Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Todays Liberal = Yesterdays Communist.
The hypocrisy of people never ceases to amaze me, lets take a look at some things that are going on in the world today and have a laugh or two at the hypocrisy of some people. I have been reading news stories on CNN, Fox "news", MSNBC, and other "Mainstream Media" websites and the blantant bias is only overshadowed by the stupidity of the people that place comments on the stories. Example number one, there was a story on CNN about a boy who went with a group of children to swim at a public pool when the group arrived they were met with racial slurs and bigotry, this event happened in 2009 why is it news today? The parents of the children in the group sued the ownership of the pool for the behavior of the other people that were using the facility that day. Just last week the plaintiffs in the suit were awarded a settlement each person that took part in the lawsuit will be awarded anywhere from 10 to 15 thousand dollars. The pool closed down a few months after the incident and all assets were sold off to pay off debts, so the chances of anyone actually getting any money are slim and none. But that is not the issue I have with this story the issue for me is in the comments. One of the commenter kept repeatedly going on and on about rich WHITE racist republicans all acting just like these people and the despicable bigots that would treat children this way must all have been rich white republicans. Really, only rich white people are racists is that really what you are telling me? This person went on to claim that all republicans are "bumbling hillbillies" and all white people should be ashamed of themselves for the way they treat minorities. I have been called many things in my life and normally I adopt the attitude of ignore the ignorant, but this time I just cant seem to let it go so here we go with the rant portion of this topic. WTF you bigoted intolerant bitch, I am the Angry Hillbilly, and I am no racist I simply refuse to bow to political correctness run amok, I will call a spade a garden tool, and I will exercise my right to free speech. Your opinion is yours and you have every right to shout it from the roof tops if you want but please be prepared for someone like me to slap your ignorant ass down when you get up on your high horse. What happened to these children was despicable but that should not have been grounds for a lawsuit, I am sorry to say that this world has some very ugly people in it and the sooner we realize this and learn to have a little thicker skin the better off we will be. One of the best ways to show your displeasure at the treatment you receive at any establishment is to simply take your business elsewhere, and lodge a complaint with the BBB and don't forget to tell all your friends about the crappy service and attitudes at said establishment. The lawsuit happy entitlement generation we are raising is getting out of hand. Everywhere you look anymore you find more and more stories about people or groups of people that want something for nothing, from needless lawsuits to the occupy movement, all of these people seem to think that the world owes them something. These are the same people that got participation awards in school, and were never really taught that working hard is the way to accomplish your goals in life. Every story I read during the occupy craze had comments from the "99%" that railed against corporations making huge profits and while they had no job, car, house, whatever. People blaming the banks when their homes were foreclosed, their cars repossessed, excuse me if I have 0 sympathy and sound like a complete dick here but, YOU TOOK OUT A LOAN. When you take out a loan you sign a contract that states the you will pay it back with interest, if for some reason you do not understand the contract DON'T FUCKING SIGN IT. It really is that goddamn simple, no owes you a fucking thing, I have a house I pay my mortgage every month if I should stop doing so the bank will foreclose on my house and will take it away, that is the deal I agreed to when I signed the paperwork. Another story along this line revolved around an older woman whose house was in foreclosure and she was refusing to move out stating that the bank tricked her and that she had not have to pay any more for the house. Here is the rub folks, bank documents show she owed $50,000 and had not made a payment for 2 YEARS, that's right she signed a contract for an equity loan and then never made a payment. The commenters on this story were behind her 100% and thought that the bank was being horrible for trying to foreclose on this poor unfortunate woman after they had swindled her out of her home. Again I say if you can't understand the contract, DON'T FUCKING SIGN IT. The fact that the bank waited two years to do anything tells me that they tried to get their money but when that failed they took the only option left to them. The comments were all in the same vein claiming that the banks just love to take advantage of people and then screw them over to take their houses away to sell them again. That is complete bullshit, in today's market the banks really don't want to do that as they know that they are going to take a loss on every house they foreclose on, houses in this area are not selling for what they were 3 years ago. It astounds me that people believe that the government should provide them with food, shelter, clothing, and money, I truly wonder if these people understand what they are asking for. Lets move on to yet another batch of hypocrites our duly elected overlo.... er representatives in Washington D.C. in the days following the Aurora Colorado shooting some members of our federal government decided that this was the perfect excuse to bring up the subject of gun control yet again. These fear mongering douche bags are using this tragedy to further their own agendas while claiming to have the good of the people at heart. BULLSHIT. This is nothing more than the liberal (IE communist) Democrats finding yet one more excuse to try to once again gut the second amendment, using this tragedy as the basis for your anti freedom campaign is completely out of line, telling people that by giving up just a little bit of your freedom will make everyone safer is a crock of shit and they know it, but these people believe that you the citizen are far to stupid and gullible to get it. Trading freedom for safety makes one neither free nor safe, ask the Jews of Hitler's Germany, although that will require the services of a medium and a séance as most of them are DEAD. Senator Dianne Shitstain, wants to re enact the 1994 assault weapons ban only this time she and her anti freedom gun grabbing friends want to expand upon this travesty of legislation. They want to make any bans enacted permanent, and not only are they after assault weapons, but like last time high capacity pistol magazines, and now we need to include high capacity rifle magazines over .22 caliber. I wonder if anyone realizes that dear Diane in all of her gun hating glory happens to have a California Concealed Carry License, that's right folks its perfectly fine for her to carry a pistol but not for you. This arrogant bitch is surrounded by body guards armed with machine guns, and has a license to carry a pistol, yet she believes that by banning guns and high capacity mags she will deter crime. Hey stupid how about you fire the guards hand over your weapons and lose the bullet proof limo and take a drive through the ghettos of LA, then tell me how safe you feel. Why is it ok for our leaders to be surrounded by guns but we the people should not be allowed to have any? Hypocrisy in action folks, you can bet your sweet ass that any bans put in place would have 0 effect on crime, nor would our reps have to worry about them. I find it off how so many people will call themselves liberal yet want more and more government involvement in their lives. I was under the impression that liberal meant you were more free from constraints, and outside involvement. When exactly did liberal come to mean communist? The leadership of the Brady Center end Gun Violence are one and all allowed to carry concealed weapons. That's right folks the biggest ANTI gun group in the nation, and they can carry guns. These people don't want guns banned they want the right of the citizen to keep and bear arms removed. They want you to be unarmed subjects, forced to kneel at the alter of government and ask, "please sir can I have some more?" this leads me to another question that has been bothering me. What are the chances that the Aurora shooter and the nut case in Wisconsin that shot up the Sikh temple were actually patsies for the liberal anti freedom groups that want to destroy our constitution? Most politicians had decided to ignore the gun control issue altogether as it is just to hot an issue and if you find yourself on the wrong side you will fail to keep power. Yet now we have two high profile mass shootings back to back and all of a sudden the gun control debate is once again front and center, seems a little to convenient to me. I have to include our Glorious leader his eminence the illustrious potentate in any discussion on hypocrisy, as he is one of the biggest hypocrites of the bunch. This is a man that swore up and down that he wanted more transparency on government yet when it came time to vote on his health care bill he started gathering votes by making back door deals with representatives that were on the fence, he said in his campaign that he would repeal the patriot act and yet he continued it and made it stronger. He claimed that if the economy wasn't better and that if unemployment didn't fall to below %8 he would not run for reelection, yet he is out on the campaign trail now. The only thing he did do was to pull troops out of Iraq, but he forgot to mention the fine print out of Iraq and into Afghanistan, he has done nothing to end the wars started by his predecessor yet he gets a Nobel Peace Prize. If this man had any morals or conscience he would have refused the award, and told them when I have ended the wars then give me a medal. He wanted more transparency in government yet he uses executive orders to circumvent the house and congress to get his agenda pushed ahead, and cover up his collusion with the Mexican drug cartels. He rails against the policies of the Bush years yet continues to support them, and the sheeple follow right along like he is the pied fucking piper. These same followers will call you racist, ignorant, hateful, retarded, and worse if you disagree with the great savior, yet they can disagree with the republicans and say anything they want. These people claim the right of free speech while slamming you for exercising the same right, they call themselves liberals when all they want is more government interference in the lives of the people. Hypocrisy thy name is liberal. They believe that they are making a great stand on their principals when the call for the gun bans, yet will berate you if you stand by your principals and fight the bans. How is tromping on the rights of the American citizen being a liberal. This is the behavior of communist dictatorships, countries like China, North Korea, and the old U.S.S.R did this we the people of America have never done this, we believe in FREEDOM, FREEDOM for all not just the elite that believe they should be the roiling class and be surrounded by crowds of adoring fans. The hypocrisy that is our elected officials is astonishing, and the days of do as I say not as I do must end, if we are to survive as a nation we need to take this country back and start governing it by the will of the people, not the will of the power elite. But what the Hell do I know I am just an Angry Hillbilly
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