to be published on the internet, and the biggest charge is aiding the enemy, that last charge can carry the death sentence although the prosecution will not seek it. One comment I read on the news story says "He obviously thought he was doing the right thing for the right reasons." that's your defense of this asshole? I thinks shooting rapists in the forehead is the right thing to do and yet that would not get me out of a murder charge. Just because you think its right does not make it legal. This sub human slime gave military intelligence to the ENEMY, intelligence they could use to target military forces. That right there is a treasonous act, in the old days he would already have been swinging from a tree and there would have been no protests. The fact that his supporters are collecting money to pay for his lawyers is astounding to me, why would anyone donate money to this cause? If you people hate this government so much why don't you work to change it? If you all think the government is so corrupt use your vote, work to get the corruption out of Washington. The funny thing about this is that most of the people protesting the treatment of Manning are the same people that voted for the corrupt regime that is in power now. How is that change working out for you? Where is your hope now? You actually expected a politician with 0 experience to actually do anything to improve this country, you are either incredibly stupid, or incredibly gullible. Do not feel pity for Manning he made his bed, now he must lie in it. The only thing I feel towards this piece of shit is disgust, he put his brothers in harms way to stroke his own ego, you arrogant little prick you have sewn the wind now reap the whirlwind. Rot in Hell Manning you are a traitor and a scumbag. But what the HELL do I know I am just an ANGRY HILLBILLY.

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